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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Stop worrying, and lets get cracking on selling services and stuff to the Commonwealth and the like.


It is a few years since I was involved in post doc education in universities but then I was surprised by the strong feelings of animosity towards this country by some of the students from the commonwealth. I was told on many occasions that we had been colonial oppressors and raped their country of its wealth, I wonder how many of those ex students are in positions of power in those countries?

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Boris will get us a Norway deal. Not as good as being in the EU but better than the Little England alternative.


whooooo hoooo


you mean free movement of people and contributions to the budget but less influence than we had


superb result!

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To be fair I think that's only UKIP. They have no power.


Boris will get us a Norway deal. Not as good as being in the EU but better than the Little England alternative.


A Norway deal is going to require free movement of people, adoption of EU laws and regulations and for us to contribute to the EU budget.


93 of the 100 most costly regulations would remain in place.


We might gain fisheries control but in all seriousness the net benefit would be marginal.


We would gain control over agricultural policy but our producers would lose all subsidies. If you ever visited a Norwegian supermarket they are dispiriting places. Eye wateringly expensive, limited poor quality veg and packed with stuff like frozen pizzas etc... They may have a nice life there but it's despite their diet not because of it.


Norway's contribution per head to the EU budget is only slightly less than ours.


Norway has the one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in Europe


We will have gained practically nothing.

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whooooo hoooo


you mean free movement of people and contributions to the budget but less influence than we had


superb result!


Exactly! And we don't have their sovereign wealth either.


I can HARDLY wait.

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whooooo hoooo


you mean free movement of people and contributions to the budget but less influence than we had


superb result!

That'd be a nose cleanly removed, and a face comprehensively spited. Called that potential outcome for what it was months ago. But then, I was fearmongering. Hey-ho.


LOLZ at immigration-influenced Leave voters :hihi:

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A Norway deal is going to require free movement of people, adoption of EU laws and regulations and for us to contribute to the EU budget.


93 of the 100 most costly regulations would remain in place.


We might gain fisheries control but in all seriousness the net benefit would be marginal.


We would gain control over agricultural policy but our producers would lose all subsidies. If you ever visited a Norwegian supermarket they are dispiriting places. Eye wateringly expensive, limited poor quality veg and packed with stuff like frozen pizzas etc... They may have a nice life there but it's despite their diet not because of it.


Norway's contribution per head to the EU budget is only slightly less than ours.


Norway has the one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in Europe


We will have gained practically nothing.


I know exactly what it's like in Norway. I had a Norwegian girlfriend.

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Im not bothered by this petition not one bit what does bother me however is that the remain camp seem to think fraud is a good idea to get politicians to take notice,


like i said David Cameron has always said no second referendum so why are the remain camp even trying, anyone else committing fraud would be strung up by there nethers.


Fraud? You can prove it is remainers that are committing fraud? WOW!!!


David Cameron said many things, as did Boris and Farage (rhymes with Garage), many of which have been proven to be less than truthful...

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whooooo hoooo


you mean free movement of people and contributions to the budget but less influence than we had


superb result!


Lost count of how many times this was explained on the other thread.


But it wouldnt be like that we were told. We are Britain, the EU needs us and they would have no choice but to give us a special deal. Like Norway's deal but not like Norway's deal, only more special just for us.


But the EU are lining up to attack us, can't wait for us to leave and are playing hardball, and circling over our manufacturing and services industries like vultures. We have no leadership and all the Brexit leaders have just spent the weekend hiding in their posh houses.


---------- Post added 26-06-2016 at 17:57 ----------


I know exactly what it's like in Norway. I had a Norwegian girlfriend.


Got friends there. They drive 60 miles from just south of Oslo to a supermarket over the border in Sweden to do their weekly shop.


After visiting a Norwegian supermarket it's like walking into another world. 50% cheaper in Sweden and maybe treble the choice of products.

Edited by I1L2T3
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To be fair I think that's only UKIP. They have no power.


Boris will get us a Norway deal. Not as good as being in the EU but better than the Little England alternative.


With the Norway style deal, the country will still have the same issues (and be poorer).


Those whose concerns had not been addresed and who used the referendum as a protest vote will be no better off. How will they react when they realise that nothing's changed?

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Fraud? You can prove it is remainers that are committing fraud? WOW!!!


David Cameron said many things, as did Boris and Farage (rhymes with Garage), many of which have been proven to be less than truthful...




Didn't they have a petition on there once to get Jeremy Clarkson reinstated?


I will say it again: for something to be even considered for discussion in the House it needs 100k signatures. But they have no obligation whatsoever to discuss it even when it reaches that number.

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