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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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The loss of HSBC will probably be seen as a good thing by some - "Lets get rid of those evil bankers"


as long as they leave their taxes behind.....


when robert peston was at the bbc he used to write in his blog how part of the pounds value was a result of all the money flowing into london from overseas.


if that flow decreases then presumably the pound will fall in value

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I think you`re forgetting something, this is a one way process.


I can only keep saying I`m 100% certain if there was a rerun it`d go the other way. Don`t get me wrong the great majority of the leavers would still vote te same way, most of them wouldn`t change no matter what they were told (after all they believed some right guff during the campaign), but I`m certain enough of those in the middle would realise just what this is leading to. Everything from the minor, greatly restricted amounts of booze and fags can be brought in after your hols, to the serious, Possible break up of the UK and already, jobs apparently going abroad (HSBC). One of the very few people I know who voted to stay in, my nephew, has already said he wished he`d voted the other way. He was incensed when Farage said they weren`t going to spend all those (non existent as it happens) billions on the NHS.





I also realise why referendums are fundamentally incompatible with our constitution. Get this, if there was a snap general election, and, say, the Labour party and/or the Lib Dems went into it saying we`re not going to leave the EU if we get voted in, and they do get voted in, what then ?


Oh well ............... never mind. :hihi:

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But these people are still going to need something or someone to blame. If it's not the EU, then who?



It depends on who the Sun and Daily Mail decide to target next eg Gold Plated Public Sector Pensions, Red Ed, Red Ken, Immigrants, the PC Brigade, Do Gooders, The French, The Germans, Argies, Liverpool Fans, the EU, Social Workers


They've all had a turn I'm sure some Public School educated toff working for the right wing tabloids will come up with something new

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ive also heard on another forum that both the government or the leave camp dont have a plan for actually leaving the EU.


they better get their thinking caps on


The leave camp never had a plan. It was repeatedly stated on here that it wasn't required.


They said on here it was the job of whatever government was in power to organise the process. They wanted somebody else to do it for them. Now it's their job. And they don't have a clue what to do.

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Now that we know that immigration is likely to remain very similar and the economy is probably going to be in worse state when we are out of the EU (a 0.2% drop in GDP is all it takes to outweigh the net cost of being in the EU for example) it all comes down to regaining complete control of making our own laws. What are the big ones I should be looking out for that we can overturn when the UK government has full control? The ones that make the likely financial turmoil and huge job losses worthwhile?



Edit - I just remembered that we can only stop obeying EU laws and have to stop paying into the EU if we get a better deal than other countries that want to be outside but have close ties with the EU like we do (eg Norway / Switzerland). I'll keep a positive outlook though as otherwise it just makes the whole thing seem even more pointless! :)

Edited by Cynic
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Now that we know that immigration is likely to remain very similar and the economy is probably going to be in worse state when we are out of the EU (a 0.2% drop in GDP is all it takes to outweigh the net cost of being in the EU for example) it all comes down to regaining complete control of making our own laws. What are the big ones I should be looking out for that we can overturn when the UK government has full control? The ones that make the likely financial turmoil and huge job losses worthwhile?




... you'll be able to buy a new vacuum cleaner with as much power as you like! ;)

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You have no idea how insulting you come across here.


Yes, Alan, I know that I'm the "right sort of migrant".




yeah that rhetoric doesn't really work.


i can quite understand how loob and tj feel, the underlying meaning is basically "you can stop because you're useful but otherwise...."



Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying unskilled migrants already here should leave, I'm not saying anyone should leave (apart from obviously illegal immigrants and foreign criminals) but going forward we should be more selective about who can come.

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The leave camp never had a plan. It was repeatedly stated on here that it wasn't required.


They said on here it was the job of whatever government was in power to organise the process. They wanted somebody else to do it for them. Now it's their job. And they don't have a clue what to do.


Now that is funny, but true. I always thought that Pfeffel would be a very worried man if the Leave camp won because then he'd have to put up and stop playing the naughty schoolboy throwing stones at the neighbours greenhouse. He demonstrated his lack of bottle by imploring Dave to stay on by signing the letter that the Tory Party eurosceptics put together

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and, say, the Labour party and/or the Lib Dems went into it saying we`re not going to leave the EU if we get voted in, and they do get voted in, what then ?[/b]


i'd say they would have grounds to say they had a mandate from the people to halt/reverse this process...


however, having opened pandora's box we have to deal with the consequences.


the free movement of people needs to be rethought and not just in the context of the uk but across the whole of the eu.


we need a large investment in public services, infrastructure and housing


we need a concerted effort to integrate the dissconnected communities across the country


we need a proper strategy which delivers jobs to everyone


an acknowledgement that an unregulated market has failed and that it works best when properly regulated and given a moral compass


there are other things but these are the big ticket items

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