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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Prime example of what I said above... Wrong info, 52% of people didn't feel it was important enough for them to vote....



only 37.45% of people REGISTERED to vote, Voted Leave

only 34.71% of people REGISTERED to vote, Voted Remain


only 72.16% of people REGISTERED to vote, actually turned up to vote...


Why is this relevant?

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yes i know just some people will jump on any bandwagon :roll:



I know,there was a bandwagon before 23rd June that was saying the EU were terrified that the UK would brexit,loads of people jumped on it..............now about that number 50????????

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Why do you feel the need to keep posting variations on the same theme - Xxxx tells us to hurry up leave.


It doesn't matter how many people say it and how many times you post it on here, it's not their call, as you well know.


All of a sudden,Brexiters aren't in such a hurry to leave the EU are they?

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The person who's post you said was spot on sounded surprised. Not you.


So, you've 'got me' because you've mixed up my sentiments with another poster's? or should I say, the sentiments that you imagine the other poster is feeling which aren't even stated in their post?


Wow. That is something.

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