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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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What about the 48% of the country who voted remain..should they be gone too?


A large percentage of those were from Scotland , who will vote to leave the UK anyway now .


The Remain vote was propped up by the Jocks big time.


England voted to leave


Wales voted to leave


It was Scotland who kept the gap down to 52%- 48%

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What about the 48% of the country who voted remain..should they be gone too?


That's already happening.


I came into the office today. The work we are in, most of our business is with the EU. For that to happen, we must be within the EU otherwise clients are just not interested - they need us to be within the EU area for legal and regulatory reasons.


My people were very nice. They knew what was happening. They were all quite reasonable about it. No one had any bad words to say and no recriminations as I made 37 people redundant as they cannot move to the new offices in Germany.


That's the stark reality. All you people who voted to leave - you've chosen a narrow path, a mean ill defined path delineated solely by your bigotry, racism and xenophobia. You've made your bed of nails, I hope it's comfortable for you but I fear it won't be.


Me I'm lucky. I can move. I will move. But many wont, or be unable to. Already the UK has lost a quarter of it's value. It'll only get worse. What will you do when it runs out and it's nice being stuck off the shores of a cold unloving continent? Come running asking for help?


Don't expect any. I doubt Europe will be in the mood.

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I made a joke about it on the Thatcher thread, but what about EU regulations on pollution, water quality in the rivers and seas? Will we see a return to higher pollution?


Aren't all the laws made under the EU still "enshrined" in our legal system? I would have thought that Parliament would have to rescind them if they were to be ignored?

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A large percentage of those were from Scotland , who will vote to leave the UK anyway now .


The Remain vote was propped up by the Jocks big time.


England voted to leave


Wales voted to leave


It was Scotland who kept the gap down to 52%- 48%


Is 12% a large percentage? It would have been 55:45 if you discount the Scottish and NI results.


That's still 45% of English and Welsh voters you would be unwise to write off.

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Didn't stay up.


Go the news this morning.




For me, I made the final decision as I stood in the booth about to place an historic 'x' on a piece of paper.


A tearful Cameron has gone. No tears from him over the NHS he was for privatising and certainly none over his personal tax evasion, the rewarding of his mates, the broken mandates, the meddled with schools or the lost jobs. Perhaps he should have been listening and caring more to the odinary people who voted leave.


But it's a blow for the Tories whose party is in tatters. I hope people will continue to see the light and vote the Tories out at the first opportunity. We need further change if we are really to make Britain anything near 'great' ever again.


We've had a reshaped Labour under Corbyn and much welcome it is. A compassionate socialism is needed to elevate the working class and the current under class that blights our cities. The Tories reward the high achievers and neglect the vast majority of low income, benefit dependent, handicapped, vulnerable, hard working lower and middle classes. The elite have always come first with the Tories and there simply wasn't enough of them to keep Dodgy Dave in Power or the country in Europe. But they will swing an allegiance to the clone [clown?] Boris and big business will come first again.


We are now re-aligned with Europe. They can't dictate or impose or interfere with the laws we want.


For me there was one major issue that swung it. It was immigration and the thought that we were being expected to cope with an influx of people the size of Birmingham each year.


As our population is an aging one, how would the NHS cope when I need it? Or your children need it. That future looked bleak.


Our country will surely change. But that change is now back in our hands. With that responsibility comes accountability. Wherever we end up, it is the people of the UK that are ultimately responsibile. No more blaming faceless beaurocrats in Brussels.


I'm not a Farage fan or a Gove or a Boris. It wasn't about personality but an issue we all understood. How it affected each one of us determined our vote. And not living in the leafy suburbs of Surrey with a flat in London and a six figure salary, I was affected by immigration. My immigration concern isn't over the foreign doctors and nurses flooding our NHS - bless them all! It was over the un-skilled, un-employable, non-English speaking, culturally immovable, benefit dependent masses that the system not only dumps on the country but dumps into housing estates causing social disintegration.


Sheffield is as much known for Wednesday getting to Wembley as it is for Page Hall holding weekly summer riots. All caused by Ms. Dore implementing Tory Housing policy and abandoning those vulnerable people to slum landlords and slum housing and no jobs, training or hope. That's the real face of immigration when the flood gates are open.


With the likes of Moldovia likely to be in the EU next, along with Turkey, more of the Europe's poor and dependent draining our resources is the last thing we need. It's not a case of well educated middle class, fluent in English Poles taking jobs in factories. Skilled, talented, beneficial immigration - yes! But a 'take 'em all' policy? That was madness.


Hence the Brexit.


Let Scotland do it's own thing. Northern Ireland too. England and Wales ...... have chosen. Both countries have a proud history of integration but enough was enough!


Thank god for the referendum. The right to vote. The people - the ordinary people - who seized the opportunity.


That is true democracy.


Accept it.

Edited by Owethemnowt
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That's already happening.


I came into the office today. The work we are in, most of our business is with the EU. For that to happen, we must be within the EU otherwise clients are just not interested - they need us to be within the EU area for legal and regulatory reasons.


My people were very nice. They knew what was happening. They were all quite reasonable about it. No one had any bad words to say and no recriminations as I made 37 people redundant as they cannot move to the new offices in Germany.


That's the stark reality. All you people who voted to leave - you've chosen a narrow path, a mean ill defined path delineated solely by your bigotry, racism and xenophobia. You've made your bed of nails, I hope it's comfortable for you but I fear it won't be.


Me I'm lucky. I can move. I will move. But many wont, or be unable to. Already the UK has lost a quarter of it's value. It'll only get worse. What will you do when it runs out and it's nice being stuck off the shores of a cold unloving continent? Come running asking for help?


Don't expect any. I doubt Europe will be in the mood.


It'll have it's own problems to worry about, don't unpack when you get there.

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Aren't all the laws made under the EU still "enshrined" in our legal system? I would have thought that Parliament would have to rescind them if they were to be ignored?


According to the Leave bumff they're just unnecessary EU red tape. They'll be binned quicker than you can say "mum what's that smell" once we are properly out. Green and pleasant land? Not for much longer.

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According to the Leave bumff they're just unnecessary EU red tape. They'll be binned quicker than you can say "mum what's that smell" once we are properly out. Green and pleasant land? Not for much longer.


I think they need to change the law via parliament? They are not just EU laws, but are UK laws which we were told to implement?

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