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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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I can't agree.


They have made specific promises that the voters will expect them to keep.


Such as? I am asking as I did not see or listen to any of the propaganda from either side. From reading these threads it seems that both sides lied to boost their campaign but I also understood that nothing was legally binding. Its just like a political manifesto, and we all know how well they are adhered to.

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I wonder if he will resign too.


I do hope so


Can't stand the man :gag:


---------- Post added 26-06-2016 at 23:32 ----------


You can't have a situation where one group promises a raft of specific outcomes, wins a vote off the back of them and then walks away to leave others to deliver what could be incompatible outcomes.

They aren't going to get away with this.


That they ain't :mad:

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George Osbourne threatened the punishment budget and to wipe £30 Billion from services if we voted leave. Let's see if they were threats and scare tactics like everyone thought or will he follow through. I wonder if he will resign too.


Sajid Javid basically conceded to Andrew Marr that that was just part of project fear and isn't really going to actually happen.

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Such as.. I am asking as I did not see or listen to any of the propaganda from either side. From reading these threads it seems that both sides lied to boost their campaign but I also understood that nothing was legally binding. Its just like a political manifesto, and we all know how well they are adhered to.




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Agree or not you are respectively wrong.


It was a binary question. The government said whatever the result they would steer the ship and hold until October leadership elections. Instead they threw everything out of the window. It was Cameron and his party that has thrown everything up in the air because he couldn't face the fact that his threats had not gone his way.


George Osbourne threatened the punishment budget and to wipe £30 Billion from services if we voted leave. Let's see if they were threats and scare tactics like everyone thought or will he follow through. I wonder if he will resign too.


So if Nigel farage jumped on a bus, drove round the country and promised a money tree for everyone - you'd still expect Cameron to sort it?


Surely somebody from leave, particularly gove or boris has to nut up and give this thing some direction. We look like the sodding chuckle brothers.


Osborn will sign off with that nasty £30bn budget. At least. It might be more.


---------- Post added 26-06-2016 at 23:34 ----------


Such as? I am asking as I did not see or listen to any of the propaganda from either side. From reading these threads it seems that both sides lied to boost their campaign but I also understood that nothing was legally binding. Its just like a political manifesto, and we all know how well they are adhered to.


Have you been in a cave for 3 months?

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Agree or not you are respectively wrong.


It was a binary question. The government said whatever the result they would steer the ship and hold until October leadership elections. Instead they threw everything out of the window. It was Cameron and his party that has thrown everything up in the air because he couldn't face the fact that his threats had not gone his way.


George Osbourne threatened the punishment budget and to wipe £30 Billion from services if we voted leave. Let's see if they were threats and scare tactics like everyone thought or will he follow through. I wonder if he will resign too.


The question on the ballot paper was binary but that is not the point. The campaigning was not so simple was it.


I repeat: very specific outcomes were promised to persuade people to vote for one camp or the other.


There has to be continuity between the promises and the outcomes, or what were people voting for?

Edited by I1L2T3
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Like I said, just like a political manifesto with no actual legally binding commitments! ;)


We vote for Governments with a manifesto and yet when they get into power the manifesto is trashed, remember Nick Clegg's promise and how that was dropped. Maybe we should also wait for Osbourne to implement his tax rises and spending cuts also promised.

Edited by apelike
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The question on the ballot paper was binary but that is not the point. The campaigning was not so simple was it.


I repeat: very specific outcomes were promised to persuade people to vote for one camp or the other.


There has to be continuity between the promises and the outcomes, or what were people voting for?


I find it hard to believe that not a singe consultancy, legal commission team or task force whatsoever wasn't asked to produce at least a 10 page white paper on this.


For the Scottish referendum every leading law and economics academic was asked to draft a multitude of papers before the referendum was even considered.


All it seems to me is a last ditch Tory or Banker or City plan to stop Article 50 being triggered. They knew they had a chance to lose there will be plans for it.

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Like I said, just like a political manifesto with no actual legally binding commitments! ;)


We vote for Governments with a manifesto and yet when they get into power the manifesto is trashed, remember Nick Clegg's promise and how that was dropped. Maybe we should also wait for Osbourne to implement his tax rises and spending cuts also promised.


It's a pity that Cameron didn't realise that he could have dropped the manifesto promise of holding a referendum.

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Like I said, just like a political manifesto with no actual legally binding commitments! ;)


We vote for Governments with a manifesto and yet when they get into power the manifesto is trashed, remember Nick Clegg's promise and how that was dropped. Maybe we should also wait for Osbourne to implement his tax rises and spending cuts also promised.


Fine then,there's no reason for anybody to take those responsible for producing it seriously as it's nothing they have to live up too.

These will be key figures in the new government,so no need to take any manifesto they produce seriously then,we have all been warned that they have no obligations whatsoever,despite the probabilty that they will be asking for public votes to elect them to responsible positions,as we can see from their vote leave performance they are just playing at politics,and with the UK, its people.and it's global trading standing.

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