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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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It's ok folks boris says there is nothing to worry about !


And I quote "the pound and the markets are stable"

Unfortunately he wasn't told that trading in Barclays and RBS was suspended.


And we thought the Americans had a problem with the Donald ����


At least the Americans can vote for Donald. We just vote for a party.


I might just have a quick check on how my shares in Easyjet are going....... (ok I haven't got any. Wonder if FoxyLady has though).

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When we choose to leave the EU, there are good points and bad points associated with that position. One of the bad points, IMO, is that racist, xenophobic attitudes and actions become validated (in the minds of those who now take the opportunity to vent them).


To me that is a key disadvantage of leaving. Similarly some see the UK's economy as a key point in making a decision. Others may see border control as a key aspect. There of lots of aspects which are plus and minus points for each option.


In my opinion, if racism and xenophobia increase by much, then that is too big a price to pay.


Controlling immigration does not validate racism. Note that we don't have the free movement of people from outside of Europe and I am pretty sure that policy isn't driving people to become racist and xenophobic.


The irony is that it is the lack of immigration control that fuels division, resentment and racism. Firstly when you get too much too quickly it puts pressure on housing (higher costs), schools (less access to good schools and choice) and the NHS (reducing standards e.g. increased waiting times). Secondly, you get a grossly disproportion level of migration from the poorest of other countries and with the poor comes financial support, potential social issues and more crime. Selective immigration tackles both issues so that there are fewer negatives to tolerate and this keeps hostility and racism in check.


Finally, with the football analogy. It is not football's fault that it attracts a few thugs. However, it doesn't mean that you necessarily want to risk having a football club move to the end of your street.


Interesting... try flipping the analogy. Instead of a large group of people opposed to mass immigration with some racists lurking within, think of a large group of migrants from the Muslim world with some extremists lurking within. Can you see why some people might not want them moving into their street? It is a legitimate concern as there is no way of separating out the extremists. It leaves us with just two choices, accept them all (and with them the risks/problems from the extremism) or accept none. I have to be honest... I favour the later because we can help refuges without needing to bring them here. I would also point out that inviting them here also presents the problems identified above... too much, too quickly and too many poor.


Not much different from issuing posters showing queues of foreign looking people - are they refugees? Asylum seekers? Scroungers? Would be terrorists? Benefits claimants? Steelers of jobs? Who knows? Who cares? They look foreign, that'll do.


It isn't because they look foreign... it is because they look like a burden. And that is what they'd be. Call it selfish if you like but it isn't racism.

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I am still not sure this is right, but the analysts are beginning to murmur of recession, if that is the case than the people of Britain won't take full ownership, they will start looking for the next scapegoat.
Based on consistent historical precedent, that's you and me mate :|


---------- Post added 27-06-2016 at 14:23 ----------


I wonder if there's a point where the economic implications for the country outweigh the fallout for not implementing the referendum?
That point was passed Friday morning.


The referendum campaign had already sowed all the damage seeds. Now they're just sprouting. Get ready for the blooming in a few months, it's going to be pretty spectacular :|

Edited by L00b
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It isn't because they look foreign... it is because they look like a burden. And that is what they'd be. Call it selfish if you like but it isn't racism.


How can you see that someone looks like a burden? Does it come with brown skin? :huh:

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Its started already.


A black friend of mine received abuse in Walkey yesterday from a white bloke he has been on nodding terms with for years. He basically told him that after the brexit vote he should go back to where he came from and leave England for the English.


From listening to radio phone-ins and to media journalists interviewing people on the streets, it does seem that a minority contingent of LEAVE voters thought they were voting for all non-whites and all non-British people to "leave" the country. Boy are they going to be disappointed.


That's disgusting. I am so ashamed of people sometimes...


That's disgusting. It's incidents like this that make me ashamed to be British :mad:

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Some MP has asked the government to see if there has been a spike in racist attacks since the referendum.


Some MP should ask if there's been a spike in snobbish sneering around the country from the sulking middle classes that did very well out of our membership of the EU, towards the working classes who suffer the detrimental effects of it and had the audacity to finally say enough is enough.

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Some MP should ask if there's been a spike in snobbish sneering around the country from the sulking middle classes that did very well out of our membership of the EU, towards the working classes who suffer the detrimental effects of it and had the audacity to say enough is enough.




Go on Alan - tell us how the workers suffered the detrimental effects and the middle class did "very well" - I know my EHIC card won't be much use in a few years - what will those poor workers do when they fall ill on holiday now ??

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