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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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We won't be and can't be, if we still want to be in the single market. And even the most rabid euro sceptic politician wants that, because to not be in the market is economic suicide.


Unfortunately being in the market means complying with whatever terms the EU wishes. Which will include freedom of movement. It will also mean complying with much EU regulation, but we will no longer have any say in drafting that legislation or a veto on it. Woops. But it's not like we didn't tell you so.

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Some MP should ask if there's been a spike in snobbish sneering around the country from the sulking middle classes that did very well out of our membership of the EU, towards the working classes who suffer the detrimental effects of it and had the audacity to finally say enough is enough.


Ill clarify. You seem to think because there is snobbish sneering (and there has been some) that it makes it ok for people to be attacked because of where they are from and the colour of their skin. So, and you might be able to help me here - "enough is enough" means beating people up and stickers nad graffiti telling polish people to "go home"?

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We won't be and can't be, if we still want to be in the single market. And even the most rabid euro sceptic politician wants that, because to not be in the market is economic suicide.


Unfortunately being in the market means complying with whatever terms the EU wishes. Which will include freedom of movement. It will also mean complying with much EU regulation, but we will no longer have any say in drafting that legislation or a veto on it. Woops. But it's not like we didn't tell you so.


Britain will quit Europe’s single market if the country votes to leave the EU, Michael Gove, the Leave campaign’s most senior figure, has confirmed for the first time.



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Ill clarify. You seem to think because there is snobbish sneering (and there has been some) that it makes it ok for people to be attacked because of where they are from and the colour of their skin. So, and you might be able to help me here - "enough is enough" means beating people up and stickers nad graffiti telling polish people to "go home"?


You do not seriously believe that that's what I meant by enough is enough, so why ask it? people that have had enough voted in the referendum accordingly.

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No. It should mean we are more selective about who comes. Which is what is best surely?


Now that Leave has won, I have no issue with this point, if that is what people want, that is what people want. In all fairness, I can't see it becoming reality. But even if it did, can I just ask this:


Who will decide the selection criteria? Will you accept that if they are set by the national government there will still be 300,000+ a year coming to the UK if the economy goes well? What about the negative effect, often heard, of 'they take our jobs' - how do you negate that? And what happens when (as it is cyclical) the economy crashes, do you take visas and residency permits away to ensure there are more jobs for British people?


---------- Post added 27-06-2016 at 15:01 ----------


Britain will quit Europe’s single market if the country votes to leave the EU, Michael Gove, the Leave campaign’s most senior figure, has confirmed for the first time.




I would consider this political and economical suicide and I can't see Gove pushing this message. Yet another of the lies peddled by the Leave camp.

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Britain will quit Europe’s single market if the country votes to leave the EU, Michael Gove, the Leave campaign’s most senior figure, has confirmed for the first time.




If the terms of access to the single market are completely unacceptable then they can shove it up their jacksie!


It wont be long before the people of the other major European countries demand a change of the terms to make it more palatable for Britain(and them) so that sensible trade can happen.

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What job do you do Ticker?


Not banking. So are all your sources 100% true?




You are telling me that foreign businesses don't want to carry on selling us things and wanting to make money. Go on pull the other one.


No need to panic, says ex-Bank of England chief King



Volatility in UK shares following the vote to leave the EU is "no reason for any of us to panic", the former governor of the Bank of England says.


Lord Mervyn King predicted the long-term effect of a Brexit on GDP would turn out to be "a bit of a fuss about nothing".


In a BBC interview, he also accused the Remain campaign of treating people considering voting Leave like "idiots".


They ignored the referenda in France and the Netherlands regarding the new EU constitution, and cancelled any further ratifying polls. Maybe that perhaps democracy isn't what the EU wants.


Secret negotiations on the TTIP, the punitive austerity measures in Greece, Ineffective response to increasing mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East and branding anyone who objected or does not agree to this as 'racist'.


You have a different view and that's great. There are many reasons leavers disagree with the remain camp and vice versa.


Alex Salmond: Scottish Parliament cannot block Brexit


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