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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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I think Gove and Boris need to have a chat and make sure they are on the same page of the "How to Brexit" handbook. Boris still thinks we're having access to the single market, which of course requires free movement of labour,
Why do people keep saying this? No-one yet knows what our agreement with the EU will be. I'm sick of these prophets. Countries in other parts of the world have, or are negotiating, trade deals with the EU that don't involve free movement of labour. Will the "remainers" please stop spitting your dummies out, respect the referendum result, get on with your lives and let the negotiations take place before criticising the outcome.
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Why do people keep saying this? No-one yet knows what our agreement with the EU will be. I'm sick of these prophets. Countries in other parts of the world have, or are negotiating, trade deals with the EU that don't involve free movement of labour. Will the "remainers" please stop spitting your dummies out, respect the referendum result, get on with your lives and let the negotiations take place before criticising the outcome.


It's entirely possible for people to 'get on with their lives',and talk about everything that happened since last Thursday,that is exactly what they will do.

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Interesting. If he wasn't in charge perhaps the margin of Brexit victory would have been narrower. He is a tool.


When Cameron went off to Europe to negociate a deal for the UK I had high hopes. But then you log on to SF and the snearing classes are saying he got nothing.

So there you have it. A lot of those folks are now saying we should have remained in the EU and accept the deal he got.

What a strange world we live in. Had Cameron got a favourable deal I might have bit my lip and voted remain because of the obvious desire being shown on all sides. Instead I saw a very clear desire to show the UK the door. I voted leave.

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Watching the debate in the HoC now, seems to me that the absence of Boris and Gove is rather significant, in fact, the 'where is Wally' jokes about Osbourne can now be applied to them.


I also hear a lot of concern about the single market and, more interestingly, Clegg just called for a new general election, which I think should be called. But DC will not decide, it is the new PM's job to weigh that up... ie. he is dodging the important questions.


You're giving me credit that I was informed at all - I saw a snippet of an article where it stated merkel and hollande had spoken. I can't remember the outcome and can't find the link.


Point is has Cameron or anyone spoke merkel or hollande and if not why not?


First part - there is a lot of British press kerfuffle going on at the moment, guessing what is and isn't being said, but in reality there isn't that much official. That brings me to the second part - there is going to be an EU Council meeting soon where Cameron (the 28) will be present for the first part and the 27 remaining EU states for the second part. That is, I presume, where we will get some more insight.


did you even read the post i responded to smiffy? if not read it and come back to me when you got it ok :D


He is not smiffy.

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Why do people keep saying this? No-one yet knows what our agreement with the EU will be. I'm sick of these prophets. Countries in other parts of the world have, or are negotiating, trade deals with the EU that don't involve free movement of labour. Will the "remainers" please stop spitting your dummies out, respect the referendum result, get on with your lives and let the negotiations take place before criticising the outcome.


There is no deal yet. These are predictions only. But reasonable based on other EFTA nations not in the EU. No-one is spitting dummies out on the Remain side. But you Brexiters seem to be panicking that we are right.


Are you starting to get worried you voted the wrong way then?

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When Cameron went off to Europe to negociate a deal for the UK I had high hopes. But then you log on to SF and the snearing classes are saying he got nothing.

So there you have it. A lot of those folks are now saying we should have remained in the EU and accept the deal he got.

What a strange world we live in. Had Cameron got a favourable deal I might have bit my lip and voted remain because of the obvious desire being shown on all sides. Instead I saw a very clear desire to show the UK the door. I voted leave.


That was an entire charade. He didn't ask anything of the EU, he befuddled a number of points that he knew he already had and took them back to the UK. He basically did this because he didn't want to explain that the UK already had a very beneficial relation with the EU. Don't forget this is the man who harped on about 100K refugees, yet knowingly issuing visas to more non-EU citizens than ever before.

Edited by tzijlstra
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When Cameron went off to Europe to negociate a deal for the UK I had high hopes. But then you log on to SF and the snearing classes are saying he got nothing.

So there you have it. A lot of those folks are now saying we should have remained in the EU and accept the deal he got.

What a strange world we live in. Had Cameron got a favourable deal I might have bit my lip and voted remain because of the obvious desire being shown on all sides. Instead I saw a very clear desire to show the UK the door. I voted leave.


I thought Cameron's deal on no further integration was sound.


The emergency brake was a bit pointless. But I wasn't complaining about some EU nationals getting benefits. As Tim has pointed out at length, we could have sorted that out ourselves.

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Yes I read it. And your response. My point remains.

ok so you read it and will accept that what the poster wrote about people not getting jobs within so many days will be asked to leave the country i replied that its not working in firvale :D

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That might not happen. Ange has already been talking to the French chap and the result of the conversation might be "hammer the UK hard" - I doubt it, but I don't know.
.......the goose-steppers and their poodles will not be handing out punishment beatings to the UK as they know that half the UK voted to remain........and we are not out yet!

Although the goose-steppers have past form on punishment,they won't be punishing over 16 million that still want to stay in bed with them!

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