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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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It was the process of federalisation, especially after the appointment of Juncker that tipped me over the threshold of voting out.

Juncker was appointed more or less as a snub to Britain. From there on the rest was inevitable. Had Cameron come back from Europe with something substantive and Junckers power curtailled it might have made a difference. But Cameron promised reforms and came back with very little.

The boy tried, but all he achieved was to show us what we were up against. So in the end Cameron's small concessions probably just highlighted the problems.


The problem is that if we try and get an uber deal that's better than Norway, everyone will leave, or try to. I cant see the French and germans going for that can you?

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The problem is that if we try and get an uber deal that's better than Norway, everyone will leave, or try to. I cant see the French and germans going for that can you?


Marine would definately go for it and the only way she has a cat in hells chance of beating Juppe (or Sarko) is if she is the referendum candidate.

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The problem is that if we try and get an uber deal that's better than Norway, everyone will leave, or try to. I cant see the French and germans going for that can you?


But there's the added complexity for those Nations being in the Euro as well.


I'm no expert but I'd think its easier for us to exit the EU than France.

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What a strange club the EU is. If the idea is to hammer the UK for leaving to deter others from doing so, it sort of indicates that the others dithering with leaving might feel better off out of the EU and need detering. Which I suppose vindicates the UK getting out when we got the chance.


As any action to punish the UK by tarriffs etc is easily countered with our own tarriffs on the EU, any attempt to punish the UK equally punishes remaining EU members. Now I can understand the EU damaging its own economy to hit Russia with sanctions, but doing the same to fellow NATO members seems a little short sighted.

The more I see things unfold the more I am convinced that the EU is turning into the type of state that we fought 2 world wars to avoid. We certainly did well to escape.


I don't think it would be tariffs, it would just be that we cannot bid for contracts.

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Will it be in our interest next year when Germany and France go to the polls and there is a change of Government?


---------- Post added 27-06-2016 at 18:31 ----------


My only worry is that we don't get the right negotiating team ( we may be better with bunch of wily car traders, than our politicians )


Change.com are running a petition to try and get Nigel Farage on the negotiating team. He may be better than a bunch of wily car traders.

I think quite a few people have singed it.

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Why do people keep saying this? No-one yet knows what our agreement with the EU will be. I'm sick of these prophets. Countries in other parts of the world have, or are negotiating, trade deals with the EU that don't involve free movement of labour. Will the "remainers" please stop spitting your dummies out, respect the referendum result, get on with your lives and let the negotiations take place before criticising the outcome.


Where haven't I respected the vote? Please tell me, or can I look forward to your apology?


You appear to have ignored that I was responding to two leading brexiters who appear to have very different ideas regarding how we will interface with the EU.


Anyway, you appear to have not understood that this isn't just about free trade, it is to do with the single market. (This line edited as it didn't make sense).


There's a useful website - fullfact.org which has an example about the single market. Unfortunately I am on a café computer which doesn't appear to let me post links. A search along the lines of "how does the single market work" will probably bring it up. It gives an example, based around a French liqueur, which Germany tried to ban as it was stronger than allowed under German Law. It was ruled that this was against single market rules.

Edited by Eater Sundae
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When Cameron went off to Europe to negociate a deal for the UK I had high hopes. But then you log on to SF and the snearing classes are saying he got nothing.

So there you have it. A lot of those folks are now saying we should have remained in the EU and accept the deal he got.

What a strange world we live in. Had Cameron got a favourable deal I might have bit my lip and voted remain because of the obvious desire being shown on all sides. Instead I saw a very clear desire to show the UK the door. I voted leave.


I took no notice of the posturing and the "deal" before the referendum. As far as I was concerned it was just window dressing. The PM trying to look like a statesman on the international scene, as viewed by UK voters. A complete waste of time.


I voted remain on what we already had.

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It was the process of federalisation, especially after the appointment of Juncker that tipped me over the threshold of voting out.

Juncker was appointed more or less as a snub to Britain. From there on the rest was inevitable. Had Cameron come back from Europe with something substantive and Junckers power curtailled it might have made a difference. But Cameron promised reforms and came back with very little.

The boy tried, but all he achieved was to show us what we were up against. So in the end Cameron's small concessions probably just highlighted the problems.


EXactly my reasons for voting to leave.


I certainly didn't want to be part of a United States of Europe.

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