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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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No you won't, negotiations will be with the council; all 27 states.


I'm sure the drunkard would wish he could make it so. In reality we will be negotiating mainly in Berlin and to a degree the Elysee. The 'official' negotiations will merely be a rubber stamp on the real ones.

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Which rather highlights the incompetence of our former masters at negotiating anything efficiently.


Don't negotiate with the EU negotiate with Berlin neing the way around such long winded nonsense.

I look forward to witness how much more competent the British government is. Colour me fairly unimpressed so far :hihi:


As regards negotiating with Berlin and not the EU, Merkel knocked that one into touch today. Entirely unsurprisingly, since Germany has a big vested interest in the EU continuing on, accessorily as "goose-stepper" -quoting simpletons are fond of telling us.


Put your money where your mouth is, and put in your Article 50 declaration first :twisted:

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But there's the added complexity for those Nations being in the Euro as well.


I'm no expert but I'd think its easier for us to exit the EU than France.


You could probably multiply the current chaos by a factor of about 100 had we been in the Euro, no sane Prime Minister could have contemplated a referendum we would probably have been in the EU and Euro forever, can't see how too many other countries than maybe Sweden and Denmark could consider it. Although in Greece things could barely get much worse, could they?

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Because we will be negotiating with them.


You aren't negotiating in their elections,stop wondering what they can do for you,go and negotiate your own deal.


---------- Post added 27-06-2016 at 18:10 ----------


I'm sure the drunkard would wish he could make it so. In reality we will be negotiating mainly in Berlin and to a degree the Elysee. The 'official' negotiations will merely be a rubber stamp on the real ones.


How many more times,you will not be negotiating with the remaining EU countries,they will just be approving what the council and the UK negotiators agree.

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There you go.




Thats your last AAA rating down the pan. You'll get it back in about 20 years. If you are really lucky.


The rest of the world is laughing at Pob and the blonde gibbon. Have they given you any idea yet what they think you should do - or are you just happy to let them spaff your entire economy down the drain?

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We'll try that again (that was quick mort!)



You don't realise Juncker is the head of the Commission and has absolutely sod all to do with the Brexit negotiations. As I already pointed out, that is purely and solely down to the Council


Yes, the Council consists of the other member states, all of them. No, the UK won't be smarming them, pressuring them or bribing them. The UK will not be party to the discussions between those 27 states. The UK will put a plan forward, this will be discussed, a return proposal will arrive, the UK will discuss this with its assigned parliamentary taskforce (or, as Cameron made clear today, bureaucrats in Whitehall in a specially formed working group) and so forth.


The only thing I find when I google LH is to do with the menstrual cycle. Please enlighten me how that is relevant.

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