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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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I don't think that Boris ever expected or even wanted to win. I think he was just setting out his stall for the Tory leadership election which would have had to happen before the next GE anyway (as Cameron had already said that he'd be stepping down). I think he expected to lose, and go into the next election as the Great Leader promising to do all he could to fight for the UK's interests in Europe, whilst accepting that the people had mandated that they didn't really want to leave the EU altogether.


Politicians playing stupid power games with all our futures at stake. [The PLP are no better of course.]


I think this is the truth. A good cartoon in yesterday's Times (I can't find it on-line, presumably it's behind the paywall). I paraphrase, as I can't remember it word for word:


A sign saying "£350m to NHS", with IDS underneath saying "when I said £350m, I didn't mean it"

A sign saying "reduced immigration" with another brexiter underneath (I can't remember who) saying "when I said reduced immigration, I didn't mean it".

A sign saying "leave", with an exasperated Boris underneath saying "when I said leave I didn't mean it".

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Playing the racist/bigot card to hammer the Brexit campaign or anyone that simply doesn't want Britain to be a part of Supranational government is grubby and desperate and discerning people will see right through it.


I'm not hammering the Brexit campaign, I am saying that the support for UKIP (which was only a small part of the campaign) will disappear if these bigots and racists carry on with their hate campaign. I presume you are indeed distancing yourself from these kids shouting abuse at an American migrant in a Manchester tram, or the idiots that throw dog-mess at an elderly German lady's front door?

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if we are granted access to the single market, and have to abide by the e.u rules as a condition to do so.

Whats the point in coming out of the e.u.

If the UK winds up on a EEA (or equivalent) deal, none whatsoever.


That's exactly what I and many others have been arguing on here for months :mad:

It's a lot more complicated than that.
It's a simple enough question, that can be answered equally simply...


...or do you want to play the "expert" explaining things to a voter?


Remember how they were regarded and what happened recently? :twisted:

Edited by L00b
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Angela Merkel has just announced that if we want to trade with the e.u, we must accept free movement within the e,u,

I would say that, that condition goes against the referendum vote, it is widely accepted that free movement of labour within the e.u was a key feature within the no vote.


Yes,that is absolutely correct.What is happening now,is that various individuals in politics are beginning to put their spin on what 'out' means,when in conjunction with the referendum result.

What the majority of Brexit voters want,is the end of free movement of labour,above and beyond ANY other consideration or consequence.........any other version that includes this free movement is not 'Out' to them.

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I'm not hammering the Brexit campaign, I am saying that the support for UKIP (which was only a small part of the campaign) will disappear if these bigots and racists carry on with their hate campaign. I presume you are indeed distancing yourself from these kids shouting abuse at an American migrant in a Manchester tram, or the idiots that throw dog-mess at an elderly German lady's front door?


Yes of course.

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