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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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That sounds great. If you want 51.9% of the public to vote UKIP for the next 20 years.

You lost! Get over it.


Someone calculated how a vote would change in just 2 years time, based on the demographics of age.

Old people die, and the elderly were far more likely to vote out, young people were 75% remain voters.

In 2 years time assuming that new voters (currently 16 - 18 ) followed the same numbers, and that people still alive didn't change their vote, it would be strongly a stay vote.

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That sounds great. If you want 51.9% of the public to vote UKIP for the next 20 years.

You lost! Get over it.


52% of the population would not vote UKIP. As I`ve said numerous times I`m certain that at this point in time there would not be a majority to leave the EU, that`s the mood as I judge it.

We`ll see what happens shall we ?

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They wouldn't down south though would they, or in Scotland?


With FPTP UKIP will never form a majority.


They will if you drive 51.9% of the electorate to vote for them. They'll get a majority of about 150.

With 20% of the vote they would certainly hold the balance of power between Labour/SNP and the Conservatives.


You lost. This "best 2 out of 3" rubbish is unconscionable, and doomed to failure.

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Someone calculated how a vote would change in just 2 years time, based on the demographics of age.

Old people die, and the elderly were far more likely to vote out, young people were 75% remain voters.

In 2 years time assuming that new voters (currently 16 - 18 ) followed the same numbers, and that people still alive didn't change their vote, it would be strongly a stay vote.


Good point.

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52% of the population would not vote UKIP. As I`ve said numerous times I`m certain that at this point in time there would not be a majority to leave the EU, that`s the mood as I judge it.

We`ll see what happens shall we ?


Or you could accept that you lost.

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That sounds great. If you want 51.9% of the public to vote UKIP for the next 20 years.

You lost! Get over it.


Leave scraped a win. But you don't get to railroad the rest of the country into an irreversible decision and just expect us all to be silent about it.

We won't "get over it". We still don't want it to happen.


If you'd had a strong majority, I'd be more inclined to keep quiet, but you don't.

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Talking in general about the "democracy" of the EU; within the EU, we have to co-operate with 27 other members states, the composition of which we have no control over whatsoever; We can not get rid of other countries MEP's if we don't like what they're

proposing/voting/implementing in the QMV system that we can, and often do, lose out in.


It's no different from me not being able to elect MPs in any constituency other than my own.

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That sounds great. If you want 51.9% of the public to vote UKIP for the next 20 years.

You lost! Get over it.


Oh the "you lost" so suck it up response?


Just think - you might think you have won and got your country back, but in the process you have made me lose mine. I've lost it - I've lost the Europe that I had, with the vast area I could call home. I've lost the ability to work in places as fantastic looking as Dubrovnik and Siena, as cosmopolitan as Berlin, as tranquil as Provence and as icy blue as Finland.


So you think I'm going to be happy with that? You think I'm just going to "get over" losing almost all of the country I live in and be confined to a small narrow little island stuck out in the middle of the sea?


This is not going to stop us. We want our country back and I'm not settling for losing any of it. Not even that small narrow island.

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They will if you drive 51.9% of the electorate to vote for them. They'll get a majority of about 150.

With 20% of the vote they would certainly hold the balance of power between Labour/SNP and the Conservatives.


You lost. This "best 2 out of 3" rubbish is unconscionable, and doomed to failure.


48% will not vote UKIP. With FPTP they won't form a government. With that in mind, you deal with it.


If they ignore the referendum what's the worst that will happen? Something akin to the miners strikes? Which the government won...


Poll tax riots? Took two years before they were scrapped.

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