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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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If Farage voted out and you did then I'm sorry but he does represent you when he talks.


You're a smart guy. Do you think that logic would stand up to any meaningful scrutiny?

How long do you think it would take for me find for me to an issue on which you and Corbyn, or the dreaded Lucas voted the same way?


---------- Post added 28-06-2016 at 13:52 ----------


The level of voting was taken into account in the calculation.


But you make a good point. 75% of the young are in favour of staying, but they didn't vote in much higher numbers than the elderly who do vote.

So in reality your <2% win is not at all representative of the population.


Sure it is. Those who didn't vote don't count. They abstained, and are therefore deemed to have no opinion on the matter.

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It isn`t going to be "2 out of 3", if a post negotiation referendum takes place it will be a different question. I have to say if such a referendum took place and Leave won again, I`d be more willing to accept it. I can`t help thinking there were many protest votes by people who never thought we`d actually have to Leave, plus there are many who are already disillusioned by the rowing back by the Leave campaign on their "promises".

EU referendums have been rerun before in Ireland amongst others (on the Nice and Lisbon treaties) and both times the second referendum gave a different result


You could have stopped after saying "never thought". Have you seen the video's and interviews with people about why they voted out. Some of them could point to the EU on a map! Or probably the UK.

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You could have stopped after saying "never thought". Have you seen the video's and interviews with people about why they voted out. Some of them could point to the EU on a map! Or probably the UK.


Careful Cyclone, Anna B will be along soon saying its a MSM conspiracy to make Brexiters look stupid...


---------- Post added 28-06-2016 at 13:55 ----------


You're a smart guy. Do you think that logic would stand up to any meaningful scrutiny?

How long do you think it would take for me find for me to an issue on which you and Corbyn, or the dreaded Lucas voted the same way?


---------- Post added 28-06-2016 at 13:52 ----------



Sure it is. Those who didn't vote don't count. They abstained, and are therefore deemed to have no opinion on the matter.


I bet more youth would vote in a 2nd referendum.


They'd probably let 16 year olds vote this time. And Expats.

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Oh the "you lost" so suck it up response?


Just think - you might think you have won and got your country back, but in the process you have made me lose mine. I've lost it - I've lost the Europe that I had, with the vast area I could call home. I've lost the ability to work in places as fantastic looking as Dubrovnik and Siena, as cosmopolitan as Berlin, as tranquil as Provence and as icy blue as Finland.


So you think I'm going to be happy with that? You think I'm just going to "get over" losing almost all of the country I live in and be confined to a small narrow little island stuck out in the middle of the sea?


This is not going to stop us. We want our country back and I'm not settling for losing any of it. Not even that small narrow island.


would coming out of the e.u stop English people working in the e.u, i dont think so, its a non starter, of course we will still be able to work in europe why not.

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Even after its clear leaving the EU will not save the NHS or reduce immigration you still think they're electable? Mhhhm k.


Nothing will be obvious if we don't actually leave.


What's the worst that will happen if the referendum is ignored. General strike? Seems unlikely.


As I said.

The rise of either UKIP or somebody truly distasteful like the BNP to a major player in parliament and most likely government

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You're a smart guy. Do you think that logic would stand up to any meaningful scrutiny?

How long do you think it would take for me find for me to an issue on which you and Corbyn, or the dreaded Lucas voted the same way.


Probably quite easily. In which case they would be speaking for me on that subject.

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would coming out of the e.u stop English people working in the e.u, i dont think so, its a non starter, of course we will still be able to work in europe why not.


No, because we will only ever be half out. Which is not what many Brexiters voted for but what is best for the country. Assuming we don't just stay in.

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would coming out of the e.u stop English people working in the e.u, i dont think so, its a non starter, of course we will still be able to work in europe why not.


One might be required to apply for a permit. Hardly devastating.

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and that's exactly the position the negotiating team should take into the council. If we stand firm, we can get a very good deal out of this. It's not about the next year, but the next 50.


---------- post added 28-06-2016 at 13:31 ----------



is that allowed under forum rules. I thought you had to pass a minimum dogmatism test.



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would coming out of the e.u stop English people working in the e.u, i dont think so, its a non starter, of course we will still be able to work in europe why not.


It would stop the fundamental freedoms of movement and trade for sure. That's why it's bad. It would certainly stop my freedom to settle wherever I like.


That's why when I go back to Frankfurt tomorrow I'll be starting the process to apply for citizenship.

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