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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Which will make sure that they won't like to see Britain laugh when the deal is done. Hilarious. :roll:


The man has the sense of a 2 year old trying to assemble a V8 turbo-charged engine.


From the news footage i watched all i saw was a lot of very bitter dictators spitting their dummies out in Brussels .


Nigel didnt have to use much bait to have them all biting.

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From the news footage i watched all i saw was a lot of very bitter dictators spitting their dummies out in Brussels .


Nigel didnt have to use much bait to have them all biting.


That than shows you how reliable the news footage is. Did it show Verhofstad's retort that the biggest waste in the EU was now finally going home, Nigel Farage's pay package? I suppose it didn't.


The Lib Dems have gained a new member every minute since Brexit vote.




The Liberal Democrats, for liberals who aren't happy with a democratic vote.


Yes, God forbid people would actually engage with politics in a meaningful way, much better to remain disengaged. In the meantime, for all the cheerful Leave voters who predict the economy will happily rebound from this first crash and than they will have their cake and eat it, a rather apt analysis of what is likely to come in the Economist..


It seems that Britain is heading for a recession by the end of the year unless markets start to believe that Britain will sign up for an EEA deal.


We will see who cries then.

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From the news footage i watched all i saw was a lot of very bitter dictators spitting their dummies out in Brussels .


Nigel didnt have to use much bait to have them all biting.


Even Vote Leave didn't want him,says it all really.:D

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That than shows you how reliable the news footage is. Did it show Verhofstad's retort that the biggest waste in the EU was now finally going home, Nigel Farage's pay package? I suppose it didn't.




Yes, God forbid people would actually engage with politics in a meaningful way, much better to remain disengaged. In the meantime, for all the cheerful Leave voters who predict the economy will happily rebound from this first crash and than they will have their cake and eat it, a rather apt analysis of what is likely to come in the Economist..


It seems that Britain is heading for a recession by the end of the year unless markets start to believe that Britain will sign up for an EEA deal.


We will see who cries then.

looks like things are turning http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/06/28/ftse-to-open-higher-as-pound-strengthens-but-theres-more-volatil/ :roll:

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I have several British/American friends who live and work abroad, some permanent (in the Netherlands) some temporary. They all call themselves ex-pat.


And how do you know the difference between a Polish seasonal worker and a Polish worker who lives here with a view to stay? You don't, so you call them all immigrants. I have never been addressed as an ex-pat by any Brit, but I have been called immigrant.


See where I'm going?


Not really. I have some Polish freinds who are immigrants (in fact a couple naturalised now) and I have some who are expats. I dont have trouble separating the two.


I can appreciate that the lower dregs of the UK though could well do.

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Yes, God forbid people would actually engage with politics in a meaningful way, much better to remain disengaged. [/url].


It seems that Britain is heading for a recession by the end of the year unless markets start to believe that Britain will sign up for an EEA deal.


We will see who cries then.


I hope this teaches the 25's and under the importance of voting on things they care about. Bested by the "uneducated, working class, bigots", at least they are smart enough to realise how a simple vote works. Can't say the same about the intellectual middle-class students now can we. All those degree's and they don't know how a vote works.

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