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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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The new Labour government has a lot to answer for, for its betrayal of working people of this country. The morning of Brexit I remember Lorraine Kelly was in Edinburgh in some café interviewing members of the public. She had a Polish couple with her; during the interview the woman dropped the bombshell that "10 years ago the Scottish government invited them over to start a business"!


Why,don't you approve of direct foreign investment in the UK?......shall we shut down all the foreign businesses in the UK and see what happens?.........shall we tell all foreigners to take their money out of the UK?

This just shows up the small mindedness prevailing in the UK.

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The new Labour government has a lot to answer for, for its betrayal of working people of this country. The morning of Brexit I remember Lorraine Kelly was in Edinburgh in some café interviewing members of the public. She had a Polish couple with her; during the interview the woman dropped the bombshell that "10 years ago the Scottish government invited them over to start a business"!


Yes you read that right. Not, welcomed them over when they came to start a business, but "invited them over to start a business"!


why is that wrong?


they started a business, presumably employed people, paid taxes, bought and sold stuff which all boosted the economy.


perhaps a better question is why don't or didn't the natives do the same?

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why is that wrong?


they started a business, presumably employed people, paid taxes, bought and sold stuff which all boosted the economy.


perhaps a better question is why don't or didn't the natives do the same?


It's absolutely barmy isn't it?

You just read this stuff and shake your head at the computer,what planet are they on?

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Why,don't you approve of direct foreign investment in the UK?......shall we shut down all the foreign businesses in the UK and see what happens?.........shall we tell all foreigners to take their money out of the UK?


the problem i have is when companies get government grants in the hope to employ local people, and the go to the eastern block to recruit. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/nov/10/sandwich-firm-fill-vacancies-factory-east-european-workers

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Then the grants should be given with conditions then,it's not rocket science.


I doubt that would be legal. Not sure though.

I'm trained in rocket science and I don't come close to understanding modern employment law.

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Why,don't you approve of direct foreign investment in the UK?......shall we shut down all the foreign businesses in the UK and see what happens?.........shall we tell all foreigners to take their money out of the UK?

This just shows up the small mindedness prevailing in the UK.


why is that wrong?


they started a business, presumably employed people, paid taxes, bought and sold stuff which all boosted the economy.


perhaps a better question is why don't or didn't the natives do the same?


It's absolutely barmy isn't it?

You just read this stuff and shake your head at the computer,what planet are they on?


My problem isn't with the Polish couple, I admire anyone willing to go abroad and start a business, but its a shame the government at the time didn't give the same encouragement to British folk, instead keeping them in benefits to not work!

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I doubt that would be legal. Not sure though.

I'm trained in rocket science and I don't come close to understanding modern employment law.


Well it sounds like another Mike Ashley,a british company undermining the UK,making big profits on the back of cheap foreign labour,and leaving migrants to be blamed..........cue UKIP jumping on the bandwagon and blaming the EU.........it's not the EU,it's the company.

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I doubt that would be legal. Not sure though.

I'm trained in rocket science and I don't come close to understanding modern employment law.


Legal or not just look at a lot of UK industry, I only know about logistics and food, but its not a lone story

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the problem i have is when companies get government grants in the hope to employ local people, and the go to the eastern block to recruit. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/nov/10/sandwich-firm-fill-vacancies-factory-east-european-workers


We've been over this in the other thread, remember Phil? Without going into the whole thing again, a short version: there is a law against that now. That UK law could have been made sooner if the UK had bothered. It isn't anything to do with the EU.

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