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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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If you drop it from high enough even a dead cat will bounce.


The markets were taken by surprise, reacted predictable and now things are settling. What it all means for the long term value of UK businesses, future investment, growth etc is all unknown and it will be at least a couple of years before people can even start making judgements.


It should also be noted that being in the EU hasn't protected the remaining members from taking just as big a hit on their stock markets has it? Markets globally have reacted as they have because the future is less certain and it isn't just the UK. Yes, the pound has slipped a fair bit but there are positives as well as negatives associated with that. Meanwhile the Euro nations are still in crisis and are no closer to achieving the fiscal union needed to stop another 'Greece' from happening. Being in the EU doesn't seem significantly safer to me but, as I said, only time will tell who got this right.


---------- Post added 29-06-2016 at 11:51 ----------


Can I only post things you don't agree with then? :D


No, all agreeable posts welcome!

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Just to be clear on the market stabilising today, that is mainly led by the GBP stabilising because Carney is frantically pumping reserves into the currency to do just that. It might work, it might not. The pound slipping and the prospect of the UK leaving the single market has, as Zamo says, also caused panic on the European markets, but again, that was to be expected. The ECB though didn't have to stabilise the Euro, which says quite a lot.


Another, major factor that impacts the stabilisation today is the growing believe that the UK won't leave the single market. I am 100% certain that if the next Tory leader is someone who will work the UK out of the single market (note, both front runners, Johnson and May will not) it will push markets and the GBP down even harder. I think what we are beginning to see emerging is that if the UK leaves the single market, over free movement of labour, that all trust in the UK market will crash like a stone, as such, the next PM doesn't really have a lot of choice, does s/he?

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I am fairly sure that we will never leave the EU, thank God. Even Boris has said we will only discuss leaving the legal union, but keeping the free movement of people and trade. The Lib Dems are saying that if their is another election, they will campaign on ignoring the referendum.


It looks like nothing will change. Big decisions should never be made by the uneducated. To those of you that have families, the bug decisions are made by the adults aren't they? You may ask the kids their opinion, but I'm reality what they say is irrelevant.


Does anyone else think that the referendum will result in a discussion on the removal of universal suffrage? Should the opinion of a low paid, uneducated person have the same value as someone like me who contributes far more to society? I think not.

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But the FTSE 250 is 4% up on what is was 6 months ago. So not only is the UK growing faster than Europe, has lower unemployment than Europe, but our stock markets are outperforming Europe.


The falls over the last few days are recovering rather quicker than European ones too.


SO why do we want to change things if as you say we have this fantastic growth while in the E U.Why invite a recession and risk all those gains.

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I am fairly sure that we will never leave the EU, thank God. Even Boris has said we will only discuss leaving the legal union, but keeping the free movement of people and trade. The Lib Dems are saying that if their is another election, they will campaign on ignoring the referendum.


It looks like nothing will change. Big decisions should never be made by the uneducated. To those of you that have families, the bug decisions are made by the adults aren't they? You may ask the kids their opinion, but I'm reality what they say is irrelevant.


Does anyone else think that the referendum will result in a discussion on the removal of universal suffrage? Should the opinion of a low paid, uneducated person have the same value as someone like me who contributes far more to society? I think not.



This is some kind of joke right? If not, then the only person I'm inclined to exclude from voting is you.


Tell you what, let's put it to a vote of the most highly educated people on the Forum. That's me and tzijlstra as we both have PhDs.


The motion is that everybody's opinion should count except runningman1. Tim?

Edited by unbeliever
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This is some kind of joke right? If not, then the only person I'm inclined to exclude from voting is you.


Tell you what, let's put it to a vote of the most highly educated people on the Forum. That's me and tzijlstra as we both have PhDs.


The motion is that everybody's opinion should could except runningman1. Tim?


I also have a PHD and was a key note speaker at a NASA conference recently. What an incredibly dense thing for you to say, just assuming that no one else has a PHD on this forum, something that is statistically highly unlikely.


I suppose you are prove that education doesn't correlate neatly with intelligence.

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This is some kind of joke right? If not, then the only person I'm inclined to exclude from voting is you.


Tell you what, let's put it to a vote of the most highly educated people on the Forum. That's me and tzijlstra as we both have PhDs.


The motion is that everybody's opinion should could except runningman1. Tim?


I think you mean count. Sorry, the motion does not carry, I believe everybody has a right to vote in a referendum (aged 16+). Whether the referendum is on the right topic or not, whether it was the result of a political suicide manoeuvre by Cameron or not, the outcome stands. I take personal responsibility for not reaching enough people and not convincing enough of them to vote the manner in which I wanted them to vote. Even though I did convince a significant number it wasn't enough. All we can do now is find the best way forward.


I hope that it is the right decision, with full access to the single market, so that is what I will fight for next, not on whether the referendum was a mistake or not (Which it largely was).

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I also have a PHD and was a key note speaker at a NASA conference recently. What an incredibly dense thing for you to say, just assuming that no one else has a PHD on this forum, something that is statistically highly unlikely.


I know of at least one other member with a PhD, but it's not for me to reveal that publicly. Tim and I are both clearly "out" on the matter. But sure. You get a vote too. That's a tie so far then. Still waiting on Tim.


I suppose you are prove that education doesn't correlate neatly with intelligence.


I think you already demonstrated that rather effectively.

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