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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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We have had the referendum , the people have spoken , the result is leave the E.U.

We now have the situation where the people who voted opposite to the result will not respect that result and retire from the debate so as to allow the peoples wishes to be carried out.

So is democracy in our Country finished , has the mob taken over will we be better with a Dictator or a one party state where the wishes of the majority are meaningless.

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We have had the referendum , the people have spoken , the result is leave the E.U.

We now have the situation where the people who voted opposite to the result will not respect that result and retire from the debate so as to allow the peoples wishes to be carried out.

So is democracy in our Country finished , has the mob taken over will we be better with a Dictator or a one party state where the wishes of the majority are meaningless.


Yes, not true, no, no, no and no.

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Guest sibon
We have had the referendum , the people have spoken , the result is leave the E.U.

We now have the situation where the people who voted opposite to the result will not respect that result and retire from the debate so as to allow the peoples wishes to be carried out.

So is democracy in our Country finished , has the mob taken over will we be better with a Dictator or a one party state where the wishes of the majority are meaningless.


We seem to have most of those who led the leave campaign bailing out too.


I'm not aware of remainers not accepting the result. We can all see Boris and Gove playing pass the poisoned chalice though.


Over to your side to sort out the mess. Good luck.

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We have had the referendum , the people have spoken , the result is leave the E.U.

We now have the situation where the people who voted opposite to the result will not respect that result and retire from the debate so as to allow the peoples wishes to be carried out.

So is democracy in our Country finished , has the mob taken over will we be better with a Dictator or a one party state where the wishes of the majority are meaningless.


People are going to talk about it,it's a public forum,discussion will not be shut down,views will be aired,nobody will retire from any debate as long as they have something to say about it.........what you are trying to do is what you are claiming is happening,you are the one trying to act as a dictator..........not going to work.

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We have had the referendum , the people have spoken , the result is leave the E.U.

We now have the situation where the people who voted opposite to the result will not respect that result and retire from the debate so as to allow the peoples wishes to be carried out.

So is democracy in our Country finished , has the mob taken over will we be better with a Dictator or a one party state where the wishes of the majority are meaningless.


So let me get this straight: you want an end to political discourse and your first act on this noble quest is a pitiful rant on - The Sheffield Forum?



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So is democracy in our Country finished , has the mob taken over


I thought that is the very definition of democracy, the mob (crowd) taking over?


The minorities wishes are oppressed, the wishes of the largest crowd trump everything.


The mob is fickle though, and collectively not very bright.

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I thought that is the very definition of democracy, the mob (crowd) taking over?


The minorities wishes are oppressed, the wishes of the largest crowd trump everything.


The mob is fickle though, and collectively not very bright.


So, what would you prefer then?

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That's crude majoritarian democracy. Proper democracy is (a) representative (i.e. you elect hopefully capable representatives), and (b) based on proportional representation. You also need a balanced press/other media.


Democracy in our country isn't just finished, it never really got started. OK, that's a rhetorical exaggeration, but I do feel that the country is headed into the abyss right now.


What do you expect? We are the country that voted for Boaty McBoatface, they should have seen that coming.

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We have had the referendum , the people have spoken , the result is leave the E.U.

We now have the situation where the people who voted opposite to the result will not respect that result and retire from the debate so as to allow the peoples wishes to be carried out.

So is democracy in our Country finished , has the mob taken over will we be better with a Dictator or a one party state where the wishes of the majority are meaningless.


If the result went the other way the leavers would be doing the same and you know it. Nigel is on record saying 48/52 would be unfinished business and the petition was set up by leavers in case of a remain win.

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