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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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What, the selfsame multinationals whose Chairmen/women wrote all those "Remain" letters (drafted by Conservative Central Office)?


How is that relevant? The FTSE 250 concerns companies whose main interests lie in the UK and have a significant dependence on the economy in this country. The FTSE 100 companies often trade abroad and a weak pound helps boost their profits. Simple economics Jeffrey. Just be pleased the markets are rebounding, it looks OK at the moment, the uncertainty isn't gone yet though.

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How is that relevant? The FTSE 250 concerns companies whose main interests lie in the UK and have a significant dependence on the economy in this country. The FTSE 100 companies often trade abroad and a weak pound helps boost their profits. Simple economics Jeffrey. Just be pleased the markets are rebounding, it looks OK at the moment, the uncertainty isn't gone yet though.

Still, it belies the 'Remain' letter-writers. If they'd wanted to boost profits, your argument would involve them urging 'Leave!

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Still, it belies the 'Remain' letter-writers. If they'd wanted to boost profits, your argument would involve them urging 'Leave!


We are a week into this. Hard to say what will happen, but the one thing that is for sure is that things are incredibly uncertain and that is what the Remain letter writers did not want to happen. Also keep in mind that Carney can't keep propping up the pound, and by proxy the economy and banks, for ever. The country is already running a significant deficit. Once the trust there begins to fade even these big FTSE companies are going to have headaches.

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That's probably because many prefer the staus quo- they know where they stood with the EU.


Whilst now it is all uncertainty, which the market does not like and hence the £ falling and (initially) market value falling.


It will likely remain this way until the new PM/government thrashes out a deal that will stabilize the £/market.

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Still, it belies the 'Remain' letter-writers. If they'd wanted to boost profits, your argument would involve them urging 'Leave!


Not all of them wrote a letter anyway, did they Jeffrey?


How's the 250 doing?


Saw Osborne today scrapped the budget surplus target. As will Gove, if elected.

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Why is everyone ignoring the Elephant in the room that is constitutional law?


You cannot annual/repeal/kill and Act of Parliament by saying 'begone Act' or even 'I wish to enact Article 50'.


We joined the EU via an Act of Parliament which still stands. To kill it off requires another Act of Parliament - which means MPs will have to vote on the Act - if everyone writes to their MPs, and the MPs actually vote representing their electorate (as they should do), then Brexit will not happen.


For instance, there are 6 Mps who represent Sheffield - I reckon that at least 3 of those constituencies would not have voted to Leave which immediately overturns the referendum vote...

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Why is everyone ignoring the Elephant in the room that is constitutional law?


You cannot annual/repeal/kill and Act of Parliament by saying 'begone Act' or even 'I wish to enact Article 50'.


We joined the EU via an Act of Parliament which still stands. To kill it off requires another Act of Parliament - which means MPs will have to vote on the Act - if everyone writes to their MPs, and the MPs actually vote representing their electorate (as they should do), then Brexit will not happen.


For instance, there are 6 Mps who represent Sheffield - I reckon that at least 3 of those constituencies would not have voted to Leave which immediately overturns the referendum vote...


That's not strictly true.

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