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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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And you think the drawbridge will rise and all those immigrants will be turfed out or at least stop new ones coming in?


Let's see how that works out.


No. Not at all. Try reading for understanding. Nothing against the immigrants we have, no suggestion anywhere of re-patriation. But there will be no application of EU directives to take quotas of immigrants or immigrants from wihin the EU.


We can respond to any world crisis as we choose and not as we are directed.


There has never been any drawbridge, there has always been access by us to Europe with the diminished power to control our own borders.


Now we are back in control.


Clearly, cheap one liners don't convey the complexity of any argument. You need to explain yourself - it's called joined up thinking.

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I cannot believe Anna Soubry, this morning on BBC, saying 'this is down to white working class people who in the face of it have probably never even seen a migrant!'

Are these elected representatives really so out of touch with ordinary people?


Yes they are rather cut off from the real world down there in London. Perhaps they need to get off Twitter and talk to old Luddites like me to sense which way the wind is blowing...


Then they might realise although I work for a living and am certainly white, I wouldn't fall naturally into the pigeon hole they have constructed for me.

Never met an immigrant have I? - do the two Spanish Software Engineers I was working with yesterday count?

The ones who came to England because there is no work for young graduates in Spain.

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The biggest problem now for the EU is there is now no one to counter German dominance. It remains to be seen how the non federalists react to an EU where they have absolutely no say in federalisation other than to vote themselves freedom. Nexit 2017/2018 might set off the rush.


Because they don't all get to vote on any proposed motion...


---------- Post added 24-06-2016 at 13:09 ----------


My trading screen says I can now buy 4.5% more for my money. I hope the same applies when I go for a drink later.


Presumably it also says that what you already have is worth 4.5% less.


Perhaps you're holding 100k in cash though, in case you want to buy a old car.


---------- Post added 24-06-2016 at 13:10 ----------


My trading screen has the FTSE down 285 (4.5%) at the moment. The DAX is down 7.3%.


Sorry, mistook the 250 to be a reference to the ftse250, which is down even harder than the 100.


---------- Post added 24-06-2016 at 13:11 ----------


I will once my benefit and free housing stops


You're a troll who changes his story as often as a chameleon changes colour.


---------- Post added 24-06-2016 at 13:12 ----------


Hardly Armageddon that was threatened by remain campaign


Biggest crash since 1987...


Perhaps the small number 4.7 is misleading you into thinking this isn't significant.

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When it comes to 'Nexit', it will no doubt become an issue, provided that Wilders wins the election. He might do on the basis of promising a referendum, but that is when, in my view, the moderate Dutch will come and vote it off the table. The Dutch are imminently aware that their economy is reliant on being in the single market and a lot of people will not want to see that change.


It is all speculation until March anyway. I am keeping an eye out on the Dutch media to see what the atmosphere is like.

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The FTSE has crashed, plummetted, nosedived to a level it hasn't seen since....last Tuesday. Then it went back up a bit.


Get a bloody grip.


I have to say, I am quite pleased to see the FTSE 100 rebound. Nobody needs a new financial crisis.

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Now correct me if I'm wrong.... but you said before..




So please would you mind getting out and sod of back to Poland? We don't want your kind here apparently... that's the way this country is going to go. AS the economy gets worse, everyone whose not a perfect little anglosaxon will get squeezed out and we'll end up with the worst kind of xenophobia possible.



the only person that told him to leave the uk is you, I'm perfectly happy for people like him to apply for British citizenship (if needed) if they don't have it already.

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A lot of our waste goes abroad to EU countries to be recycled or recovered under trans frontier shipment of waste. A lot of regs make it easy to do this to EU countries but not outside the EU. I presume if we are outside the EU we won't be able to export waste for much longer under these regs. A lot of shipments have been put on hold recently already causing problems with waste disposal that used those routes. This cold make it much more expensive to dispose of waste for us in Britain. It would really badly affect the manufacturing sector by increasing costs.


I wouldnt call burying rubbish as an expensive way of getting shut of it . It TAX that makes it expensive and leads to fly tipping.

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I'm certainly hoping that doesn't happen, and am failing to see how a "please don't go" offer to keep the UK would discourage other member state's citizens from wanting their referendum: what you'd end up is an auction of cumulative referenda, each asking for still more, and eventually unravelling the EU.


Which is exactly why I'm expecting the 27 and Brussels to play hardball. The 27, each to nab some of the UK's market share across the EU. Brussels, to show member state's citizens what is at stake with a membership referendum. Neither Remain nor Leave made that stake clear in the UK. You can be sure Brussels is going to.


Maybe. And Jean-Claude Juncker (funny how we all now know the name of at least one of the European Commissioners) has told us to bugger off this morning. But ...


I think he played "hardball" earlier this week when he said no reforms, and this morning is his final "hardball" card. He had to say no reforms to discourage reformers (like me) voting Brexit in the hope of reform, he has to say bugger off to make it seem like he means it to discourage other member states. And ...


There has to be, surely, some sort of self realisation and logic in the heads of the European Commissioners. Citizens of the EU are not unhappy with the EU because it is a single market, but because some of their dictates are unpopular. By "please don't go" I don't mean in the way you might plead with a leaving girlfriend, I mean in a way that the EU can show itself to be supported by EU citizens. Like we'll allow sovereign control of borders.


I might be wrong, but if I am I still prefer a Brexit future with proper accountable democracy than one within an unaccountable anti-democratic EU.

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