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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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I absolutely agree, ungrateful swines.




They would be traitors. We allow them to live hear and we pander to their left wing hippy beliefs. Imagine if this was a left wing country and we wanted to go around doing right wing stuff, we would be locked up immediately.


It's disgusting that these people can live in our country, if they want to be German, let them be, but they can't be both.


Didn't read the article did you, like Anna B? It was a German inviting Brits, not Brits saying they're off to Germany.


So your rant looks stupid.

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Apparently only 36% of "young people" voted in this referendum, and they've got the cheek to moan about the result!.


Young, daft as brushes most of them and not engaged in politics.


Not engaged in politics because politics has been captured by self-serving older generations.


They deserved an element of protection from older (should be wiser) generations that should be looking out for the needs of the young.


But the older generations have abdicated that responsibility and chosen to punish the young, and then started goading and hectoring the young afterwards.


This country is a mess and people with your attitude are a big part of that mess

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i'm not sure that's quite right. the world today is far different to the one 20 years ago and the pace of change is increasing.


this can be quite disconcerting to older people who miss the seemingly more certain times of their youth.


So people that are disconcerted by change vote for a step into the unknown, with guaranteed change.


Leave will not be like stepping back into a comfy shoe. It will still be the future, and will disappoint those hoping for a return to some long lost better time.

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So people that are disconcerted by change vote for a step into the unknown, with guaranteed change.


Leave will not be like stepping back into a comfy shoe. It will still be the future, and will disappoint those hoping for a return to some long lost better time.


i know that, you know that, millions of other people know that


i knock around with older people and they didn't seem to grasp that

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Young, daft as brushes most of them and not engaged in politics.


Not engaged in politics because politics has been captured by self-serving older generations.


They deserved an element of protection from older (should be wiser) generations that should be looking out for the needs of the young.


But the older generations have abdicated that responsibility and chosen to punish the young, and then started goading and hectoring the young afterwards.


This country is a mess and people with your attitude are a big part of that mess


Seriously, do you not think that people become a bit more politically astute when they get older, when they have seen through the bs, the lies and the nonsense in their own lifetimes, 'chosen to punish the young' indeed, come on get real :rolleyes:

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Seriously, do you not think that people become a bit more politically astute when they get older, when they have seen through the bs, the lies and the nonsense in their own lifetimes, 'chosen to punish the young' indeed, come on get real :rolleyes:


I agree somewhat. The older generation remember the old EEC and think the EU has gotten out of hand. A lot of things get blamed on the EU that are actually the fault our government but this often is spun, particularly by Eurosceptic newspapers. Hence many voted leave.


Wasn't about punishing the young.

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I must be a traitor, I was born in the NGH while the Second World War was raging but I consider myself a European. Maybe it is because I am not interested in football and don't have any tribal alegience to anyone or thing. In the mid Fifties I went on a school trip to of all places Germany, imagine a group of young snotty nosed kids from one of the most deprived areas of Sheffied let loose in a land we had been fighting not many years before. Arriving full of trepidation I soon discovered that the enemy was just like us and surprise, surprise very friendly, a man heard us talking and came over talk to us proud of his English he had learnt as a prisoner of war near Birmingham thanking the Brits for being kind to him as a prisoner. Some years later a friend was working in a steel works and went on an exchange to one of the German steel works, his host in Germany came here. The next year my friend and I went back to Germany on a motorcycle meeting up with the host family and traveling further south on a great adventure meeting lots of wonderful friendly people, my love of travel, Europe and its people developed. Later I lived and worked all over, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Canada, Holland to name a few. I took full advantage of my ability to travel and work before we joined the EU and after, I must admit life for me was a lot easier after we joined. I think of myself not only a European but a global citizen.
You're not at all a traitor. I'm quite patriotic, and usually proud to be British, but I also consider myself to be a European and global citizen too.


And I have also lived and worked in Germany, it was one of my happiest experiences. Meeting and socialising with people from different cultures and nationalities has so many benefits.

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Seriously, do you not think that people become a bit more politically astute when they get older, when they have seen through the bs, the lies and the nonsense in their own lifetimes, 'chosen to punish the young' indeed, come on get real :rolleyes:


I used to think people became more astute but now I'm certain they don't.


The people who voted this through grew up on a diet of Alf Garnett, Love thy Neighbour and drove to their holidays in places like Clacton and Minehead in crap British cars.


If that is the starting point and people get more right wing as they get older then you can understand what has happened.


Now they have accumulated vast unearned wealth and want to withhold it from the young.


What a stinking mess.


---------- Post added 03-07-2016 at 13:52 ----------


I agree somewhat. The older generation remember the old EEC and think the EU has gotten out of hand. A lot of things get blamed on the EU that are actually the fault our government but this often is spun, particularly by Eurosceptic newspapers. Hence many voted leave.


Wasn't about punishing the young.


The crisis in education and health is completely self-generated by successive UK Labour, coalition and Tory governments.


If a government chooses to expand the population (which all of them did) then you have to expand those public service sectors at least in line with the growth, not deliberately underfund them.


Expanding those sectors creates high quality job opportunities for Britons. It was an opportunity that was turned into a crisis.

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Didn't read the article did you, like Anna B? It was a German inviting Brits, not Brits saying they're off to Germany.


So your rant looks stupid.


If course I read the article big boy.


If any of the Brits take them up on the offer, they will be treasonous and should have their passports taken off them. What did I say that makes you think I didn't read the article? Why do you think I would comment on an article I hadn't read?

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If course I read the article big boy.


If any of the Brits take them up on the offer, they will be treasonous and should have their passports taken off them. What did I say that makes you think I didn't read the article? Why do you think I would comment on an article I hadn't read?


So, you write economic reports about Black Monday, address NASA as a key not speaker on energy, have degrees in psychology and sociology and say you study history. Yet you don't know what treason means.


If I don't reply to any more of your nonsense it's because I'm ignoring you.

Edited by Radan
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