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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Swiss must accept free movement of workers in order to retain single market access.




Remember they are not part of the single market, they just have access through 100+ separate bilateral trade agreements.


This is setting the stall for negotiations with the UK.


Leavers, are you still sure you are going to get what you want?


---------- Post added 03-07-2016 at 14:19 ----------


If course I read the article big boy.


If any of the Brits take them up on the offer, they will be treasonous and should have their passports taken off them. What did I say that makes you think I didn't read the article? Why do you think I would comment on an article I hadn't read?


Treason? Really?


What if NASA offered you a job, you moved to the US and gained citizenship there? Would that be treason?


You seem a bit unhinged and a bit rattled.

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So, you write economic reports about Black Monday, address NASA as a key not speaker on energy, have degrees in psychology and sociology and say you study history. Yet you don't know what treason means.


If I don't reply to any more of your nonsense it's because I'm ignoring you.


You have missed the subtlety of my comments silly. A muslim poster made the first comment, an obvious nod to the fact that people shout and scream about Muslims and demand they lose their passports for many, many things. I joined in with him.


I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to not see through that.


Stop brining up things on other posts, it is naughty.

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I used to think people became more astute but now I'm certain they don't.


The people who voted this through grew up on a diet of Alf Garnett, Love thy Neighbour and drove to their holidays in places like Clacton and Minehead in crap British cars.


If that is the starting point and people get more right wing as they get older then you can understand what has happened.


Now they have accumulated vast unearned wealth and want to withhold it from the young.


What a stinking mess.


---------- Post added 03-07-2016 at 13:52 ----------



The crisis in education and health is completely self-generated by successive UK Labour, coalition and Tory governments.


If a government chooses to expand the population (which all of them did) then you have to expand those public service sectors at least in line with the growth, not deliberately underfund them.


Expanding those sectors creates high quality job opportunities for Britons. It was an opportunity that was turned into a crisis.


Talking about infrastructure:


The loss of European Investment Bank funding will "put the brakes" on crucial UK infrastructure projects.


A vote to leave the European Union will result in the UK giving up billions of pounds of infrastructure investment every year, the Prime Minister warned today.


An exit from the EU would terminate Britain’s membership of the European Investment Bank (EIB), an organisation which has invested more than £16 billion in UK projects over the past 3 years.


Just over a week ago the EIB announced funding of £280 million for the expansion of facilities at University College London and just yesterday it confirmed a £700 million injection of finance for the Thames Tideway Tunnel, a major new sewer which will help clean up the River Thames. Those are just the latest of many projects, covering every region of the UK, which have been supported by the bank.


While Treasury analysis has already highlighted Britain will be worse off by £4,300 a year per household if Britain votes to leave the European Union, today is the first time the government has warned of the significant effects of walking away from the EIB.


Prime Minister David Cameron said:


We know leaving the EU would result in an economic shock in the UK, after which we would be permanently poorer. We also know businesses would lose access to the single market of over 500 million people, and the contraction of our economy would mean less money for public services.


But something less remarked upon is the devastating impact on future infrastructure investment of our expulsion from the European Investment Bank.


Vital projects across every region of the UK have been financed by the EIB. These make a huge difference locally, nationally, and sometimes globally – from the purchase of 65 new Super Express Trains for the East Coast Main Line; to investment in development of emission control technologies in Hertfordshire; to extension of the M8 motorway between Edinburgh and Glasgow; to the expansion of Oxford University’s research and teaching facilities.


Not only would leaving the EU see us wave goodbye to this crucial funding – but, with a smaller economy hit by new trading barriers and job losses, it’s unlikely we’d be able to find that money from alternative sources.


Infrastructure affects the competitiveness of every business and the prosperity of every family in the country – but a leave vote on 23rd June risks putting the brakes on the infrastructure investment we need and shifting our economy into reverse.


The EIB operates outside of the EU budget and is financially autonomous. The UK – its joint-largest shareholder – is a significant beneficiary. The bank offers long-term investment loans to EU member states on favourable terms and its mission is to support economic growth across Europe.


The UK has more than doubled the volume of investment it receives from the EIB since 2012, and in 2015 EIB lending in the UK totalled a record €7.77 billion, representing 11.2% of its overall lending to EU countries.


In 2015, the UK was also one or the largest beneficiaries of the EIB’s new special investment facility, the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), and received the largest single EFSI-backed loan, a £360 million investment in the smart meter roll-out by British Gas.


Notes to editors

The EIB is owned by and represents the interests of the European Union member states. As the largest multilateral borrower and lender by volume, it provides finance and expertise for sound and sustainable investment projects. More than 90% of its activity is focused on Europe but it also supports the EU’s external and development policies.


The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) was set up in 2015 and aims to unlock €315 billion of additional investment across the EU. The UK supported its creation and it is a good example of the movement towards a more innovative use of the EU budget, boosting investment in the real economy.



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The people who voted this through grew up on a diet of Alf Garnett, Love thy Neighbour and drove to their holidays in places like Clacton and Minehead in crap British cars.


If that is the starting point and people get more right wing as they get older then you can understand what has happened.


Now they have accumulated vast unearned wealth and want to withhold it from the young.


What a stinking mess.


Oh so biter, so arrogant and so wrong! :rolleyes:


Most of the young couldn't be be bothered to open their curtains, because of the glare on their facebook pages, and get off their backsides to vote. Did you stock up on Mothercare dummies as you seem to be spitting them out swiftly.


If the young want wealth and change then its their turn to be active and chase that.

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Oh so biter, so arrogant and so wrong! :rolleyes:


Most of the young couldn't be be bothered to open their curtains, because of the glare on their facebook pages, and get off their backsides to vote. Did you stock up on Mothercare dummies as you seem to be spitting them out swiftly.


If the young want wealth and change then its their turn to be active and chase that.


Dummies mentioned again!!! Every time one of you Brexit lot say we are spitting them out you should make a donation to a fund for bottom of the ladder Brexit voters that won't be effected whether we stay in or leave.

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Oh so biter, so arrogant and so wrong! :rolleyes:


Most of the young couldn't be be bothered to open their curtains, because of the glare on their facebook pages, and get off their backsides to vote. Did you stock up on Mothercare dummies as you seem to be spitting them out swiftly.


If the young want wealth and change then its their turn to be active and chase that.


Why is it arrogant and bitter to defend the interests of the younger generations?


It seems they did not comprehend the enormity of what the referendum was about. That isn't their fault. Many have simply disengaged from politics because of the nonsense if is.


I guess many of the young didn't expect their parents and grandparents to sell them down the river.

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Why is it arrogant and bitter to defend the interests of the younger generations?


It seems they did not comprehend the enormity of what the referendum was about. That isn't their fault. Many have simply disengaged from politics because of the nonsense if is.


I guess many of the young didn't expect their parents and grandparents to sell them down the river.

.........I think he means it was your low intellect way in which you described the older generation of this country that was arrogant and bitter!
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If any of the Brits take them up on the offer, they will be treasonous and should have their passports taken off them.


Excellent trolling effort! Give yourself an A-


They're not traitors.


And they're not committing treason.


Hell, they're not even "economic migrants"


No, they'd be ex-pats.


And best of luck to 'em :thumbsup:

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.........I think he means it was your low intellect way in which you described the older generation of this country that was arrogant and bitter!


Why do all your posts start with loads of full stops? Who taught you that?


It makes all your posts look breathy and rushed like you have just ran in to tell us your zany wonderings.


If you slowed down and thought, you might make more sense!

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