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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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..........why should it mean anything? nothing different to my posts over the last 10 years! Yet for you and the other EU remainer Radan it seems to have got up both your noses!

You might probably be both well down the intellectual superiority list by many of the older generation who you seem to consider stupid and ignorant in the leave camp. Both yours and Radans posts seem to have an air of bigotry, anger and resentment about them!......but the people have voted to leave by a majority,get over it!


If you check my posts I've never said I think anyone is stupid, bigoted or uneducated. Nor have I ever blamed the older generation. In fact I defended them before.


I just think your full stop thing is daft. Especially when you couple it with phrases like 'goose-steppers and their poodles.'

Edited by Radan
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..........why should it mean anything? nothing different to my posts over the last 10 years! Yet for you and the other EU remainer Radan it seems to have got up both your noses!

You might probably be both well down the intellectual superiority list by many of the older generation who you seem to consider stupid and ignorant in the leave camp. Both yours and Radans posts seem to have an air of bigotry, anger and resentment about them!......but the people have voted to leave by a majority,get over it!


I think the majority was acheived by a constant conveyor of blatant lies, half-truths, occasional overt racism and the involvement of a personality who people for some inexplicable reason find trustworthy, but who then walked away. It has since transpired that only Gove out of the key Brexit leaders is genuinely pro-Brexit and he has turned out to be an unelectable political basket case.


It also turns out that we had a huge latent issue with racism that the result has triggered.


I do accept the result but IMO it was acheived by nefarious means so you'll have to excuse me for not being overjoyed by the situation ;)

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One nice consequence I guess. Before the vote I made a little hedge investment to counter the potential disappointment of a Brexit, which I thought was definitely on the cards. I repeatedly stated that the bookies had it completely wrong and it turned out I was right.


£1446.25 profit. I'm off to Spar to get some Shandy

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One nice consequence I guess. Before the vote I made a little hedge investment to counter the potential disappointment of a Brexit, which I thought was definitely on the cards. I repeatedly stated that the bookies had it completely wrong and it turned out I was right.


£1446.25 profit. I'm off to Spar to get some Shandy


Good work :)


Remember Mr Osborne said we'd be £4300 worse off per household though :(

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They lost a vote and they're spitting their dummies out?


They want to remember the old people they're so contemptuous of were fighting and getting blown to bits in war at their age, for this country and freedom, against the very Germans that they now want to join.


Well good luck to them. Frankly, if that's all such sacrifice means to them, then good riddance. Don't come back.


I think you`re getting your generations mixed up..... Hardly any people who voted in the referendum actually fought in WWII, they`d have to be over 95.


You`re also getting something else wrong. Many people who did have direct experience of WWII actually want the EU to succeed because it was originally started to try and stop future wars in Europe. There have been no were no wars in Europe in which EEC/EU members were involved since its formation. Rather different to how it was before.....

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I think you`re getting your generations mixed up..... Hardly any people who voted in the referendum actually fought in WWII, they`d have to be over 95.


You`re also getting something else wrong. Many people who did have direct experience of WWII actually want the EU to succeed because it was originally started to try and stop future wars in Europe. There have been no were no wars in Europe in which EEC/EU members were involved since its formation. Rather different to how it was before.....


And Anna misunderstood the story. It was an invite from a German minister to young Brits, not loads of Brit Kids queuing up outside the German Embassy begging for passports.

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slightly off topic


... (typically 3 full stops) is a grammatical term known as ellipsis.


And is defined as a series of dots (typically three, such as "…") that usually indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning.


So I would guess it is being used to show that part of the original quotation has been left out.

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I voted leave, I'm a 44 year old Muslim and I'm not racist and no I don't want all EU citizens kicked out of the U.K.

Leaving the EU has its good and it's bad points, But as the saying goes you take the rough with the smooth.

Edited by mafya
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One nice consequence I guess. Before the vote I made a little hedge investment to counter the potential disappointment of a Brexit, which I thought was definitely on the cards. I repeatedly stated that the bookies had it completely wrong and it turned out I was right.


£1446.25 profit. I'm off to Spar to get some Shandy


The bookies did get it badly wrong, but the stock market is still suffering from the vote leave verdict.

Its good that you didnt get that type of "hedge investment" ;)

Edited by El Cid
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