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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Before you continue to further vilify, accuse and insult older voters; from conversations with older voters locally, I would like to relay this:


Older voters are unlikely to see much or any benefits of voting to leave. They were well aware though, that they may take some sort of economic hit in the short term and see little or no benefits themselves. Yet they still bothered to go out and vote and were prepared to take a hit for their hopes for a UK that they will probably never see. They weren't voting for themselves, they were voting FOR the next generations. People who voted to join the EU in 1975 who feel responsible for the mess the country is in now, because they were hoodwinked when they were young in to thinking that it was all going to be great. People who have experienced what being a member of the EU means for the last 40 years.


Remember I1L2T3, these are the very same voters who were threatened by those outstanding humans Cameron and Osborne that they would lose their pensions if they voted to leave. Yet they still voted to leave. Wow, yes, that must mean they are really selfish these old people, right?


Well if you were selflessly voting for the next generations, you got it wrong, they want to stay.

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Does that also include the ones who just couldn't be bothered to vote as there seemed to be a good many of them?


Such as the under 25's.

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Lets turn this on its head shall we.


The demographics show that the majority of those over the age of 45 voted in favour of leaving, but now you say we should not generalise those generations as some also voted to remain. However we are generalising the whole country's opinion on leaving the EU based on a slim majority. As a remain supporter I need to "suck it up" according to some, my view is not represented, but if you question the generations that voted to leave, it's wrong to generalise them.



For goodness sake!


What's happened to all the decent posters in here?!


All the vitriol so far since the 23rd has been from remainers claiming moral supremacy. (other than a few morons which I wrote about in the racism thread)


The remain campaign people in here and on social media, have done nothing but group all Brexiters as thick. I expect moronic reactions on social media but not so much in here.


And don't tell me I can't read what's been deleted because I can and have. It's few and far between and just usual on internet platforms.


I was just looking at the last 2 GE megathreads, and it's all the same doom and gloom from the same people. Expect riots now; the NHS is finished; all our civil liberties are finished; it was a minority win and should be re done


same ole thing same ole thing :roll:


in fact looking through old threads, I'm owed a few pints too :)



I can't ever remember causing such a fuss when Labour won 3 elections in a row. People voted, and I lost. I've caused a fuss since though about Blair. All forgotten now. :roll:

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Can I just remind people why we voted to leave the EU.


Undemocratic - nobody voted for those in charge, nobody can remove them, nobody votes on what is discussed. and acted upon

Unreformable - Singularly refuses to change even though most agree it's crying out for it. Politicians have tried, politicians have failed. Even David Cameron, when the stakes were highest, came back with next to nothing.

A Failing institution - The EU has tremendous difficulties ahead because of the Euro, the crash and failure to address some basic problems (see above.) Greece, Spain, Italy and France are all in serious trouble and may well need bailing out in the not too distant future.

Corrupt - Money unaccounted for, it has not been successfully audited for years, Excessive amounts of money 'spent' on pet projects. Move to Strasbourg every month alone costs 250 million, yes, every month! That's our money.

Gravy train - Huge expences, Only the best is good enough for these guys, Massive pay for some, happy graveyard of unsuccessful politicians.

Bureaucratic nightmare - Hours and hours spent haggling over details while the rest of the world moves on without them. Reams and reams of paper about not very much at all. The bigger it gets the harder it will be to get people to agree.

Control over our borders - This is not saying we don't want people coming, we will happily make them welcome. But we want the right to keep control, and turn away undesirables. We live in a dangerous world, why ask for trouble?

Trade - There are new and emerging markets everywhere that we can do business with, including a massive Commonwealth family right across the Globe, that we already have good relations with.


Things are scary, change always is, of course people are worried. This is being encouraged by those in charge of government and media etc who are seriously <removed> not to have got their way. It's a new experience for them...

It probably will get worse before it gets better. But none of the above reasons for leaving have gone away. We need to stick together, and support each other, especially those in the first round of casualties. We can do it.

Edited by Groose
masked swearing
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