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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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This claim is utter BS. I assume you are referring to the EU commissioners as the MEP's are elected by us. The EU commissioners are elected by the MEP's and draw up legislation, not unlike our Civil Servants. Their recommendations are then presented to the MEP's who vote on whether or not to implement them.
I thought Anna was referring to the highest level of EU executive :confused:


You know, the EU Council, made up of the heads of the 28 EU member states, each elected by their respective populations (directly, or by proxy like in the UK) :D


...though it might have indeed been the Commission, with each EU member state allocated a commissioner, the Commission President (Juncker) decided by the EU Council, and all of the Commission (President + 28 commissioners) subject to the say-so (and at all times sackable by-) the EU Parliament :D


truman's right though, you can't educate pork some people :(

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I feel you're wasting your time....people had their ideas fed to them by the media over a period of years....lots of them never bothered to check any facts..they aren't going to change now the referendum has happened..


Its sad though isn't it, that people are happy to be fed lies and will refuse to entertain the idea that they may be wrong for no other reason than pride.

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Its sad though isn't it, that people are happy to be fed lies and will refuse to entertain the idea that they may be wrong for no other reason than pride.


Not only is it sad it can have consequences as well....

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Its sad though isn't it, that people are happy to be fed lies and will refuse to entertain the idea that they may be wrong for no other reason than pride.


To be fair to Anna she can blame the media. She does for everything else.


Or should that be just the 'MSM.'


Conspiracy buffspeak for the mainstream media.

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Not quite. It's HM Queen Elizabeth II who, as monarch, is the only person to hold Royal Prerogative powers.

(Even if she permits the PM to use 'em on her behalf)


Nominally only. The PM can do it whether she gives consent or not.

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Not gotinternet of any consistencyhere, so skipping replying/reading until back in Sheffield.


Just wanted to say the GBPEUR rate shows the pound is suffering, it is pretty clear that this Brexit needs to start soon, article 50 needs invoking and the people that be need to sort things out, otherwise it is going to hit normal people in this country hard. Stagflation is looming large.


Ps iPad is rubbish for typing!

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Not gotinternet of any consistencyhere, so skipping replying/reading until back in Sheffield.


Just wanted to say the GBPEUR rate shows the pound is suffering, it is pretty clear that this Brexit needs to start soon, article 50 needs invoking and the people that be need to sort things out, otherwise it is going to hit normal people in this country hard. Stagflation is looming large.


Ps iPad is rubbish for typing!


Gold is £1039 an ounce,, I have a couple of kilos in bars and it stands me at £750 an ounce.

Gold will be going much higher and right now I'm up by more than £17500 so it's all good up to now.....

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Gold is £1039 an ounce,, I have a couple of kilos in bars and it stands me at £750 an ounce.

Gold will be going much higher and right now I'm up by more than £17500 so it's all good up to now.....


Modest gains here in precious metals ETFs. £1446 the other day. About £550 so far today. Silver was dipping earlier and hurting me a bit but still good overall.

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Gold is £1039 an ounce,, I have a couple of kilos in bars and it stands me at £750 an ounce.

Gold will be going much higher and right now I'm up by more than £17500 so it's all good up to now.....


Shame the pound isn't underpinned by the gold standard any more...

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