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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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That begs a question. If a company has to downsize because of brexit, should they get rid of employees who caused the problem by voting leave first?


I noticed no quoting of this post.


This post is one I'm going to screen shot altus. :)

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Care to point out why the UK Unemployment rate is/was low?


First show me the stats that state it was/is..


But no hurry as I'm now off to bed.




We were originally talking about youth unemployment but now you are asking about total unemployment I believe, correct me if I an wrong.

Edited by apelike
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Government incentives, plus the fact that we wouldn't be in the EU anymore and if were not in the single market then the tariff is 10% on cars.


Doesn't have to be Greece, pick any one of the 27


Dismiss it all you want but governments will be looking to take as much away from us as they can, and those companies that located in the UK because of EU access could be looking to move too. It will be for mutual benefit.


OK. So if there is a 10% tariff on cars how are Nissan going to sell the 200,000 cars a year that they currently sell in the UK if they shift production to Greece? Or do you think we will allow the EU to slap a 10% tariff on cars built in the UK and we won't do the same for cars built in the EU?


By the way the UK registered 2.63 million new cars in 2015 alone.

Edited by foxy lady
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There might not be, but when people go claiming immigration isn't linked to general unemployment levels, there is. I am, frankly, pigsick of numpties equating the Roma in Pagehall (who, according to themselves don't claim benefits either) with hard working, contributing immigrants as a justification for Brexit. My pension is going down the drain, my wife's is and that of most people that actually worked and contributed (British or not) is. But hey ho, we got rid of the immigrants.


It is a pathetic line of thought that deserves all the scorn it gets.


So, you'd pour scorn on a Pagehall resident for voting Leave because they don't like the influx of Roma migrants that are changing the face of the area they live in?


What are they going to blame the Roma on, if not the EU? If it wasn't for the EU, they wouldn't be here.


Easy to point the finger and call someone pathetic when we don't all have the misfortune of living somewhere like Pagehall, or Boston, or any other small working class town and suburb spread across the UK that has had an influx of immigrants with it's knock on effects on public services and integration problems.

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So, you'd pour scorn on a Pagehall resident for voting Leave because they don't like the influx of Roma migrants that are changing the face of the area they live in?


What are they going to blame the Roma on, if not the EU? If it wasn't for the EU, they wouldn't be here.


Easy to point the finger and call someone pathetic when we don't all have the misfortune of living somewhere like Pagehall, or Boston, or any other small working class town and suburb spread across the UK that has had an influx of immigrants with it's knock on effects on public services and integration problems.


Ah, yes of course it was the EU. One night, drunk as usual, Juncker added a whole bunch of houses on Popple Street to his Right Move Basket and then decided, for a lark, he'd let them all out to Roma people.


But then, just to be contrary, the EU decided to actually come up with a coherent plan to aid member states with integration of the Roma and to end the descrimination that they have suffered for a great many years. What a jolly good thing we left!

Edited by Radan
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Ah, yes of course it was the EU. One night, drunk as usual, Juncker added a whole bunch of houses on Popple Street to his Right Move Basket and then decided, for a lark, he'd let them all out to Roma people.


But then, just to be contrary, the EU decided to actually come up with a coherent plan to aid member states with integration of the Roma and to end the persecution that they have suffered for a great many years. What a jolly good thing we left!


Totally doesn't answer the question. Or perhaps it does, in your case you would pour scorn on people directly involved with the negative aspects of mass EU migration.


What a stunning lack of empathy. The working classes didn't vote against immigration because they are stupid or racist, they voted against it because they are the demographics that have had the most impact from it and this was their chance to say 'no more'.

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Totally doesn't answer the question. Or perhaps it does, in your case you would pour scorn on people directly involved with the negative aspects of mass EU migration.


What a stunning lack of empathy. The working classes didn't vote against immigration because they are stupid or racist, they voted against it because they are the demographics that have had the most impact from it and this was their chance to say 'no more'.


I agree, the lack of empathy for the Roma is horrendous. Their treatment by Italy, France, Romania, let's not forget the Nazis and


Oh wait, you didn't mean that did you?


The EU allows the Roma to enter the UK. It does not control where and how they live, who rents them properties etc. That is down to our Government and our Councils.


I pour scorn on no-one in Page Hall. I don't blame them for voting out. I blame people for implying that Page Hall is like it is entirely because of the EU because it isn't.

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With respect, tzijlstra, there's no need for that :|


But on the discussion point, hell yes, I'd sooner be on unemployment benefits in France that in the UK, any day of the week. 60% of average daily salary of the last 12 months preceding unemployment, max of €6,900 (per month, if you were on €12k-ish pm), reducing gradually over time (months or years to get down to the basic €500 pm).


The UK's JSA at £57-odd (or is or £75-odd) looks like threepence into a beggar's bowl by comparison.


...Then again, we can all see where that led France's own public finances.

another good reason to get out of the eu and propping up the benefits system of those countries dont ya think :hihi:

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First show me the stats that state it was/is..


But no hurry as I'm now off to bed.




We were originally talking about youth unemployment but now you are asking about total unemployment I believe, correct me if I an wrong.


I wasn't, I was talking about unemployment. It has consistently come down in the past years, that was including the high immigration figures that people baulk at. You introduced youth unemployment and even then, figures here for youth unemployment have come down sharply in the last few years as well.


Immigration has helped the economy, it has helped people here in to jobs. I have demonstrated before that the average wages in the UK have come up. These are all results of a strong economy that is confident in its direction and that worked within the EU single market.


You are repeating the lies that led to this leave-vote, the lies that Cameron has dumped on his country for years.


So, you'd pour scorn on a Pagehall resident for voting Leave because they don't like the influx of Roma migrants that are changing the face of the area they live in?


What are they going to blame the Roma on, if not the EU? If it wasn't for the EU, they wouldn't be here.


Easy to point the finger and call someone pathetic when we don't all have the misfortune of living somewhere like Pagehall, or Boston, or any other small working class town and suburb spread across the UK that has had an influx of immigrants with it's knock on effects on public services and integration problems.

How you turn what I said into pouring scorn over people that live in Boston or Pagehall I have no idea.


As this is the consequence thread - What do you think voting Leave is going to do for Pagehall?

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