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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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OK. So if there is a 10% tariff on cars how are Nissan going to sell the 200,000 cars a year that they currently sell in the UK if they shift production to Greece? Or do you think we will allow the EU to slap a 10% tariff on cars built in the UK and we won't do the same for cars built in the EU?


By the way the UK registered 2.63 million new cars in 2015 alone.


They can still sell em here. We'll pay more for for them, especially so if our currency becomes even weaker. Vehicle production here will be reduced to the high end of the market. I know people will argue that if would be cheaper for us to export but problem there is that we have to import the raw materials and components before we assemble then export the cars. Not hard to understand.


You will have to respect the decisions that manufacturers will make.

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OK. So if there is a 10% tariff on cars how are Nissan going to sell the 200,000 cars a year that they currently sell in the UK if they shift production to Greece? Or do you think we will allow the EU to slap a 10% tariff on cars built in the UK and we won't do the same for cars built in the EU?


By the way the UK registered 2.63 million new cars in 2015 alone.


Are you suggesting that we get into a trade war with an economy that's about five times our size. That's only going to end one way isn't it.


---------- Post added 08-07-2016 at 08:27 ----------


Totally doesn't answer the question. Or perhaps it does, in your case you would pour scorn on people directly involved with the negative aspects of mass EU migration.


What a stunning lack of empathy. The working classes didn't vote against immigration because they are stupid or racist, they voted against it because they are the demographics that have had the most impact from it and this was their chance to say 'no more'.


Anyone who thinks that this vote will somehow alter immigration is actually stupid. Unless you mean that the Romanians will leave because the economy here will perform so badly that they're better off elsewhere. If so, brilliant planning, shame that the locals are going to stay though and have to suffer that terrible economic situation.


---------- Post added 08-07-2016 at 08:28 ----------



As this is the consequence thread - What do you think voting Leave is going to do for Pagehall?


It's going to guarantee that it gets no EU regeneration funding. And sure, that money might have been 90% ours in the 1st place, but if you think the conservatives will provide the same funding then you've got a very different view of them than I have.


---------- Post added 08-07-2016 at 08:29 ----------


another good reason to get out of the eu and propping up the benefits system of those countries dont ya think :hihi:


Are you trying to be funny or just ignorant?

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There might not be, but when people go claiming immigration isn't linked to general unemployment levels, there is. I am, frankly, pigsick of numpties equating the Roma in Pagehall (who, according to themselves don't claim benefits either) with hard working, contributing immigrants as a justification for Brexit. My pension is going down the drain, my wife's is and that of most people that actually worked and contributed (British or not) is. But hey ho, we got rid of the immigrants.


It is a pathetic line of thought that deserves all the scorn it gets.

Pouring scorn is fine, telling other posters they can't post isn't. That was my only point. It demeans us to the level of the less rational on here :|


Yes, tzijlstra, it is very frustrating to witness how gullible, thoughtless and sheer bloody-minded many Leavers are. But denying them the opportunity to prove how gullible, thoughtless and sheer bloody-minded they are through their posts, only vindicates their misplaced bias. We're the thought-provoking police...not the thought police ;)

That begs a question. If a company has to downsize because of brexit, should they get rid of employees who caused the problem by voting leave first?
I noticed no quoting of this post.
That would be because it's a non-point. Companies will do whatever they have to do to stay alive and compete. If it means shedding jobs, the way their employees voted won't matter one bit. What the jobs and employees are worth to the company individually, absolutely will.


This is the same kind of thought process that associates adverse negotiations with "punishing the UK". It's not punishing at all. It's the other 27 EU countries doing what's best for their own self-interest, i.e. nabbing all the UK's EU market share that they can, to stoke their own economic growth. Just like e.g. the Italians, French, Germans, Austrians, Irish <etc.> competing with one another to attract the EU bodies, banks, warehousing operators, <etc.> relocating from the UK. Commonsensical, and entirely unsurprising. The UK isn't owed a living by the EU27. It's all business, nothing personal.

another good reason to get out of the eu and propping up the benefits system of those countries dont ya think :hihi:
The French benefits system is not propped by the EU, nor by the UK. No more than the UK's is. Maybe try to think it through. Edited by L00b
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Are you trying to be funny or just ignorant?

funny and people like you are ignorant of the people who voted to leave :roll::hihi:


---------- Post added 08-07-2016 at 08:39 ----------


The French benefits system is not propped by the EU, nor by the UK. No more than the UK's is. Maybe try to think it through.
thats the trouble with some people on here they think too much :hihi::hihi:
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Are you suggesting that we get into a trade war with an economy that's about five times our size. That's only going to end one way isn't it.


Well as a matter of interest, if you were the UK Government, what would be your response to the EU sticking a 10% tax on goods that the UK supplied to the EU.

As to size of an economy. The UK is one of the world's largest car markets with 2.63 million new vehicles registered last year. The UK exported 1.23 million cars last year but imported 2.2 million. So just who has the most to lose here?

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Pouring scorn is fine, telling other posters they can't post isn't. That was my only point. It demeans us to the level of the less rational on here :|


True and agreed. I shouldn't have said that and apologise to Apelike for saying it in the heat of the moment.


thats the trouble with some people on here they think too much :hihi::hihi:


Yes, let us all move toward a society where thinking is considered a daft thing to do. Who needs experts after all?

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Well as a matter of interest, if you were the UK Government, what would be your response to the EU sticking a 10% tax on goods that the UK supplied to the EU.
If the EU stuck a 10% tax on goods that the UK supplied to the EU, it would mean that EEA/EFTA-style negotiations haver failed and that the EU is reverting to the legally-binding default, i.e. WTO rules.


If I were the UK government, likewise I would revert to the legally-binding default, i.e. WTO rules and reciprocate the 10% tax, to avoid plumbing the current deficit further, by an additional ma-ooo-sive WTO fine.

As to size of an economy. The UK is one of the world's largest car markets with 2.63 million new vehicles registered last year. The UK exported 1.23 million cars last year but imported 2.2 million. So just who has the most to lose here?
You're predicting, or assuming, that new car sales in the UK will sustain their current recent level.


If even half of the economic predictions come through (and the evidence so far strongly suggests that all of them will come to pass), I guess you can see how shaky that prediction is ;)

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funny and people like you are ignorant of the people who voted to leave :roll::hihi:


---------- Post added 08-07-2016 at 08:39 ----------


thats the trouble with some people on here they think too much :hihi::hihi:


You failed to be funny, sorry.


I don't understand why people voted to leave, you're right. I really can't get my head around it. But perhaps it's down a fundamental lack of knowledge about the EU, the economy or very much of anything coupled with a creeping anti-intellectual feeling that seems to afflict many of the under educated.

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