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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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It would encourage the use of UK coal, and many other things.


This is a import tax, that goes to Goverment; they can pay off our debt with it, give us all a tax cut or reduce corporation tax and make UK companies more competitive.


---------- Post added 08-07-2016 at 11:02 ----------



Britain STILL depends on coal for 40% of its electricity - but now it is making Russian mine owners hugely rich, not the UK.


Why are we paying the Russians? Because it's cheaper.


So if we impose tarrifs we can either - pay the Russians more for the coal - because of the tarrifs.


Open up the pits and pay more for the British coal - and put some ships out of work and the dock facilities.


Either way - we pay more for electricity.

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You didn't really answer the question..how will a low pound make UK goods made from imported "ingredients" cheaper?


These are good questions, but the solutions to them can never be to join a club in which we cede our sovereignty and democracy. Its far too high a price to pay.


You know, dropping a notch or two in the world economic rich list(if that was to happen) will be a blessing in disguise. I once voluntarily left a well paid job for a slightly less well paid job. I was much richer for it in lots of other different ways.

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UK cars instead of Volkswagens. Made from UK steel of course.


As I'm sure you realise UK built cars when we tried this last time were really rather crap.


Remind me where the iron ore comes from? And the tarrifs on that?


---------- Post added 08-07-2016 at 11:16 ----------


These are good questions, but the solutions to them can never be to join a club in which we cede our sovereignty and democracy..


Yes we ceded it to such an extent it was impossible to assert it and leave the club.... :roll:

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Are we talking philosophy now? Solipism? You are a figment of my imagination, in which case I'm arguing with myself.


Whether you are or are not a figment of my imagination, can you actually answer the questions I asked?


Why would you buy Krugerrand's in preference to Britannia's? Do you like paying CGT or something?


Actually I take financial advice from financial advisors, and not googlistas. When gold has put on $50 in a morning one buys what is simple to get hold of. CGT is only a problem if you need to sell a load of KRs for cash in the UK all at the same time and have no allowable losses that you can use to offset. Look it up on Google.

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His argument was rather strong truman, clearly Britain is going to open up the coal mines, produce coal at a cost-price lower than that of Russia and therefore become a rich and wealthy nation.


I do wonder which poor folk are going to be mining coal for under two pounds an hour, but I am sure El Cid can answer that.


In the socialist utopia he wants, people will volunteer to mine for free surely for the Good of the People no doubt.


Right on brother - we are with you, just I'm working on the top today.

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Britain STILL depends on coal for 40% of its electricity - but now it is making Russian mine owners hugely rich, not the UK.


UK coal was more expensive to mine than what is/was imported. This is one of the main reasons why our coal industry was mothballed. It was also very populating compared to coal from sources further afield.


The cost may change, but the particulate levels that is the result of burning UK coal has not

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I am not saying a low value for sterling is good or bad, it will make imports more expensive.

Many things can be made in any country, where we choose to raise revenue is up to our Government, if they raise money from a 3% import tax they can lower tax elsewhere. So it has no effect overall.

We raise millions from green taxes, what better greet tax than discouraging products traveling thousands of miles?

Raise import taxes and lower green taxes?


You did say it was a good thing..


Just in the same way that a lower value of sterling can be a good thing for UK manufacturing, because it makes imported goods more expensive than UK goods.


Things can be made anywhere,that's true..but you at need least 2 things to do it..resources (materials) and labour.if we are to manufacture things here the resources will need to be shipped..(how green is that?) and if we want to export then the price will have to be right..if we put a tariff on imported stuff then other countries will put a tariff on goods we want to sell them...without cutting wages how do you make your goods cheaper bearing in mind the tariffs other countries will apply?


---------- Post added 08-07-2016 at 11:19 ----------


These are good questions, but the solutions to them can never be to join a club in which we cede our sovereignty and democracy. Its far too high a price to pay.


You know, dropping a notch or two in the world economic rich list(if that was to happen) will be a blessing in disguise. I once voluntarily left a well paid job for a slightly less well paid job. I was much richer for it in lots of other different ways.


Genuine question..how will "dropping a notch or two" help the UK?

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Absolutely spot on. The UK imports £500 billion in goods each year. A 10% tariff on some of that would bring in fantastic revenue. As we export 30-35% less we have the advantage in a tariff war.

Wouldn't it be good if some of our imports became too expensive and UK manufacturers took up the slack. UK cars instead of Volkswagens. Made from UK steel of course.


Yes, now I get the grand plan, we shall all drive Morris Minors again! Quite funny to see how you are basically preaching communism/Marxism without realising it and at least the Soviets had plenty of natural resources to play the isolation card.


But don't worry! It'll be great! We will build factories everywhere to pick up the slack left by those silly single market advocates, death to capitalism! Death to globalisation! We can build our own silicon-plants, dig up all our undiscovered resources of rare earth elements to make our own chips and PCBs! Than we will create our own Sinclair Mobile Phones, much better than those cheap Chinese imports! Who needs Playstations when you can play on Britstorm !

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His argument was rather strong truman, clearly Britain is going to open up the coal mines, produce coal at a cost-price lower than that of Russia and therefore become a rich and wealthy nation.


I do wonder which poor folk are going to be mining coal for under two pounds an hour, but I am sure El Cid can answer that.


I am merely arguing for a 5% tax, it would benefit home made goods to the value of 5%

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