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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Define "major factor", and show me the polls. :)


Watch the Panorama programme with Adrian Chiles interviewing people in West Bromwich after the referendum,immigration and migrants is the number one reason that comes up again and again.

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I'ts all over now,


Brexit: Government rejects petition signed by 4.1 million calling for second EU referendum


Not really.


The petition was daft but there are multiple legal actions being prepared though, and the constitutional position is not as clear as the government insists it is.


This isn't over yet.

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Well, while we all experience uncertainty over finances, uncertainty over job security and watch a slow motion economic train wreck we can take solace in the fact that the fox hunting debate has been reopened, and relax while we watch the spectacle of two grown women competing to design the most punishing regime they can for benefits recipients, the disabled and every other disadvantaged group. All while they work out how to cull more public sectors jobs, privatise the NHS, financialise education, withdraw our human rights, relax the tax regime for their mates and attack the region's.


It's going to make life in the EU look like a fairytale


It should never have been banned in the first place. it was just the Government of the time caving in to the Liberals and animal rights mob.


---------- Post added 09-07-2016 at 14:17 ----------


I find it curious that the Leavers (Those who still post, I commend you) are beginning to deny vehemently that immigration played part in this campaign.


Ive never denied Immigration played a major part in the Brexit vote.


Ive posted many times that people have had major concerns about uncontrolled mass immigration for the past couple of decades, but our politicians just would not listen ,and anyone who dared to criticise immigration was labelled a Racist.


My stance on immigration is consistant ,as my posts over the years on here will show. I welcome people to come to work and live in this country as long as they have the qualifications and skills required for the vacancies we have , ie , doctors , nurses, lawyers, scientists . what we shouldnt be allowing is masses of unskilled labour to come here when we have plenty of that already unemployed here.


we also should NOT be allowing people to come to this country if they have no job to come to and who cannot support themselves.


Our politicians know immigration was a major fact in the Leave vote , so lets see if they start listening to the voters now . If they dont they may well find themselves without a job come the next general election.

Edited by Penistone999
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Ian Hislop was on Question Time and I found his comments very interesting.



He's right.


If Farage wasn't going to be prepared to walk away on a 52-48 defeat why should the remainers give up, especially given the myriad of lies used by the leave campaigns and their immediate backtrack on every key promise.


The stakes are too high to stop arguing about this.

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Not really.


The petition was daft but there are multiple legal actions being prepared though, and the constitutional position is not as clear as the government insists it is.


This isn't over yet.


This country is f****d

A free vote and when the goverment don`t get their own way they change the rules!!

What is the point in voting?????

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