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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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I voted 'out' mainly, because I had concerns about the combination of uncontrolled immigration, and what seems to be an ineffectual policy of integration.

Anyone who thinks such a mix could never become seriously toxic should go to specsavers.




Since half our immigration is from outside the EU and half from inside, dont you think that the most sensible option would have been to deal with the immigration from outside first?

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what was the point of a referendum then??




Party political purposes.


If the Tory right hadnt been so shrill and Ukip had not been nipping at the Tories heels then it quite simply would never have happened.


Three massive miscalculations by Cameron:

1. That a remain win was guaranteed

2. It was Labour not the Tories that were under the greatest threat from Ukip

3. Cameron thought we were heading for coalition government again. He never dreamed he'd have to deliver the referendum


Don't think for one minute that Cameron wanted to give you any genuine choice

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Not really.


The petition was daft but there are multiple legal actions being prepared though, and the constitutional position is not as clear as the government insists it is.


This isn't over yet.


Best of luck,



IMF says EU on brink of collapse, while euro currency may have to be scrapped

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Best of luck,



IMF says EU on brink of collapse, while euro currency may have to be scrapped


Nobody believes what these so called experts say.or they didn't before 23rd June anyway.


Funny how the IMF never told the FT about the collapse,or stopped forecasting its growth:



The IMF said on Friday that it expected the eurozone’s economy to grow by 1.6 per cent this year and 1.4 per cent in 2017, down from earlier estimates of an 1.7 per cent expansion for this year and next. Those earlier estimates were made just ahead of the Brexit vote.



Edited by chalga
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Not expecting my out vote to mean anything in the end. We'll still be stuck in the eu. I partly voted on immigration but mainly so we could rule ourselves again. Can't see us ever getting the country back


That is certainly true, now the the leader of UKIP, and their deputy have resigned. :loopy:

Edited by El Cid
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i bought a car 8 years ago.


can i take it back as i`ve changed my mind?


Its tory blue in colour!!!


If you want to go down that road we had a referendum over 40 years ago and we voted to remain...should we stay with that decision?

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