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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Its irrelevant what the Libs and Labour want. The next General Election will be held in May 2020 after the UK has left the EU.


I would not be so certain of that.


Anyway, if May decides not to call an election then it is unlikely that article 50 will be invoked this year. She is an ultra-cautious politician with an eye for detail.


I think we will Brexit but I'm confident now that the whole country will be listened to. I think we'll be going down the EEA route, i.e. a compromise between the wild and reckless promises of the leave campaign and what is best for us. The result will be respected as you wish too.


On reflection it is probably better to have a PM who was not deeply involved in the Leave campaign. People forget just how much Leadsom contributed and how happy she was to peddle the myths.


A good result today I think.

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Its irrelevant what the Libs and Labour want. The next General Election will be held in May 2020 after the UK has left the EU.


If the best deal May can get us is something akin to EEA membership will you be happy? Or would you prefer to remain in the EU than accept that?

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Its irrelevant what the Libs and Labour want. The next General Election will be held in May 2020 after the UK has left the EU.


If an opposition party could force a vote of no confidence, and enough remainers within the conservatives vote with the opposition or abstain. Can't see it happening, though.


Edit. And/or if those going down the legal route manage to force the government to gain parliaments approval before invoking Article 50

Edited by Eater Sundae
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I would not be so certain of that.


Anyway, if May decides not to call an election then it is unlikely that article 50 will be invoked this year. She is an ultra-cautious politician with an eye for detail.


I think we will Brexit but I'm confident now that the whole country will be listened to. I think we'll be going down the EEA route, i.e. a compromise between the wild and reckless promises of the leave campaign and what is best for us. The result will be respected as you wish too.


On reflection it is probably better to have a PM who was not deeply involved in the Leave campaign. People forget just how much Leadsom contributed and how happy she was to peddle the myths.


A good result today I think.


It's difficult but not impossible to overcome the Fixed Term Parliament Act. Would require a vote of approval in Parliament.

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Labour and the Libs are calling for an election. Can see why the Libs want one.....but Corbyn?? With the party in disarray? He's gone quite mad.


I don't know if he's gone mad, but he is certainly demonstrating he is not the leader Labour need right now. May could potentially wait for this leadership challenge to play out and strike Labour right at their weakest moment. Eagle vs may vs LibDems/SNP/UKIP/ It would be a bloodbath for Labour.

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I would not be so certain of that.


Anyway, if May decides not to call an election then it is unlikely that article 50 will be invoked this year. She is an ultra-cautious politician with an eye for detail.


I think we will Brexit but I'm confident now that the whole country will be listened to. I think we'll be going down the EEA route, i.e. a compromise between the wild and reckless promises of the leave campaign and what is best for us. The result will be respected as you wish too.


On reflection it is probably better to have a PM who was not deeply involved in the Leave campaign. People forget just how much Leadsom contributed and how happy she was to peddle the myths.


A good result today I think.

Yes a good result today. All very fair comments you make. There was no doubt Mrs May was clearly the best candidate and hopefully things will settle down a bit now.

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I don't know if he's gone mad, but he is certainly demonstrating he is not the leader Labour need right now. May could potentially wait for this leadership challenge to play out and strike Labour right at their weakest moment. Eagle vs may vs LibDems/SNP/UKIP/ It would be a bloodbath for Labour.


I can't see May waiting until after a labour leadership election to call a general election. If she does call a snap election, I think her best time is now. Labour is in disarray, and the Lib Dems will need a long time to grow again.


Also, I can't see Eagle winning the Labour Party election. She's just a sacrificial lamb in my opinion. If Corbyn is allowed into the membership vote, then I think he will win comfortably. If he isn't, then I think other more credible candidates will come forward.


If May waits to call an election, then she would either come up against a stronger Corbyn (with a renewed mandate) or a brand new labour leader with the good will that comes with being new. Better she makes use of her own new post good will, and call a general election now, if she's going to call one at all. However, she'll probably not call one at all.

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