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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Well it said on news that new Tory leader will be a Brexit person, so we've voted to leave why would they want to put another referendum to us. I am at a loss, we live in a democracy, yet people have seemed not to democratically accept the vote.


And all through this campaign Cameron has said he had brokered a special deal for the UK and the EU but, never once told people what it was.


The vote has come in to exit, we'll have to see how it plays out in the next few years, I notice Scotland have thrown dummy out & want another vote on independence.


Cameron called this referendum, now he is to fall on his sword & Osborne also; good riddance to the 2 smiling assassins.


I would call Boris Johnson a 'soft' Brexiter rather than a 'hard' Brexiter, like Nigel Farage. Johnson is on record as praising the Single European Market and I suspect he would seek to obtain as much of this as possible in any deal.


The problem with referendum questions is that, even if they appear to be straight forward, their consequences are anything but. For example' leaving the EU' can mean many different things.


The reason why Cameron hardly mentioned his special deal is that it amounted to very little and indeed was used by his opponents as an example of the inflexibility of the EU.


---------- Post added 24-06-2016 at 15:51 ----------


My Dell account manager informs me that price rises will be effective July 1st.


And the Brexiters told me this would save money ?


Cue for a song (with accompanying violins).


'Blame it on the Brexit.....'

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I would call Boris Johnson a 'soft' Brexiter rather than a 'hard' Brexiter, like Nigel Farage. Johnson is on record as praising the Single European Market and I suspect he would seek to obtain as much of this as possible in any deal.


The problem with referendum questions is that, even if they appear to be straight forward, their consequences are anything but. For example' leaving the EU' can mean many different things.


The reason why Cameron hardly mentioned his special deal is that it amounted to very little and indeed was used by his opponents as an example of the inflexibility of the EU.


Thank you for expanding on the "deal" for me, appreciated and I do agree that the statements on voting forms were kind of "loaded" questions.


My biggest gripe was that Cameron & co constantly told us all the bad that would happen should we leave, and no benefits of remaining. On the other hand Boris & co decided to make it look like the land of milk and honey if we left, only time will tell.

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Oh dear you are a bad loser aren't you? It's always a good idea to have a bit set aside for someone else's rainy day. There could be the odd cheap Aston on the market in the next few days. :thumbsup:


Odd, so I worry that my 'bit set aside' is devaluing and you are harping on about how well the FTSE 100 is doing all things considered. It seems you are not phased by the potential economic crisis that is unfolding in front of your eyes.


I presume you are trading in sterling, how much do you have to gain today to not lose massive ground against the USD?

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Oh dear you are a bad loser aren't you? It's always a good idea to have a bit set aside for someone else's rainy day.


I've plenty set aside. Enough to buy an office in Frankfurt, equip it, pay off staff and move an entire company to somewhere less, shall we say parochial.


That's not being a bad loser, it's being sensible. The real losers are the people losing jobs and the rest of the UK.


As for my set aside - it was moved last night at a much better rate into Swiss francs. Which then jumped upwards. In terms of brexit I made about 20% return measured against the bottom today.

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Incidentally if you actually knew anything about the stock market, you would know the relative significance of the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250.


Where did I say 250? I didn't. I specifically said the all-share - which is 98% of the entire market. You clearly have no clue whatsoever about what you are talking about.

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I've plenty set aside. Enough to buy an office in Frankfurt, equip it, pay off staff and move an entire company to somewhere less, shall we say parochial.



As I've heard many times on this forum. Don't let the door whack you on the backside on your way out.

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Is he wrong? I don't recall farage claiming that (happy to be corrected). I thought it was the boris/gove vote leave team that did?


If he knew it was wrong and didn't step in to correct it then he's just as culpable..in my opinion anyway.. )

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