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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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There is only one option and that is your option A. Theresa May has stated BREXIT will happen. The fact you mentioned 'an incredibly dishonest campaign' is the problem because you are not accepting the result which was made in a fair and democratic way.


The best thing for the country is for the moaners to stop moaning about the result and accept elections and referendums don't always go the way you voted.


She will leave the EU. We will join the EEA (please, for your own sanity google it) and she may drag her feet which might, might result in a better deal.

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I saw Theresa May saying she wanted to "unite the country" [after the referendum poll and probable Brexit], but could someone tell me what that actually means ? Is it actually possible to do that ?


Basically, as I see it, leaving or staying in the EU is one thing or the other, either :


A - We do actually leave the EU and about half the country will be unhappy because they consider a one way decision has been made on a snapshot of public opinion taken on one day after an incredibly dishonest campaign.




B - We don`t actually leave the EU in the end, maybe because public opinion plainly shifts (possibly because the UK can`t get a deal anywhere near what the Leave campaign promised us). Under these circumstances half the country will be upset because they think their votes have been ignored.


How can those two possibly be reconciled ?


I accept there are many, probably most, voters who probably aren`t that bothered one way or the other, but there are a significant number, in both directions, who have very strong views on Brexit. I really don`t see how it`ll ever be reconciled.


The options are how we interact with Europe post Brexit. I think most folk were happy to be in a common market. What many didn't want was a federal Europe, open borders and europeans making our laws. It is up to the EU and our government how that is resolved.


I have no problem with free trade. It is in the best interests of the UK and the EU. If the EU want to freeze us out of their market they will find themselves frozen out of ours. So it depends how much they want to damage their own members economies.


Interestingly I was reading an article about the Italian economy. The IMF have downgraded their outlook again. They now estimate it will be another decade before they recover to the level they were before the 2008 slump. I bet they are really happy that Junckers seems happy to deal them another body blow.

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There is only one option and that is your option A. Theresa May has stated BREXIT will happen. The fact you mentioned 'an incredibly dishonest campaign' is the problem because you are not accepting the result which was made in a fair and democratic way.


The best thing for the country is for the moaners to stop moaning about the result and accept elections and referendums don't always go the way you voted.


I`m not sure I accept "fair", did you see what was written on the side of the Leave Battle Bus at all ? The campaign was the most dishonest I can ever remember in all the elections I`ve been around to witness.


I do accept, that on the 23 Jun 2016, 52% of those who voted (a majority it must be admitted, albeit not that large) voted to leave the EU.

I do not accept that the result would be the same today, or in a weeks time, or in a months time etc etc.


---------- Post added 12-07-2016 at 09:55 ----------


The options are how we interact with Europe post Brexit. I think most folk were happy to be in a common market. What many didn't want was a federal Europe, open borders and europeans making our laws. It is up to the EU and our government how that is resolved.


I have no problem with free trade. It is in the best interests of the UK and the EU. If the EU want to freeze us out of their market they will find themselves frozen out of ours. So it depends how much they want to damage their own members economies.


Interestingly I was reading an article about the Italian economy. The IMF have downgraded their outlook again. They now estimate it will be another decade before they recover to the level they were before the 2008 slump. I bet they are really happy that Junckers seems happy to deal them another body blow.


How does this answer the question how do we reunite a fractured country ? It`s not just about economics for me, I liked being a European Citizen and I`m very angry that has been taken away from me (or probably will be). How is Theresa May, or anyone else, going to ease my anger ?

Edited by Justin Smith
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Who should be negotiating brexit on our behalf?


The common wisdom seems to be that it should be an avid brexteer. However, I'm not sure if that is a good idea.


In general, Middle East and Northern Ireland peace negotiations got nowhere until the more extreme political parties got involved.


If a brexiteer leads the brexit negotiations, then they're primarily interested in leaving, not getting any sort of deal. A remainer, however, liking the benefits of the EU, will look to get as many of these as possible. Surely this would be better for the UK.

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My heart goes out to the naive Brexiters.

Cry Hurrah! for having power in your hands and control over your future.


What have you got?


The chance that 0.2 of the population, the Conservative party members, would give you a PM who they wanted? No!


Sorry, you got the choice of 0.00005 of the population, the Conservative MP's, who gave you their choice of PM. After one had stabbed the other in the front, who then came third and got chucked off the ballot paper. Then the sole surviving Brexiter insulted the other candidate and was bullied by the big beasts of the party to fall on her sword.

Who actually decided who would be the next PM? - We don't really know.


Got rid of a PM who supported the wrong side and fell on his sword, glad to be rid of the headache.

As as result you have a PM .........


Who supported the wrong side.

Who seems to be lurching towards the centre/left ground in her initial comments.

Who, we are told, didn't want the 100,000 immigrant figure and then unsurprisingly failed to hit the target for which she was responsible.

Who won't set a date for Article 50.



........and they all look pretty pleased with themselves. After all they still have all the power which, I suspect, is all they wanted in and first place.

Edited by Flanker7
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She will leave the EU. We will join the EEA (please, for your own sanity google it) and she may drag her feet which might, might result in a better deal.

The UK should be looking for our own individual deal and not be joining the EEA and accepting all the terms for those counties who are members of that group. Free movement of labour should not be considered and if we don't get 100% tariff free trading, then so be it.


I said I wasn't familiar with the EEA, but I know enough about it that free movement of labour is involved in agreements.

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My heart goes out to the naive Brexiters.

Cry Hurrah! for having power in your hands and control over your future.


What have you got?


The chance that 0.2 of the population, Conservative party members, would give you a PM who they wanted? No

Sorry you got the choice of 0.00005 of the population, Conservative MP's, who gave you their choice of PM. After one had stabbed the other in the front, who then came third and got chucked off the ballot paper. Then the sole surviving Brexiter insulted the other candidate and was bullied by the big beasts of the party to fall on her sword.


Got rid of a PM who supported the wrong side and fell on his sword, glad to be rid of the headache. As as result you have a PM .........

Who supported the wrong side.

Who seems to be lurching towards the centre/left ground in her initial comments.

Who, we are told, didn't want the 100,000 immigrant figure and then unsurprisingly failed to hit the target for which she was responsible.

Who won't set a date for Article 50.



........and they all look pretty pleased with themselves. After all they still have all the power which, I suspect, is all they wanted in and first place.



You seem to have a very strange idea about what the referendum was about. I can't recall it having much to do with party politics.

But it would seem that Theresa May is to be the new Prime Minister. She takes over tomorrow so would find it pretty difficult to do much before then.


It is however a very good chance to spot the sore losers.

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She will leave the EU. We will join the EEA (please, for your own sanity google it) and she may drag her feet which might, might result in a better deal.


John Redwood was almost levitating on his interview spot yesterday at the suggestion that May might see leaving the EU in a different way as to how he sees leaving the EU is.:D

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You seem to have a very strange idea about what the referendum was about. I can't recall it having much to do with party politics.

But it would seem that Theresa May is to be the new Prime Minister. She takes over tomorrow so would find it pretty difficult to do much before then.


It is however a very good chance to spot the sore losers.


Lost on the 23rd of June 2016, nobody is arguing about that, apart from all the lies of course. I`m still amazed at how many people believed them, or wanted to believe them and so did so. But what about in a month`s time, a year`s time, five year`s time (the length of the UK government term) ?

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You seem to have a very strange idea about what the referendum was about. I can't recall it having much to do with party politics.

But it would seem that Theresa May is to be the new Prime Minister. She takes over tomorrow so would find it pretty difficult to do much before then.


It is however a very good chance to spot the sore losers.


Next you'll be telling me it wasn't anything to do with immigration either.

What percentage of the Brexit vote thought that they were voting to give £300+ per week to the NHS, or to throw the government out of office, or to make Nigel Farage PM.



Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

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