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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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current witch hunt on Carney


not a witch hunt, a hearing, the first I hope of many who have abused their position of power


Carney, who is the only high-level appointee who (i) was prepared for Brexit, (ii) didn't run away after Brexit, and (iii) has done his damnedest to steady the markets and the Pound Sterling since.


who overstepped the mark and created uncertainty and damage with his prophesies and reactions - of course he should be doing his best now in an attempt to compensate for this


Hey, people were dumb enough to swallow £350m a week for the NHS, how hard will it be to get them to swallow that Carney overstepped his mark? :roll:


You know, I've yet to meet anyone who actually believed that 350m was going to go to the National Health Service every week, have you?


I wonder how many people fell for scare tactics from our leaders and official forecasts and voted Remain on the back of them? I wonder who will be the next invited for a witch hunt chat for doing the same or worse? As I've stated before, throwing silly statements around from the side lines, like some of the Leavers did, although pathetic, is quite different to abusing a position of high office.


A “Witch hunt”, really? Of course, nothing really will happen to Mark Carney, George Osborne, David Cameron, or any of them, we all know that. They will get away with their actions, as per; the extended registration period, the official residence shots, threatening pensioners, even the 8million quid, and that is what this whole 'spectacle' has been arranged for, to keep up the 'semblance' that they are being held to account.


Your studious silence about Carney since I took issue with your post mentioning him is plenty conspicuous enough. Should I take it as your retraction, in the same manner as the above about my posts? :lol:


No, you should take it as a sign that some people have other things to do during the day, whilst you're busy amusing yourself, ‘lol’ing at your own comments.


If I believe I've said something or acted wrongly, I'm happy to say so, as I did earlier, and occasionally do on here. Glad at least you acknowledged that, however ungraciously. - It's a pity I haven’t seen the same when the other day you and a few others on here were bullying another forummer who had honestly admitted he didn't know anything about the EEA. It really didn't take another four or five less than dignified posters to rub his nose in it, with nastiness and " double and triple face palms" and then you posting further to decry what you perceived as his 'ignorance'. Actually, admitting that you don't know something isn't ignorance, it's honesty and humility, but being the third, fourth, or fifth to jump on the bandwagon and ridiculing him for that, now that is pure ignorance.



I'm getting to the stage of actually hoping that he tells May and the TSC to do one, then flies back to Canada to become their next PM, leaving the BoE at the hands of the Tory hardliners and the UK spiralling at the bottom of the financial markets' toilet bowl. That'd be well-earned karma for you lot :twisted:


“Us lot”, ey? Quelle surprise!

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It is well documented in the USA that it is cheap food (not junk food) that has mainly caused the problems of obesity as people consume more and its the same here. There are also plenty of obese people around that do not eat junk food, but then some peoples idea of junk food is not the same as others.


Obesity is generally caused by eating too much and moving too little, that is not because food is too cheap, but because people have more money, so cars and food appear cheap.

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not a witch hunt, a hearing, the first I hope of many who have abused their position of power


Can't wait for Boris to be taken to task for his lies


Oh hold on - he has been rewarded for lying...


---------- Post added 13-07-2016 at 21:26 ----------


You know, I've yet to meet anyone who actually believed that 350m was going to go to the National Health Service every week, have you?


So you are saying a lie doesn't count if no-one believes you?

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not a witch hunt, a hearing, the first I hope of many who have abused their position of power


who overstepped the mark and created uncertainty and damage with his prophesies and reactions - of course he should be doing his best now in an attempt to compensate for this


You know, I've yet to meet anyone who actually believed that 350m was going to go to the National Health Service every week, have you?


I wonder how many people fell for scare tactics from our leaders and official forecasts and voted Remain on the back of them? I wonder who will be the next invited for a witch hunt chat for doing the same or worse? As I've stated before, throwing silly statements around from the side lines, like some of the Leavers did, although pathetic, is quite different to abusing a position of high office.


A “Witch hunt”, really? Of course, nothing really will happen to Mark Carney, George Osborne, David Cameron, or any of them, we all know that. They will get away with their actions, as per; the extended registration period, the official residence shots, threatening pensioners, even the 8million quid, and that is what this whole 'spectacle' has been arranged for, to keep up the 'semblance' that they are being held to account.


No, you should take it as a sign that some people have other things to do during the day, whilst you're busy amusing yourself, ‘lol’ing at your own comments.


If I believe I've said something or acted wrongly, I'm happy to say so, as I did earlier, and occasionally do on here. Glad at least you acknowledged that, however ungraciously. - It's a pity I haven’t seen the same when the other day you and a few others on here were bullying another forummer who had honestly admitted he didn't know anything about the EEA. It really didn't take another four or five less than dignified posters to rub his nose in it, with nastiness and " double and triple face palms" and then you posting further to decry what you perceived as his 'ignorance'. Actually, admitting that you don't know something isn't ignorance, it's honesty and humility, but being the third, fourth, or fifth to jump on the bandwagon and ridiculing him for that, now that is pure ignorance.


“Us lot”, ey? Quelle surprise!

Enjoyed typing that?


You might be fooling some (or at least think you are), but you're not fooling me with your circular 'logic': you have done nothing in the above, but repeated the essence of my post as a flat denial drowned in unsupported rethoric.


That's intellectually lazy, and hardly worth a considered reply.


I've known you to be in better debating form. Try harder please :)


In the meantime, I just saw that Bojo made Foreign Secretary? So now he can't dodge the mess unless he quits Parliament. May is showing impressive levels of machiavellian brilliance. Colour me impressed. Looking forward to see Farage similarly coopted as a special advisor or similar civil service appointment to Johnson. Hammond as Chancellor? So she's basically sacked Osbourne. Wooooo, this is some start! :D

Edited by L00b
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Can't wait for Boris to be taken to task for his lies


Oh hold on - he has been rewarded for lying...


Well that always has been regarded as an attribute in the Conservative Party.



So you are saying a lie doesn't count if no-one believes you?


Nope, don't think I am.


---------- Post added 14-07-2016 at 00:38 ----------



That's intellectually lazy, and hardly worth a considered reply.



I judged it an appropriate response to your post.





In the meantime, I just saw that Bojo made Foreign Secretary? So now he can't dodge the mess unless he quits Parliament. May is showing impressive levels of machiavellian brilliance. Colour me impressed. Looking forward to see Farage similarly coopted as a special advisor or similar civil service appointment to Johnson. Hammond as Chancellor? So she's basically sacked Osbourne. Wooooo, this is some start! :D


Enfin; l'entente cordiale.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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In the meantime, I just saw that Bojo made Foreign Secretary? So now he can't dodge the mess unless he quits Parliament. May is showing impressive levels of machiavellian brilliance . Colour me impressed. Looking forward to see Farage similarly coopted as a special advisor or similar civil service appointment to Johnson. Hammond as Chancellor? So she's basically sacked Osbourne. Wooooo, this is some start! :D


My thoughts entirely - put the big beasts of the Brexit in charge of carrying it out - and watch them make a hash of it.


Bojo didn't look too happy - perhaps his first task is to seduce Merkel?

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Bojo didn't look too happy
He had the same look as that Friday morning, 3 weeks ago.


Coincidence? I think not ;)


He may play-act the buffoon supremely well...but he does not seem to be that good a poker player.

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My thoughts entirely - put the big beasts of the Brexit in charge of carrying it out - and watch them make a hash of it.


Bojo didn't look too happy - perhaps his first task is to seduce Merkel?


Boris doesn't look too bothered to me. After all, Had he been, he could have refused to take the job.

Maybe we should try not to let our judgement of others be influenced too much by our own limitations.



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