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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Can't wait for Boris to be taken to task for his lies

Oh hold on - he has been rewarded for lying...


---------- Post added 13-07-2016 at 21:26 ----------



So you are saying a lie doesn't count if no-one believes you?


what lies are you talking about.


---------- Post added 15-07-2016 at 02:45 ----------



this is just a blog, like yours or mine beliefs, not fact, just a some one , no one spouting. like you or me.

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what lies are you talking about.


---------- Post added 15-07-2016 at 02:45 ----------



this is just a blog, like yours or mine beliefs, not fact, just a some one , no one spouting. like you or me.


You need to take your head out of the sand.


You got what you wanted now man/woman up and face the consequences.

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In January 2015 many people posted Je suis Charlie in solidarity with Charlie Hebdo after the shooting, now our ex French friends see England as raciest and the latest web version has their take on the vote.

"The British have voted to leave Europe. The most surprising part of this whole campaign has been the discovery of a clear and openly racist discourse in the UK. Right in front of microphones and cameras, a great many Brexit partisans were not at all shy about saying that there were too many foreigners and that immigration threatened their 'identity'. Did this near hate-speech, traditionally the preserve of the far-right parties in France or Austrian neo-Nazis, not seem to lose something of its utter abjection when openly and audibly intoned in the country of Shakespeare and Isaac Newton? As though, in some variant of a Harry Potter magic spell, the horridness of continental-style racism disappears in a puff of respectability as soon as it crosses the Channel. For years now, we've had our noses rubbed in the incontrovertible fact that, over there, in England, there weren't the same kinds of problems of integration as there are in France and the rest of Europe. That, across the water, multiculturalism was the winning recipe for allowing all identities the place and position they sought. That, in Britain, whether you wore a veil, a niqab, a turban or a bowler hat, everyone cohabited in perfect harmony in the enviable Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland."


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In January 2015 many people posted Je suis Charlie in solidarity with Charlie Hebdo after the shooting, now our ex French friends see England as raciest and the latest web version has their take on the vote.

"The British have voted to leave Europe. The most surprising part of this whole campaign has been the discovery of a clear and openly racist discourse in the UK. Right in front of microphones and cameras, a great many Brexit partisans were not at all shy about saying that there were too many foreigners and that immigration threatened their 'identity'. Did this near hate-speech, traditionally the preserve of the far-right parties in France or Austrian neo-Nazis, not seem to lose something of its utter abjection when openly and audibly intoned in the country of Shakespeare and Isaac Newton? As though, in some variant of a Harry Potter magic spell, the horridness of continental-style racism disappears in a puff of respectability as soon as it crosses the Channel. For years now, we've had our noses rubbed in the incontrovertible fact that, over there, in England, there weren't the same kinds of problems of integration as there are in France and the rest of Europe. That, across the water, multiculturalism was the winning recipe for allowing all identities the place and position they sought. That, in Britain, whether you wore a veil, a niqab, a turban or a bowler hat, everyone cohabited in perfect harmony in the enviable Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland."



We are still a highly tolerant country. Nothing has changed there.


We still have our fair share of xenophobes and closet racists. Nothing had changed there either.


What has changed is the level of confidence some people now have to air their racists and bigoted views. We kept a lid on that for 20 or more years and now that lid has been blown off.


The sad thing is we do really need to have a debate about immigration but the bigots, racists and xenophobes detract from that serious discussion.

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Well, Dell have responded to the falling £ by raising prices by 10%.


A Dell desktop PC that cost £450 a fortnight ago is costing nearer £500 today.


Do any of the Brexiters have a plan for the stagflation that could hit the country very soon?


Investing in gold bullion seems a safe bet, and it's really interesting to see the Brexiters' attempts to rub our collective noses in it by boasting about how much money they've made by speculating against the pound that they dearly love so much . . .but I'm looking for more practical and patriotic methods.



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Well, Dell have responded to the falling £ by raising prices by 10%.


A Dell desktop PC that cost £450 a fortnight ago is costing nearer £500 today.


Do any of the Brexiters have a plan for the stagflation that could hit the country very soon?


Investing in gold bullion seems a safe bet, and it's really interesting to see the Brexiters' attempts to rub our collective noses in it by boasting about how much money they've made by speculating against the pound that they dearly love so much . . .but I'm looking for more practical and patriotic methods.






It's a possibility.

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In January 2015 many people posted Je suis Charlie in solidarity with Charlie Hebdo after the shooting, now our ex French friends see England as raciest and the latest web version has their take on the vote.


Irony is the French calling anyone racist.

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The sad thing is we do really need to have a debate about immigration but the bigots, racists and xenophobes detract from that serious discussion.


No we don't. Its been done to death. The issue of immigration has been dissected, examined and looked at from every possible perspective and from every conceivable angle. There literally is nothing else left to talk about on the subject. Everyone's made their mind up and not budging.

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