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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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How come that foreign EU and non EU migrants are being brought in now then?...........why aren't unemployed Brits doing it?.........they're going to have to do it soon though,taking up the slack when free movement ends.


Simple.. Its because they are being used as cheap labour by the farms, which is not really a new thing. In the past we had unlicensed farm "gang masters" who treated their people so bad it then had to become licensed. Unemployed Brits aren't doing it because it is mainly unregulated seasonal work, is not minimum wage, the conditions are bad and so are the hours. The DWP cannot force unemployed Brits to do that type of work.

Edited by apelike
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No maquis its human nature we ALL have prejudices and dislikes even YOU, you dislike me even though you have never met me and I reciprocate that feeling. When you are on minimum wage running round some bar or cafe after Brits on holiday of course they would never say anything disparaging or rude about the Brits would they. The difference is I admit my flaws and prejudices you are just so far up your own ar@e that you would never admit that you have any, so you just go off and hug a tree there's a good boy.

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Simple.. Its because they are being used as cheap labour by the farms, which is not really a new thing. In the past we had unlicensed farm "gang masters" who treated their people so bad it then had to become licensed. Unemployed Brits aren't doing it because it is mainly unregulated seasonal work, is not minimum wage, the conditions are bad and so are the hours. The DWP cannot force unemployed Brits to do that type of work.



You're missing the point,you asked what happened in the years before migrants were used as farm labourers and started talking about new age travellers doing it...........now free movement and SAWS have stopped,or going to stop,so unless thousands of new age travellers are suddenly going to appear in the coming years,when are the British unemployed going to be taking the jobs,and if they can't be forced,who is going to do it?

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You're missing the point,you asked what happened in the years before migrants were used as farm labourers and started talking about new age travellers doing it...........now free movement and have stopped,or going to stop,so unless thousands of new age travellers are suddenly going to appear in the coming years,when are the British unemployed going to be taking the jobs,and if they can't be forced,who is going to do it?


We don't know what will happen or if free movement will stop. What I was pointing out is that we managed to have crops picked in the past before migrant labour or being in the EU. New age travellers may no longer be in abundance but its up to the farms to deal with the problem as they have done in the past several decades. The produce will not just rot away in the fields and we have several years yet to deal with the problem, so its not doom and gloom just yet.

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We don't know what will happen or if free movement will stop. What I was pointing out is that we managed to have crops picked in the past before migrant labour or being in the EU. New age travellers may no longer be in abundance but its up to the farms to deal with the problem as they have done in the past several decades. The produce will not just rot away in the fields and we have several years yet to deal with the problem, so its not doom and gloom just yet.


Yes,but the farms have been dealing with it by bringing in EU and non EU migrant labour.

The referendum result was a vote to end the free movement of labour,otherwise,what is the point of voting OUT.

It was all about 'taking back our jobs'........the ones that migrants are doing,so how come farm working isn't 'our jobs'?

They are British farms,British jobs,needing labour,to get the immigration figures down,they need to be filled by British unemployed.........the problem does need to be adressed now,because SAWS has already ended and farmers are already complaining about not being able to attract workers,so how come these jobs are not 'our jobs',or this isn't part of 'taking our country back'?

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Unsurprisingly, things have changed in 30 years.


New Age Travellers hardly exist any more


They have become Old Age Travellers :)


---------- Post added 16-07-2016 at 17:13 ----------


Yes,but the farms have been dealing with it by bringing in EU and non EU migrant labour.

The referendum result was a vote to end the free movement of labour,otherwise,what is the point of voting OUT.

It was all about 'taking back our jobs'........the ones that migrants are doing,so how come farm working isn't 'our jobs'?

They are British farms,British jobs,needing labour,to get the immigration figures down,they need to be filled by British unemployed.........the problem does need to be adressed now,because SAWS has already ended and farmers are already complaining about not being able to attract workers,so how come these jobs are not 'our jobs',or this isn't part of 'taking our country back'?


there are all sorts of reasons why the locals didn't want these jobs, and imported labour who were quite willing to put in the hard work these jobs require for, what to them, was a decent wage provided a stream of labour.


many have settled here, so presuming they get a right to remain then i'm sure many will remain here.


if not then there are two alternatives, one is increasing pay but scope for that is limited. these are low margin businesses and i doubt there is the scope for a large pay rise, though the collapse in sterling might offer some wiggle room as imported food will be more expensive.


the other alternative is a degree of compulsion from the DSS which will make IDS's santion regime look like an invitation to a tea party.

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The referendum result was a vote to end the free movement of labour,otherwise,what is the point of voting OUT.


There were many reasons for voting leave and the free movement of labour was just one. For some I am sure it was not about the free movement of labour but about the free movement of people to come without a job and take up residence. Here is a quote from our new Prime Minister Theresa May in 2010 well before the referendum and was part of the SAWS debate;


"It is too easy, at the moment, to move from temporary residence to permanent settlement...Working in Britain for a short period should not give someone the right to settle in Britain...Settling in Britain should be a cherished right, not an automatic add on to a temporary way."


She is now the person in charge and I'm sure does not need reminding of the situation as its now her job to deal with it. But don't forget, migrants will still be allowed to come here for some time yet and as said we do not know what any future deals will include.


They are British farms,British jobs,needing labour,to get the immigration figures down,they need to be filled by British unemployed.........the problem does need to be adressed now,because SAWS has already ended and farmers are already complaining about not being able to attract workers...


SAWS ended 3 years ago and yet you say farmers are still complaining not being able to attract workers and yet have managed to deal with the shortage that didn't materialise. Then again, have you ever known a farmer that didn't complain?

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It seems Leadsom has the job of making sure the farmers receive the same level of subsidy as they do now, which is basically what the farmers are asking for.


Against that she has an environmental/conservation lobby sensing an opportunity to totally reshape British conservation policy to be even more protective of the environment than the EU regime.


Then she has the inevitable trade deal with the USA including TTIP-style relaxation in environmental standards, food quality, use of GM technology, pesticide usage etc..


She needs some major distractions. Expect to hear a lot more about fox hunting.

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I don't think so. We are going to have to have exactly this discussion.


Immigration is not going to stop. We have to decide what shape it is going to take. If we don't then a lot of people are going to end up very disappointed.


For example:

1. Would you support higher levels of non-EU students. Our higher education is highly commercialised and will need to be supported post-Brexit. Nearly £4bn a year is generated for the UK economy by EU students. £76m a week!


2. Do you support an increase in non-EU workers? Farage said he supported this.


3. How do we support seasonal requirements of UK agriculture, much of which is now met by EU workers?


4. Do we introduce a points based system?


5. How will residency permits work? How would quota systems work?


6. Is support of free movement still an option?


7. If economic growth stalls/overheats do we vary imigration levels to boost boost/supress growth?






You and other Brexiters need to address this head-on. You wanted to take back control remember. How are you going to do so?


If freedom of movement isn't an option what's going to happen at the NI / ROI and Gibralter / Spain borders?

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