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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Oh dear,




There was only so much the government could cut back on and EU funding wasn't one of them. They now have total control of this budget and can cut whatever they like to meet their austerity target.


I doubt they will be seeing their full £60M if past records is anything to go by.

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Nigel and Boris masterminded a magnificent coup.


Boris talks about £350 zillion pounds to the EU which we can spend on the NHS if we leave, while Nigel says "Nothing to do wiv me, Gov"


Meanwhile, Nigel shows "immigrants" queueing up to come to Britain, but Boris can say "No, we're not racist, I like immigrants".


Meanwhile, their target audience are fed the bits that resonate with the audience's concerns.


As double acts go, they make Ant and Dec look like Margaret Thatcher and Arthur Scargill.

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Longer term consequences:


I think there will be growing unrest in Europe as more and more countries agitate for referendums and/or change. The EU will get heavy handed at supressing dissent. The whole thing will crumble. A new,fairer, better EU will arise. Britain will join and end up leading it. And everything will be lovely....


That's what our parents thought when they voted to join in 1975. Didn't work out too well, did it?

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Well it said on news that new Tory leader will be a Brexit person, so we've voted to leave why would they want to put another referendum to us. I am at a loss, we live in a democracy, yet people have seemed not to democratically accept the vote.


And all through this campaign Cameron has said he had brokered a special deal for the UK and the EU but, never once told people what it was.


The vote has come in to exit, we'll have to see how it plays out in the next few years, I notice Scotland have thrown dummy out & want another vote on independence.


Cameron called this referendum, now he is to fall on his sword & Osborne also; good riddance to the 2 smiling assassins.


I'm not sure it will be a Brexit person. Surely it depends on the make up of the people actually chosing. As I understand it, the MPs prepare a short list (typically 2) and then the members choose. A lot will depend on how many of the MPs and members are brexiters. Even then, they might choose someone who they think might make a better deal.

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Just heard another Labour MP whining, about Labour voter not voting how they were told. Surly the Labour MPs should have campaigned, how the Labour voters wanted.


Don't be silly. That ain't going to happen.

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I'm pretty sure the SNP members won't have it, and there will be an awkward squad recruited from across the house, but I agree with you.


Most MPs will have to simply endorse the decision of the nation as a whole, overruling what their actual constituents might think.


It ought to be quite entertaining at the very least.


Surely there's nothing to stop a party preparing a manifesto to stay within the EU, and if there is an election before we leave, and if it wins, then we would stay, as they have a mandate. Unlikely, I'd agree, but not impossible.


But in the absence of the above unlikely scenario, then we all leave.


However, if the Scots (and/or the Northern Irish) decided they wanted to stay within the EU, I'm sure they would manage it, and it should be facilitated by the rest of the UK, as it would actually help the "outers" as it gets rid of some disenters. They would probably have to accept the Euro, though, as they would lose all link to the £. (Edit) and I actually think it would be fair to let them go. They are a defined entity. If they want to leave, they should be allowed to without hindrance, sad as I think it would be.


However, if Scotland leave the UK, could Greater London decide to do the same?

Edited by Eater Sundae
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