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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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How will that create jobs/increase wages for UK workers?


Designing, building and maintaining machines creates jobs that will pay above the NMW. Employing cheap foreign labour instead of designing, building and maintaining machines doesn't create jobs for British workers, it creates jobs for foreign workers and reduces the number of skilled well paid jobs. Car washes that are no longer required are no longer maintained, so someone lost their well paid skilled job when the machine was replaced by low skilled low paid migrant labour.


---------- Post added 20-07-2016 at 22:24 ----------


If the farmers can't get migrant labour from the EU they're not going to employ Brits (or anyone else) on higher wages - they'll relocate abroad - adding to our import bills.




Unemployment is largely structural anyway - areas of high unemployment like the Welsh Valleys or the North East have amongst the lowest migrant numbers in the UK.


Farm land can't be moved abroad and the farm land that isn't here is already farmed by someone else, UK farmland will continue to be farmed.

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I though you said you were thinking of upgrading not they you had to upgrade so maybe its not necessary to upgrade at all and save even more money.


Another brilliant idea from you!


Truly stupendous logic!


Nobody should spend any money at all, and the UK economy will still grow.


Just the thing to get us out of recession, that.


With those ideas, you've missed your calling as an economist.

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Nobody is adversely impacted by immigration when everybody's standard of living rises. We have less crime, more gadgets than ever before, better schooling, better healthcare, better job-regulations, less taxes (especially in the case of low-earners) than ever in my life-time.


Also, you haven't understood one iota of my post. If immigration to this country stops, the GDP suffers, the poor suffer first. Economical crisis? The poor suffer first.


That isn't the fault of immigration, or a crisis, it is the fault of the economy not working properly.




I don't know anybody who lives in a poorer quality house than I grew up in, in the Netherlands. In fact, I have a friend who empties mobile toilets for a living and he lives in a very decent terrace with his kids.


Oh woh, how terrible we all have it. And yes, we should expect the 3% unemployed to give up their benefits in order to work hard, so they can improve their conditions and get on in life. If they did, that would almost eliminate the need for migration. If you want to stop migration, get more people into work.




It benefits all of us, some of us have a better understanding of that than others.


The bold here. Can you confirm whether this was sarcasm or not?

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Dismissing or ignoring the plight of the millions of people that didn't benefit from immigration and were adversity affected by it is what lead to a vote to leave the EU.

like all the farmers round here that put massive leave and out signs round here, theres NO immigrants barely for 40 miles so i cant see those being adversely affected tbh

and havent they now diddled themselves out of EU farming cash? Oo

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I can confirm it was not. Tell me how your life was better in the 90's Ash? :thumbsup:


I thought so.




For probably one of the respected SF posters, and amongst the intellectual elite in here, I think you're losing the plot... over this.


I can confirm it was not. Tell me how your life was better in the 90's Ash? :thumbsup:


I think I remember being happier in general.


Though, I think that more due to no internet and especially the social media that came from it, and that I had no knowledge of Blair.


Not thinking about brexit for sure, so an added bonus :)

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I thought so.




For probably one of the respected SF posters, and amongst the intellectual elite in here, I think you're losing the plot... over this.




I think I remember being happier in general.


Though, I think that more due to no internet and especially the social media that came from it, and that I had no knowledge of Blair.


Not thinking about brexit for sure, so an added bonus :)


Neah, I don't think I am. I am off to bed so I can't be arsed finding the most recent data, but this link should indicate where it went wrong for Britain when it came to social mobility. When studying this graph, also note that the bump post-Thatcher coincided with a steady growth in well-being for the lower income, it is just that the top 1% got much richer. I will find the appropriate source to explain that tomorrow.


Just a final note - I grew up in a 'working class' family, in fact, I was the first in my family to get an MSc (and now a PhD, also one of few that got a Bachelor's degree - out of my 80+ first cousins there are only 10 I can think of that have a University degree), social mobility in the Netherlands is better, apparently, but I obtained the MSc and PhD in Britain. It isn't like the opportunity isn't there for those that want to pursue it. Plenty of my fellow students (British or foreign) came from a 'poor' background, most of those now have very good jobs.


Sleep well Ash, speak to you tomorrow.

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Another brilliant idea from you!


Thank you.;)


Nobody should spend any money at all, and the UK economy will still grow. Just the thing to get us out of recession, that.


Good, so you agree that we are still in recession despite billions being spent, low interest rates and QE?


You complain that the prices have risen, I point out that it means extra VAT revenue, and you yourself stated that you were only thinking of upgrading. By your logic you should now upgrade, pay the extra and be happy that you have helped the recession and helped the economy grow.


With those ideas, you've missed your calling as an economist.


I know, but it does not worry me as I didn't want to be one anyway.


BTW I am trying to think of anything I have bought since Brexit (which has not actually happened yet) that I have paid more for.. Nope, still cant think of anything!

Edited by apelike
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Thank you.;)




Good, so you agree that we are still in recession despite billions being spent, low interest rates and QE?


You complain that the prices have risen, I point out that it means extra VAT revenue, and you yourself stated that you were only thinking of upgrading. By your logic you should now upgrade, pay the extra and be happy that you have helped the recession and helped the economy grow.




I know, but it does not worry me as I didn't want to be one anyway.


BTW I am trying to think of anything I have bought since Brexit (which has not actually happened yet) that I have paid more for.. Nope, still cant think of anything!


Have you bought any foreign currency?

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