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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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But that is why I also stated: "I think anybody with any sense knew that a leave vote would cause short term economic problems" and so far that's all it has turned out to be.


Short term? Well it was only a month ago that we voted to leave...so it's bound to be short term up to now..

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I know it's late but...........that is practically the weirdest thing I've ever read on here


It's no weirder than the USA, Zimbabwe, India, Jamaica et al all deciding to be part of the British Empire again. And as such it's very weird.

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It's no weirder than the USA, Zimbabwe, India, Jamaica et al all deciding to be part of the British Empire again. And as such it's very weird.

Well, three of your four are quite content to be in the Commonwealth. And the USA decamped before there was a Commonwealth in which to be.

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Why not let a molehill build into a mountain,then do something about it..good idea...


The mentality of leaving a blocked sink until the house is flooded.


"The sink is blocked but it doesnt affect me in the living room right now so I wont bother to fix it." :loopy:


Then when the house is flooded they start to look for someone else to blame.

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either way it is ifs and buts. all i know i wasn't happy with the way the EU thought they could tell us how to run our country, now aslong as we do leave any mistakes can be our own not some nobody accross the ocean


Most mistakes made already were the UK's own (and it is a sea, about 30 KM at it's nearest point!). I am pleased you feel you made the right decision (genuinely) but, and this is the big Kim Kardashian sized but, when things do go wrong (or if, as you will) don't go turning around and be upset. You voted for it, you live with it.


In the mean-time, let those who also have to live with it and didn't want it have their say. That is how the table is set now.

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The mentality of leaving a blocked sink until the house is flooded.


"The sink is blocked but it doesnt affect me in the living room right now so I wont bother to fix it." :loopy:


Then when the house is flooded they start to look for someone else to blame.




a blocked sink cannot in itself flood a house...


... unless someone also leaves a tap on! :P

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The mentality of leaving a blocked sink until the house is flooded.


"The sink is blocked but it doesnt affect me in the living room right now so I wont bother to fix it." :loopy:


Then when the house is flooded they start to look for someone else to blame.



The house will have to be demolished and rebuilt into a lovely new build. It could be costly at first, but it may be worth it, a new home.

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You make a decision in life and you stick by it and any consequences that come about due to that decision.

All the remainers have done on this thread is put down the leavers.

Well guess what? A democratic referendum vote was held and the brexiters won so let's respect that decision otherwise it makes a mockery of all the times we have bleated on about western democracy whilst imposing it on others.

Brexit means Brexit, no ifs no buts...........

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