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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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I've plenty set aside. Enough to buy an office in Frankfurt, equip it, pay off staff and move an entire company to somewhere less, shall we say parochial.


That's not being a bad loser, it's being sensible. The real losers are the people losing jobs and the rest of the UK.


As for my set aside - it was moved last night at a much better rate into Swiss francs. Which then jumped upwards. In terms of brexit I made about 20% return measured against the bottom today.


(pay off staff) real loyalty


happy travels

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Radio Sheffield this morning, and Radio 4 this afternoon, with soundbites from a non-too-bright Doncastrian and poverty-stricken Welsh woman respectively.


Both voted Leave despite Donny and Walesy being net beneficiaries of EU funding. "We can go it alone" say Welshy.


Yes, of course you can, because a London-centric Tory government is falling over itself to give you billions in grants, isn't it :roll:

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That's already happening.


I came into the office today. The work we are in, most of our business is with the EU. For that to happen, we must be within the EU otherwise clients are just not interested - they need us to be within the EU area for legal and regulatory reasons.


My people were very nice. They knew what was happening. They were all quite reasonable about it. No one had any bad words to say and no recriminations as I made 37 people redundant as they cannot move to the new offices in Germany.


That's the stark reality. All you people who voted to leave - you've chosen a narrow path, a mean ill defined path delineated solely by your bigotry, racism and xenophobia. You've made your bed of nails, I hope it's comfortable for you but I fear it won't be.


Me I'm lucky. I can move. I will move. But many wont, or be unable to. Already the UK has lost a quarter of it's value. It'll only get worse. What will you do when it runs out and it's nice being stuck off the shores of a cold unloving continent? Come running asking for help?


Don't expect any. I doubt Europe will be in the mood.


honest question . how come you can move but your staff cannot?

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A couple of twitter users have summarised today perfectly for all the under 40s who voted massively in favour of remain -


"A generation given everything: free education, golden pensions, social mobility, have voted to strip my generation’s future"


"We've lost our future because you wanted to re-live your romanticised past"



Edited by Cynic
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A couple of twitter users have summarised today perfectly for all the under 40s who voted massively in favour of remain -


"A generation given everything: free education, golden pensions, social mobility, have voted to strip my generation’s future"


"We've lost our future because you wanted to re-live your romanticised past"


what future have you lost?, what has changed to inhibit you?

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