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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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They'll all disappear when things don't all go wrong.


Same as always in here. I remember the last elections, all the doom and gloomers who predicted violence on the streets, end of the NHS, end of the world, just disappeared after, and pop back in when there is a slight scuffle in the streets and moan that the BBC don't report it enough.


Wait, are you the same person moaning about the reduction in real wages? I would say that is a bit duplicitous, but... actually... it is far worse than that.

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That's a good thing, isn't it?


It means we've got nothing to complain about.


Unlike Maggie Thatcher's flying monkeys, who always have to spit venom at the less fortunate in order to keep the hate flowing.


Not when they don't learn from it when they come back.


Why do you think the older people voted out? Experience and wisdom.


The posts above about pensions are a good example - these people (mostly Labour voters) were conned into these things. Pensions are worthless, always have been. Unions are to blame for this, conning unwise people into spending their money on unwise investments and promising comfort in the future. All ****** up the wall now with so many of these beloved big companies that the EU loves. Trash Joker.


I see it everyday now. In fact I saw it yesterday when I renewed my mortgage. I told the man what I thought of them, and the fact that he didn't argue back showed me that he also knows these 'insurances' are a waste of money.

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Why do you think the older people voted out? Experience and wisdom.


Wrong, you are so wrong.


The old biddies wanted out 'cos their pensions are safe & secure and they wanted to stick two fingers up to Johnny Foreigner.


It's our generations' pensions that are gonna be worthless by the time we retire (assuming the Tories haven't raised the pension age to 85 first).

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Unions are to blame for this, conning unwise people into spending their money on unwise investments and promising comfort in the future. All ****** up the wall now with so many of these beloved big companies that the EU loves. Trash Joker.


unions never did that.


in the good old days of union power, work pensions were pretty much all defined benefit schemes it was the thatcher womans mob who opened the door to the crooks who sold the definded contribution schemes as the key to a better retirement.

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Wrong, you are so wrong.


The old biddies wanted out 'cos their pensions are safe & secure and they wanted to stick two fingers up to Johnny Foreigner.


You say I'm wrong then write this?!




good bloody god


It's our generations' pensions that are gonna be worthless by the time we retire (assuming the Tories haven't raised the pension age to 85 first).


and that is due to brexit? :confused:


To quote you - Wrong, you are so wrong.


---------- Post added 28-07-2016 at 23:27 ----------


unions never did that.


well to be fair, I was just reading a union website previous which added to my comment, but they certainly had a finger in this one.


in the good old days of union power, work pensions were pretty much all defined benefit schemes it was the thatcher womans mob who opened the door to the crooks who sold the definded contribution schemes as the key to a better retirement.


Either way, thatcher was a long time ago, so everyone since has been sold duds, or at least been naive.


In my experience as an adult, most people who I've met with brains have opted for other options for their future.


---------- Post added 28-07-2016 at 23:30 ----------


Wait, are you the same person moaning about the reduction in real wages? I would say that is a bit duplicitous, but... actually... it is far worse than that.


Hi Tim, back again to bring up more strawmans.


It's becoming a habit.


I think you'll find that I've complained about this since 2005, and haven't disappeared, because at no point have I seen a reverse in this.

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The old biddies wanted out 'cos their pensions are safe & secure and they wanted to stick two fingers up to Johnny Foreigner.



You say I'm wrong then write this?!




good bloody god


Some of the older generation who voted for Brexit may go misty-eyed for a Britain that was probably 99% white in the 1940s and 1950s despite the fact we'd just come out of World War 2 and rationing was still in effect. They are the ones who want to stick it to Johnny Foreigner.


Others of that generation benefitted from high employment, the NHS, the welfare state, free university education, better pensions and lower house prices. . . but they'll be damned if they let this generation of youngsters have access to any of that.


So based on the above I stand by what I said about why the older generation voted for Brexit.


It's our generations' pensions that are gonna be worthless by the time we retire (assuming the Tories haven't raised the pension age to 85 first).


. . .and that is due to brexit? :confused:


To quote you - Wrong, you are so wrong.


No, the reason our pensions will be worthless is NOT due to Brexit and I never made that claim.


There are more complex reasons that our pensions will be worth less (if not worthless), such as that we've gone through very turbulent economic times since ooh, the year 2000 (when I first started saving for my pension!) and the lack of final salary schemes and job security / job for life means each saver is on their own when it comes to shuffling around their pension pot between supplier.

Edited by The Joker
Added more on older generation's reasons for voting out.
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There are more complex reasons that our pensions will be worth less (if not worthless), such as that we've gone through very turbulent economic times since ooh, the year 2000 (when I first started saving for my pension!) and the lack of final salary schemes and job security / job for life means each saver is on their own when it comes to shuffling around their pension pot between supplier.[/color]


So you subscribe then the new western model that since globalisation is unstoppable that we just keep adding more and more people to pay for our pensions [us, in other words]? That's the way all rich countries are heading. It's probably inevitable, I accept that anyway - but, doesn't mean I encourage it by voting for something that is promoting it. It's just another one of the unsustainable aspects of capitalism, and I won't vote for it.

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Hi Tim, back again to bring up more strawmans.


It's becoming a habit.


I think you'll find that I've complained about this since 2005, and haven't disappeared, because at no point have I seen a reverse in this.


Strawman huh, how about you check out when the real wages actually folded. It was 3 to 4 years after 2005. So what you are saying is, you are always going to be complaining and if people disagree you will call strawman on them. Good going Ash, real good strategy to ensure you are always right.

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Wrong, you are so wrong.


The old biddies wanted out 'cos their pensions are safe & secure and they wanted to stick two fingers up to Johnny Foreigner.


It's our generations' pensions that are gonna be worthless by the time we retire (assuming the Tories haven't raised the pension age to 85 first).


As an old biddy (late 60's, female ,annoying and interfering - the definition applies to women - not men) I voted remain and have no problem with Johnny Foreigners. One reason we have a good pension is because we put more money into a private pension because we didn't want to live on a state pension. Yes, we went without to save and we are working class. I am sorry that younger people (I have grown up children and grandchildren) have worse prospects than we had but it really isn't my fault. Perhaps if more of the younger generation had actually bothered to vote the result would be different.

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What you are saying is that you don't know what's gonna happen, so you risk ruining our fragile economy anyway.


And what have I seen so far? Computer component prices rising by 10%, within days of the vote.


That £17,000 backup solution I had requested in my IT budget is now nearer £19,000.


Do you think I'm gonna absorb that cost and say hey ho, that's democracy in action?


As a tight-fisted Yorkshireman, I think not.


And if others do the same, then what?


Nobody spends money and the economy grinds to a halt.


I ask you again kidley, you don't know what's gonna happen either, so why risk it?




Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it :)


Unfortunately, there's only room for one clown in her ministerial cabinet, and she picked him as the Foreign Secretary.


So at least you admit to being a clown, now tell us why we should believe anything you say, them big shoes are tripping you up.

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