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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Lack of linguistic aptitude of the staff, family circumstances, financial circumstances <etc>.


I now have the exact same issue with some of my staff. And I very much doubt I'm alone.


Unlike my menhir-carting friend here, I (and the said staff) have the luxury of a bit of time though, so I might be able save mine's jobs yet. Depends how the next 2 years turn out, so they'll be on tenter hooks, and there's not much at all I can do about it (all in hands of UK negotiators). No promises though, business is business.


Simple question/issue: I can move, with my job, anywhere in the EU tomorrow (english, french or german-speaking) and set up shop. Can you? (Or e.g. Your kids, if you're retired/have any)


I could not move because I could not afford it but if my kids wanted to move I cant see a reason why they couldn't

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The under 40s remain crew who are chucking their dummy's out need to stop whinging and talking crap.

I havnt got no gold plated pension, nor did I get easy entry onto a degree course and I'm 44.

We live in a democracy and the democracy has spoken.......


Spot on Mafya :thumbsup:

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Radio Sheffield this morning, and Radio 4 this afternoon, with soundbites from a non-too-bright Doncastrian and poverty-stricken Welsh woman respectively.


Both voted Leave despite Donny and Walesy being net beneficiaries of EU funding. "We can go it alone" say Welshy.


Yes, of course you can, because a London-centric Tory government is falling over itself to give you billions in grants, isn't it :roll:


Totally spot on. You could cast that net further to the north east too. Do they genuinely believe boris Johnson is going to ride up there with a wad of ex-eu money and save the day?

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Totally spot on. You could cast that net further to the north east too. Do they genuinely believe boris Johnson is going to ride up there with a wad of ex-eu money and save the day?


People who think life will become easy need a reality check,it won't.

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The under 40s remain crew who are chucking their dummy's out need to stop whinging and talking crap.

I havnt got no gold plated pension, nor did I get easy entry onto a degree course and I'm 44.

We live in a democracy and the democracy has spoken.......


Eid Mubarak is a long way away, isn't it? You do realise you are affirming lots of anti-immigrant sentiment in general, right?


The younger generation wants none of this, well most anyway. I hope your vote was not detrimental to immigrants (or perceived immigrants!) throughout the country, because if it is, it will hurt both of us.

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its really not suddenly going to be a bed of roses, at best its going to be exactly the same.


Or we could have a really bad recession, like in Greece, but nevermind, we'll get a bailout......................... Oh, Hang on

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its really not suddenly going to be a bed of roses, at best its going to be exactly the same.


I think will be worse for a while.


Don't get me wrong, I hope it's not. Tinfoilhat inc has battened down the hatches but we are susceptible to the waves of the economy as any other small business connected to the leisure industry. I can't up sticks to Germany or wherever so I'll have to hunker down like the everyone else.


Right or not, the people have spoken.

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Or we could have a really bad recession, like in Greece, but nevermind, we'll get a bailout......................... Oh, Hang on


We did have a really bad recession in 2008. It's been over for quite some time now here. Strangely enough not over yet in Greece. I'm sure that has nothing to do with the single currency. Nor do the problems in Spain, Portugal and Italy. It'll surely be some kind of mad coincidence.

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Good point, all the improvements in the UK in the last 40 years have allowed us all to have our own home and nice things if we want them. Why risk all that with a massive change and a journey into the unknown?
...........Oh c'mon, all life's a journey into the unknown,at least for people with something about themselves!..........you can give yourself much more than the "EU" if only you knew it!
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