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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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THAT was my very first thought this morning when I saw Farage on the telly lol

my first utterance this morning to the mrs was


wakey wakey

we're out

I want to slap Nigel Farages smug face.


apparently the last bit is what the 19 year old neice from Bolton put on twitter today too lol, glad to see theres still some humility in the world.

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Totally spot on. You could cast that net further to the north east too. Do they genuinely believe boris Johnson is going to ride up there with a wad of ex-eu money and save the day?


Indeed, equally as incongruous are the impoverished Brexiteer morons who voted 'leave' 'for their kids'..the tw**** never bothered to ask their kids what they want, they voted overwhelming to 'stay'. Thank God for our youth, they're not intimidated by a few swarthy foreigners who eat pickled cabbage.

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A couple of twitter users have summarised today perfectly for all the under 40s who voted massively in favour of remain -


"A generation given everything: free education, golden pensions, social mobility, have voted to strip my generation’s future"


"We've lost our future because you wanted to re-live your romanticised past"




It can also be summarised for all those under 59 who have been denied a vote, since the mid 1970's, on whether they wanted to remain in the EU.


Career politicians, in both this country and Europe, have for decades denied the public a say on Europe.


The result yesterday showed why they did not want the public to have a say. They knew what the answer would be and they did not like the answer.


Those who supposedly 're-lived our romanticised past' yesterday were once the teenagers, twenty and thirty somethings who were denied a say on something that year on year had an ever increasing impact on our lives.

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Surely they deserve to be included in the Brexit process. After that, I expect them to dissolve unless the UK does something nutty like joining EFTA.


Deserve? The referendum was to stop Conservative in-fighting. What right do they have to do anything? They only have one MP.


They can re-write their manifesto and let the electorate decide how much part they play.


They have already said they will not spend £350m a week on the NHS.

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Well now the kids are going to have to play with the grownups as a sovereign nation and make their own way in a very big wide world. Not an EU paddling pool full of ****. They will thank us for it in time.

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Those who supposedly 're-lived our romanticised past' yesterday were once the teenagers, twenty and thirty somethings who were denied a say on something that year on year had an ever increasing impact on our lives.


trouble is now, its the 16 17 year olds who have to live with the consequences and they werent even allowed to vote as apparently it was too expensive to sort out Oo

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Indeed, equally as incongruous are the impoverished Brexiteer morons who voted 'leave' 'for their kids'..the tw**** never bothered to ask their kids what they want, they voted overwhelming to 'stay'. Thank God for our youth, they're not intimidated by a few swarthy foreigners who eat pickled cabbage.


Maybe those 'Brexiteer morons' wanted a bit of their country back ?


Nice to have you back BF !


---------- Post added 24-06-2016 at 20:28 ----------


trouble is now, its the 16 17 year olds who have to live with the consequences and they werent even allowed to vote as apparently it was too expensive to sort out Oo


What does a 16-17yr old kid know about voting in or out of the EU ?

Behave yourself

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but not ALL or even most Euro countries so you need to look at the underlying factors of why they still suffered more, when others didnt, i dont think it can purely be down to the Euro


Quite right. The EURO denies a nation many of the tools required to deal with these problems. They're basically going into battle unarmed. Being in the EURO doesn't so much get you into trouble as it does prevent you getting out of it. You still have to get yourself into trouble.

Edited by unbeliever
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well people who voted the PM in have also voted out of the EU.

Cameron jumps ship away from the people who voted him in.Well he`s not worth staying in is he?

Other MP`s stating that the british public are wrong.

How dare they?

The public are always right in these situations.

I for one don`t trust what we have voted for!!

I think the do gooders(MP`S) will bring rules in that still allows Immigration into the UK regardless of what the public want!!

The true fact of this referendum was Immigration based hence areas with most immigration had the biggest percentage votes to leave.ie Boston/Rotherham etc etc

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Indeed, equally as incongruous are the impoverished Brexiteer morons who voted 'leave' 'for their kids'..the tw**** never bothered to ask their kids what they want, they voted overwhelming to 'stay'. Thank God for our youth, they're not intimidated by a few swarthy foreigners who eat pickled cabbage.


I'll miss the two polish girls in my chippy :(

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