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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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The EU Commissioner in charge of competition policy Margrethe Vestager summed up the rules earlier this year.She said: "EU countries and the Commission have put in place strict safeguards against state aid to rescue and restructure steel companies in difficulty


The same Tories that blocked the saving of UK steel? What about the EU?

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I voted leave because I think we will be better off outside the EU. I have 2 young daughters. I voted leave because I think they will be better off outside the EU too.


Fair enough. I have several older children, and they are becoming old enough to be politically aware. Like I said they are genuinely angry that the older generations don't seem to have considered them.


Thinking back the future of younger generations was never really mentioned by either campaign. Both campaigns were dominated by tory-on-tory civil war.


It just adds to the challenge. Somehow the outcome has to undo decades of failed post-industrial policy, and also offer hope for the vast majority of younger people who did not want to leave. It also has to hold the UK intact and prevent serious economic damage.


It's the greatest political challenge ever.

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The EU Commissioner in charge of competition policy Margrethe Vestager summed up the rules earlier this year.She said: "EU countries and the Commission have put in place strict safeguards against state aid to rescue and restructure steel companies in difficulty


The same Tories that blocked the saving of UK steel? What about the EU?


That EU wanted to increase tariffs against Chinese dumped steel. It was Sajid Javid, Tory, who blocked that, on his own. Because that is how inefficient the EU democratic process is. The kicker is, you are now at the hands of that Tory government... except it won't be the PM that the people voted in, it will be an unelected cabinet that does as the new puppy-king says.


Enjoy your democracy and sovereignty, don't come back bitching. You wanted out, you get the full blast of Tory/Labour each time you have a general election (or each time a PM decides he has had enough.)


PS - the same damned company, Tata, is happy to continue trading in the Netherlands, which, in case it is lost on you, is in the EU.

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The irony is that NO END of people I know voted "out" and are on benefits.


Talk about Turkeys Voting for Christmas LOL


Wait till the fools see the "emergency budget"...... Which is another thing....


Why is it ANOTHER emergency, especially as how things will be so good after Brexit?



Surely we should be all in clover now.


As I said the leavers now have to transform the lives of those people. That is what has been promised. Plus a better funded NHS, less immigrants, a stronger economy etc...


I hope it works out.

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..........surely got enough of those already!


Just wait till the border control moves from Calais to Dover mossdog and we see kids floating face down in the English Channel. Sadly I believe some of the Leave Brigade would happily man gun turrets on the south coast taking pot shots at desperate people.

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I think dismissing the choices of others is unwise.


You can be annoyed or happy about the outcome, but you have to respect the fact the 16m do not want to leave the EU. Most people on here on the remain side have been accepting of the result and most on the leave side have been very civil in their tone.


Let's keep it that way because now the vote has happened we all need to work together to get the best out of this we can.


Apologies - the 16m not voting wisely was said tongue firmly in cheek.


But dismissing the choice of voters has been happening all day, admittedly not much on here by the looks of it.


Those who voted out are not illiterate, uneducated, racist, bigots, lower working class as they have frequently been betrayed by the losers today.


Perhaps in the future they should make us concoct a correctly punctuated sentence, rather than merely having to put a pencil cross in a box?


They even tried to confuse us by putting the out box at the bottom of the ballot paper. Perhaps they were hoping 'outers' attention span would begin to wane by the time they got towards the bottom of the sheet.......

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It seems to me that the remain camp is comprised mainly of those who are displeased with the fact that they're finding it difficult to get certain things they want implemented in the normal democratic way, ie, put it in a manifesto and campaign on it, so they rely on the EU to impose it instead. Its a dispicably crafty and undemocratic way to go on, and they have the cheek to paint themselves as the good guys!

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