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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Jersey, east Lincolnshire and Hull.


It will be a sad state of affairs if we use the People of Gibralter as pawns for Brexit negotiations.


They have a bridge. It's called Referendum Bridge. It celebrates the result of a referendum on continued British sovereignty. Only 44 people voted against it.


At any one time there are 18 lorries on the road from the UK to keep Gibralter's Morrison's stocked.


They are more British than we are!

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Should Gibraltar be given to Spain?
Nothing the UK hasn't done before, e.g. with Hong Kong.


And probably the best sweetener going, for getting the Spaniards onside about the Brexit deal.

It will be a sad state of affairs if we use the People of Gibralter as pawns for Brexit negotiations.
Has May demonstrated any aversion to using British emigrants as pawns? EU immigrants?


Nope, she (or was it the ever-delectable Fox) even came clean about it the other week.


And lest ye all forget...long-term British expatriates were barred from voting in the referendum.

Edited by L00b
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It will be a sad state of affairs if we use the People of Gibralter as pawns for Brexit negotiations.


They have a bridge. It's called Referendum Bridge. It celebrates the result of a referendum on continued British sovereignty. Only 44 people voted against it.


At any one time there are 18 lorries on the road from the UK to keep Gibralter's Morrison's stocked.


They are more British than we are!


Once article 50 has been fired and we've still had another decade of negotiations going nowhere something, somewhere will have to give.

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Nothing the UK hasn't done before, e.g. with Hong Kong.


And probably the best sweetener going, for getting the Spaniards onside about the Brexit deal.

Has May demonstrated any aversion to using British emigrants as pawns? EU immigrants?


Nope, she (or was it the ever-delectable Fox) even came clean about it the other week.


And lest ye all forget...long-term British expatriates were barred from voting in the referendum.


Not all emigrants live on a piece of land of strategic military value....

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Not all emigrants live on a piece of land of strategic military value....
Do you prefer to think of expatriate British residing in the EU outside Gibraltar as lesser pawns than those who do reside in Gibraltar?


Or perhaps rethink that comment?

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Nope. You can read it any way you like.
Fine with me. I can only deduct that it's "lesser pawns", then :|


Have an old quote from De Gaulle on me: "Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first".


Feel free to read it any way you like.

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Fine with me. I can only deduct that it's "lesser pawns", then :|


Have an old quote from De Gaulle on me: "Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first".


Feel free to read it any way you like.


I read it that your cynicism detector was kaput when I wrote, 'not all emigrants live on a piece of land of strategic military value...'


And remains kaput.


The ... is well known punctuation for cynicism. I learned it from Anna B.

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They have a bridge. It's called Referendum Bridge. It celebrates the result of a referendum on continued British sovereignty. Only 44 people voted against it.


In the EU referendum they voted 95.5% to stay in the EU.


They cannot be part of Britain and part of the EU, so which referendum to obey?


For ease of daily life, having Gibraltar as a semi-autonomous region of Spain may be a better route forward than as an outpost of Little England.


If Gibraltar remains with us and Britain withdraws from the single market and customs union, will that create an intolerable situation at the Gibraltar/Spain border as everything crossing it becomes subject to customs checks and tariffs?

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In the EU referendum they voted 95.5% to stay in the EU.


They cannot be part of Britain and part of the EU, so which referendum to obey?


For ease of daily life, having Gibraltar as a semi-autonomous region of Spain may be a better route forward than as an outpost of Little England.


If Gibraltar remains with us and Britain withdraws from the single market and customs union, will that create an intolerable situation at the Gibraltar/Spain border as everything crossing it becomes subject to customs checks and tariffs?


The last referendum didn't ask them if they wanted to remain under British sovereignty or stay in the EU as Spaniards did it? That's a straw man if ever I saw one. As stated, they aren't in Schengen so there is already a border control. You didn't know that did you? You do now.


Why will the situation become intolerable? Have you ever driven from Germany into Switzerland or vice versa? Marvel at the trucks lined up there. They cope.

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