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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Just wait till the border control moves from Calais to Dover mossdog and we see kids floating face down in the English Channel. Sadly I believe some of the Leave Brigade would happily man gun turrets on the south coast taking pot shots at desperate people.


people have already been crossing the channel in inflatable boats brought in by people traffickers.

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This is the irony. The poor have handed a mandate to people who have shown little inclination to help them.


The idea that leaving the EU gives working class people control over their lives is daft. Not that being in the EU gives them control either, but the whole Leave project has been run by the people who have spent the last 40 years actively attacking and dismantling the organisations that gave working class people some power and control in the first place. When has the political establishment ever gone out of its way to empower working class people? Never.

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So because we'll all be dying in the future we shouldn't have a vote?


Its one person one vote, young or old, black or white, rich or poor, gay or straight, male or female, Labour or Tory.


People have died in this country in the past so that we can have the right to vote; it does not mean the vote should be used wisely as the 16m who voted remain showed us yesterday.


erm show me where i said you shouldnt have a vote?

the point was


those that will live with the consequences LONGER didnt get to choose


now i know why leave won, it really IS filled with <removing> idiots, who cant read...or think

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Congratulations for all the Leave voters. Let's hope you get what you want.


Because what I didn't want is already happening. The pound crashes to its lowest point since Thatcher, the Nikkei lost 7% in a few hours, the Future options on the European markets point to at least a similar loss just on opening this morning. Who knows where it will end.


So let's keep track of the consequences in this thread.


Apparently it`s going to more problematic to travel within Europe when we actually leave. I was listening to R5 and they were saying that if you`re from N Ireland you are automatically entitled to an Irish passport. They went on to say there`s been a large increase in people applying for Irish passports ! I`d do the same !

Also, apparently, they`ll be reintroducing limits to alcohol and tobacco etc that is bought abroad, do you remember all that ? ! ?

They also reckoned there may be increases in flight tickets etc, no more EU "open skys" remember.

Scotland may want a referendum rerun now, to be fair they did say they`d want one if the UK left the EU immediately after the first independence referendum.

I'm certain that if the referendum was rerun tomorrow (without backdated postal votes) the result would be the other way. Remember the percentages wouldn`t have to alter much anyway.

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I voted leave because I think we will be better off outside the EU. I have 2 young daughters. I voted leave because I think they will be better off outside the EU too.

how can you feel better off outside? NOBODY knows what will happen...at all

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Fair enough. I have several older children, and they are becoming old enough to be politically aware. Like I said they are genuinely angry that the older generations don't seem to have considered them.


Apparently I am racist and selfish according to my daughter's social media posts. I'm still got a few years before retirement, so I expect I can become more racist and selfish as I get older.


Or, maybe some people just don't like democracy when they don't agree with the result.


Besides, It's quite well researched that people have a heightened sense of responsibility towards future generations as they in turn become more aware of their mortality.


If they don't think that the older generation has considered them, then rest assured that is their perception and not the older generation's.


Most of our laws and cultural norms are a result of years of debate by people that pushed off this mortal coil years ago, the selfish bar stewards.

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erm show me where i said you shouldnt have a vote?

the point was


those that will live with the consequences LONGER didnt get to choose


now i know why leave won, it really IS filled with <removing> idiots, who cant read...or think


To be frank, it may sound insulting, but he`s partly right. Is it not a fact that the better educated were far more likely to vote to remain, whereas the less well educated were far more likely to vote to leave. Draw your own conclusions.......

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erm show me where i said you shouldnt have a vote?

the point was


those that will live with the consequences LONGER didnt get to choose


now i know why leave won, it really IS filled with <removing> idiots, who cant read...or think


dint know you were a visionary ,able to see the future . please tell us all what this country looks like 10 years from now

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