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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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PS - the same damned company, Tata, is happy to continue trading in the Netherlands, which, in case it is lost on you, is in the EU.


For now it is.......


For now is better than for yesterday, isn't it? Tata is dumping its business here, it isn't in the EU. Presumably you voted to leave the EU on steel-industry based arguments, if you did, you are about to be in for a shock. Do you genuinely think Boris is going to give a toss about the North? All he needs to do is convince the City of London that he is not a complete idiot, you can see it in the speech he gave this morning. Good luck Gorm.


Apparently it`s going to more problematic to travel within Europe when we actually leave. I was listening to R5 and they were saying that if you`re from N Ireland you are automatically entitled to an Irish passport. They went on to say there`s been a large increase in people applying for Irish passports ! I`d do the same !

Also, apparently, they`ll be reintroducing limits to alcohol and tobacco etc that is bought abroad, do you remember all that ? ! ?

They also reckoned there may be increases in flight tickets etc, no more EU "open skys" remember.

Scotland may want a referendum rerun now, to be fair they did say they`d want one if the UK left the EU immediately after the first independence referendum.

I'm certain that if the referendum was rerun tomorrow (without backdated postal votes) the result would be the other way. Remember the percentages wouldn`t have to alter much anyway.


Pretty much agreed, although I think tomorrow is too soon. Let's say in a few months, when the new PM takes office.

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dint know you were a visionary ,able to see the future . please tell us all what this country looks like 10 years from now

i dont, i didnt say what it would look like Oo


the futures uncertain, ive never said anything other Oo

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how can you feel better off outside? NOBODY knows what will happen...at all


I feel better of outside a failing organisation the members of which have to cede their democracy and sovereignty to.


How anyone can be comfortable merely participating in the running of their country with another 27 member states is beyond me!


"pooling sovereignty" is Orwellian double speak ********!

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those that live with the consequences live longer , what if the consequences are better ? and whats with the Oo ?

consequences are consequences, neither positive or negative surely???


the point was...........again


the kids are the ones that will live their whole lives through whatever happens from now....longer than us, yet they dont get a choice in the matter



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I feel better of outside a failing organisation the members of which have to cede their democracy and sovereignty to.


How anyone can be comfortable merely participating in the running of their country with another 27 member states is beyond me!


"pooling sovereignty" is Orwellian double speak ********!


hallelujah :)

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