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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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A tariff is essential a tax on a "foreigner" selling their wares in the UK.

If there's no domestic competition then they can simply pass on the cost to the customer. This will be exceptional. Mostly they'll have to absorb the cost or their products won't sell.

I'd prefer free trade, but an average 2% tax on EU businesses selling into the UK does in principle make us rather a lot of money. The EU governments will of course impose a similar tax on us, but we export to them a lot less than we import from them and our exports are biased toward services which are tariff free under WTO rules.


But you need that export to grow significantly to safe the pound.

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The "leap in the dark based on a gut feeling".


I wrote it in full in the other thread. I'm not repeating it all. I was quoting tinfoil anyway, if he wants to question it, then I can link my posts quite easily.


I wasn't thinking about a bus, I was thinking/and am thinking far more about it than almost any person, and have been writing my political beliefs in here and other forums for years.


Also posting a link when the headline says 'it COULD mean' seems a bit odd when criticizing gut feelings.


Let's see what happens. I predicted that the economy would initially be unstable - correct so far. That remainers would demonise leavers - correct. And that the EU would collapse - have 9and half years yet to write correct on that one :)

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once we're outside the club, we get no say in how the club runs, and we negotiate with the club from a massive disadvantageous position.


This is a big benefit of Brexit. No longer will the EU have to put up with Britain being "half in, half out"; with Britain proposing the nasty legislation then "policy laundering" it by saying it came from the EU; with Britain using its veto to hamper progress.


The EU will be free to get on with a progressive agenda.


And no more Nigel Farage.

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I wrote enough in the EU ref debate tin.


Just looking through it, everything is as I said so far. It showed all the remain lies too, things that have been brushed under the carpet because it's more fun to keep bringing the bus into it. Things like a vote for OUT is a vote for IDS Gove and BJ running the country. A vote for out will mean the end of the NHS. etc. A vote for OUT will mean every adult will be £4500 worse off - which though we aren't out yet before someone writes it, was later exposed as a lie.


Amusing this one




Probably the main reason, was based on my belief that the EU collapsing in the future (within 10 years). I predicted that the economy would suffer initially, and when it collapses the whole world will be in trouble. However, with a few years of independence from it will leave us better off than others. Also that we would fair better if we make a combined deal with the main EU countries (with similar economies to ours).


Thank you ash. The remain campaign was full of lies, no doubt about that at all and I think that's what's cost us. What have you seen though that our country can, was and will be well led to steer us through these stormy waters? I know unbeliever thinks the same - I don't know what you've seen. I've just seen incompetence. I think if you ask most small business people, governments of all colours just get in the way.

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This is a big benefit of Brexit. No longer will the EU have to put up with Britain being "half in, half out"; with Britain proposing the nasty legislation then "policy laundering" it by saying it came from the EU; with Britain using its veto to hamper progress.


The EU will be free to get on with a progressive agenda.


And no more Nigel Farage.


So the EU will benefit. That doesn't help us as our economy crashes, we lose reserve currency status, banks leave London and we gradually regress to have the influence on world politics that a small island with 66 million people should have, instead of the current advantages we currently have.


---------- Post added 15-10-2016 at 13:55 ----------


Thank you ash. The remain campaign was full of lies, no doubt about that at all and I think that's what's cost us. What have you seen though that our country can, was and will be well led to steer us through these stormy waters? I know unbeliever thinks the same - I don't know what you've seen. I've just seen incompetence. I think if you ask most small business people, governments of all colours just get in the way.


If remain was full of lies, then leave must have been run by satan himself.


---------- Post added 15-10-2016 at 13:58 ----------


Oh, and don't forget "fomenting the breakup of the UK itself", as it's looking more likely that Scotland will hold another referendum, and this time I think they'll vote to leave.

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So the EU will benefit. That doesn't help us as our economy crashes, we lose reserve currency status, banks leave London and we gradually regress to have the influence on world politics that a small island with 66 million people should have, instead of the current advantages we currently have.


---------- Post added 15-10-2016 at 13:55 ----------



If remain was full of lies, then leave must have been run by satan himself.


The whole campaign was the worst in this country by a mile. We are, rightly, highlighting the current shower of crap accross the pond but the referendum campaign from both sides was an embarrassment.

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Average of 2% under current WTO rules. Just had a 2.5% increase in VAT across almost everything (not just imports/exports). Dangerous madness my a£$@.


It's amazing how flippant people can be. You can't seriously believe we can abandon free trade with 80 countries overnight (plus preferential deals and negotiations with most of the rest of the word), adopt WTO rules with the tariffs that requires and everything will all just be smooth and trouble free.


The fact is that with the WTO rules in place plus an indeterminate period (possibly decades) spent negotiating with every country in the world individually, for a long time we will be the advanced economy with the least free trade with the rest of the world. Nobody told the electorate this.


The average tariffs for Norway, Iceland, Switzerland varies between 5.5% and 8%. Not 2%. And they are integrated with the single market. As you know we won't be. We're walking away. It will be much worse for us. Nobody in the EU is going to let the UK get a better deal.


Like I said, dangerous game.

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I wrote enough in the EU ref debate tin.


Just looking through it, everything is as I said so far. It showed all the remain lies too, things that have been brushed under the carpet because it's more fun to keep bringing the bus into it. Things like a vote for OUT is a vote for IDS Gove and BJ running the country. A vote for out will mean the end of the NHS. etc. A vote for OUT will mean every adult will be £4500 worse off - which though we aren't out yet before someone writes it, was later exposed as a lie.


Amusing this one




Probably the main reason, was based on my belief that the EU collapsing in the future (within 10 years). I predicted that the economy would suffer initially, and when it collapses the whole world will be in trouble. However, with a few years of independence from it will leave us better off than others. Also that we would fair better if we make a combined deal with the main EU countries (with similar economies to ours).


Hardly anyone voted for the Brexiteers to run the country, but, sadly, almost incredibly, that is actually what`s happening.....

I would agree that the UK leaving the EU may weaken it, but, unlike you, I think that`s a very bad thing, and even worse if it actually does break up.

Edited by Justin Smith
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