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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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These 450,000 jobs do not need glossing over. It's a prediction not a fact. It's also couched in a lot of qualification, so that it can't be proven wrong or contradicted.

The rest of this post is very enthusiastic scare-mongering which I think you'll find most people are immune to after the remainian project fear failed.


And as I've stated before, the Sterling fall is being exaggerated by the very strong USD. Comparing it with the USD or any currency pegged or bound to the USD is very misleading.

Against the Euro we're down 6% over the month actually slightly up over the week.

Since the week of the referendum we're down about 11% against the Euro.


Now none of this is great, but "massive crisis" is just silly.


Can you try and discuss this without usng terms such as remoaner and remainian. It kind of cheapens your arguments.


I'm not posting my arguments because I'm scaremongering. This stuff is really happening. Everything indicates we are in economic crisis. Early stages maybe but it's real and with every week it is going to get worse. Guaranteed.

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But I guess at the very least you are implicitly admitting that the result created a crisis on a par with the post-2008 aftershocks. Have a think about that.


Not admitting anything just pointing out your scare tactic mistakes in assuming that it is 25 years of money lost when nothing has been lost.

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Its triggered by people with money speculating and trading in currencies because the don't like the outcome of the vote.


That would only be true if the strength of the pound was solely a result of speculative trading. It isn't.


Make no mistake, the strength of our currency is a reflection of the level of confidence in our economy. Speculative trading is s sideshow.


---------- Post added 16-10-2016 at 15:41 ----------


Not admitting anything just pointing out your scare tactic mistakes in assuming that it is 25 years of money lost when nothing has been lost.


Of course if is. In the long term all the QE will translate into inflationary pressure in the economy.


Adding more QE just means that day of reckoning will be even worse.


Using previous QE as an excuse for adding more QE because of Brexit is pretty poor. T

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Its triggered by people with money speculating and trading in currencies because the don't like the outcome of the vote.


And they don't like the outcome of the vote because they are worried about where it may lead. It is no coincidence that every time Hard Brexit gets a step closer the pound takes a pummelling. But hey, it is of course the fault of the speculators, nothing to do with the already laid out impact of leaving the single market, after all, speculators just click buttons, it's not like they are educated or anything.

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That would only be true if the strength of the pound was solely a result of speculative trading. It isn't.


Make no mistake, the strength of our currency is a reflection of the level of confidence in our economy. Speculative trading is s sideshow.


And who are the people who have no confidence in the state of the economy.. the very same people who are speculating. As pointed out before a suspected rouge trader caused the pound to plummet several days ago. Was it because the person had no confidence in the economy or was it to make a quick buck.


Is it a coincidence that London is one of the biggest financial traders in the world and is also the biggest holder and trader of the euro?


---------- Post added 16-10-2016 at 15:50 ----------


Using previous QE as an excuse for adding more QE because of Brexit is pretty poor. T


I think you will find that I never made that excuse. :)

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Can you try and discuss this without usng terms such as remoaner and remainian. It kind of cheapens your arguments.


I'm not posting my arguments because I'm scaremongering. This stuff is really happening. Everything indicates we are in economic crisis. Early stages maybe but it's real and with every week it is going to get worse. Guaranteed.


I had no idea remainian was offensive. That's odd to me, but I'll try to adjust my language as I have no interest in offending people needlessly.

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I had no idea remainian was offensive. That's odd to me, but I'll try to adjust my language as I have no interest in offending people needlessly.


Just out of interest, if the sky does fall in ecomincally speaking will the leave camp claim responsibility or will the blame be palmed off to someone else?

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Its triggered by people with money speculating and trading in currencies because the don't like the outcome of the vote.


so it's all the remainers fault that the £ has plummeted against the $


Thanks for that

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Just out of interest, if the sky does fall in ecomincally speaking will the leave camp claim responsibility or will the blame be palmed off to someone else?


The man down the pub won't make the connection between his vote and the consequences.


Once the EU scapegoat is gone, immigrants will have to take all blame. If woes continue once immigrants are expunged then start on other "diffrunt people" like intellectuals and gays.

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I had no idea remainian was offensive. That's odd to me, but I'll try to adjust my language as I have no interest in offending people needlessly.


I didn't say it was offensive. I said it cheapens your arguments. I like discussing stuff with you but let's not do it as if we're in a playground.


---------- Post added 16-10-2016 at 17:56 ----------


The man down the pub won't make the connection between his vote and the consequences.


Once the EU scapegoat is gone, immigrants will have to take all blame. If woes continue once immigrants are expunged then start on other "diffrunt people" like intellectuals and gays.


The immigrants have already been taking the blame. People have been abusing, attacking and in some cases killing migrant workers.


The Tories have been on the attack against gay people for a long time. Thankfully that is changing. Cameron's reforms were one of the things he can be most proud of and the party now is a place where people can come out without the same fears as say ten years ago. Long may that continue.


Vulnerable groups like the disabled and the poor have already been the focus of attacks for years, relentlessly so from the media and the government.


We're already seeing the attacks on what is being described as a metropolitan elite. The 48% are being categorised as part of that elite. As Farage has said the 48% are not like the 52%. We're not normal, decent people apparently. We're traitors who must be silenced.


Right wing populists are running out of people to blame. Remainers are definitely next and it'll be the most dangerous move yet. This isn't a minority group like the others that have been attacked. It's not 5% or 7% of the population. It's the 35% of the electorate who voted to remain.

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