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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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I think the EU in time will cease to exist the idea behide the EU was great keep the peace in Europe trading together using the Euro so much was promised. The reality was each member wanted to do things in their own way seldom was their any room for negotiation due to rules on this and that on trade or government policy that paved the way for parties like UKIP to gain popularity for us Brexit was the result which could lead to the EU breaking apart over time .

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I have never said Or claimed I'm an expert on the EU have I?

I Don't want to be a part of it and I'm willing to suffer the consequences of brexit.

You and other remainers are welcome to go and live in Europe if you love it so much.


The EU has grown into something that most people in Britain don't want, you and other remainers can argue against brexit till the cows come home and it won't change a thing so please stop going on about the negatives and instead focus on what positives can be gained from brexit.

My money is valued at 20% less than what it was before brexit but you don't see me moaning on here about it.

The remainers are the ones who are talking the country down and it needs to stop.




We already live in Europe...


After one sentence you lose credibility. The next of your quotes was another example of it but just slightly less crass.


It's just typical on here of nit-picking when you know exactly what they mean.


---------- Post added 16-10-2016 at 22:11 ----------



Unlike you're ability to quote. :roll:


And another one. No different from Litotes.

Edited by *_ash_*
made clearer
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The EU minsters have said they will make an example of Britain for brexit and said it will be a hard brexit so they are going to punish Britain= https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/oct/13/its-hard-brexit-or-no-brexit-at-all-says-eu-council-president

It's hard brexit or no brexit say the EU bully boys^^



you fail to mention that most of this was in response to what government ministers said at the conservative party conference.


in particular, the home secretary's desire to make lists of foreign workers which at one point were going to be publicly available but are now going to be secret seems to have hardened attitudes to us.


that sort of stuff may fulfill some sort of masturbatory fanatasy amongst the conservative and ukip types but it really doesnt impress the people who we will be negotiating with.


The remainers are the ones who are talking the country down and it needs to stop.


all we're doing is pointing out what, at present, appears inevitable. maybe, hopefully the government will see sense and start to talk sensibly that some compromise is necessary with the EU in order to preserve the economy and other cooperation with europe.


pretending that our current path is going to lead to some happy place where the streets are paved with diamonds is just delusional.


---------- Post added 16-10-2016 at 22:41 ----------


If any of France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands etc. have a referendum and vote out, it will be the start of the collapse, (or perhaps a combination of countries like Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Spain, Portugal).


not sure about that, the weaker economies will suffer far worse that ours is should they vote to leave the EU plus any euro nation will have to return to it's own currency and that will bring an additional layer of pain.


had we remained in the eu and it started to collapse we would have been in a position to help rescue something from the ruins. now if we interfere it will just look like we're gloating and make matters worse.

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And you lost all credibility when you voted for something not one of you has a clue about, well done :hihi: , at least the remainers knew what they where voting for. Gaz and Leccy spring to mind.


Sad really. I'd recommend Facebook or Twitter for you to post in and generalise.


And you lost all credibility when you voted for something not one of you has a clue about, well done :hihi: , at least the remainers knew what they where voting for. Gaz and Leccy spring to mind.


Very funny. You should write it up as comedy.

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Originally Posted by Justin Smith :


Hardly anyone voted for the Brexiteers to run the country, but, sadly, almost incredibly, that is actually what`s happening.....

I would agree that the UK leaving the EU may weaken it, but, unlike you, I think that`s a very bad thing, and even worse if it actually does break up.


Once again, just writing what you want putting words in people's mouths :rolleyes:


I didn't state my opinion on whether it would be a good thing or a bad thing if it collapsed (though obviously bad globally when it happens), I just said I thought/still think it would collapse, and I think we'll be in a better position than other countries if we have some years out of it first.


Sorry for the breakdown in communication.

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then we shall have self government again and we can take control of and responsibility for our own destiny as a nation. I think there's value in that power even if you don't make huge changes in what you would otherwise have done.


except self government is an illusion, any trade deal worth making will result in us sacrificing some degree of control since we have to commit to the binding decision of a tribunal in the event of a dispute.


if you really want control of our own destiny then you should be arguing for us to leave the un, nato, wto and renege on every international treaty commitment we have ever made.

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I think the vast majority of remainers accept the result, we just don't like it!


That depends what you mean by "accept the result". As I`ve said before I accept that on the 23rd of June 2016, after the most dishonest political campaign I can ever remember, Leave got marginally more votes than Remain. I do not accept that it would necessarily be the same result were the vote to be rerun in 6 months time, one years time, or 5 years time. The last time period being the most significant. We hold General Elections every 5 years, and we don`t say "that`s undemocratic, the public have no right to change their minds".......

Edited by Justin Smith
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I'm getting a little fed up with the remoaners trying to claim that the predictions of economic catastrophe pertained to actual Brexit and not the vote itself.




I'm getting a little fed up of being villified for daring not to agree. For not being a good sport and sucking it up and paying for all the pie in the sky stuff that people want. I'm getting sick of having my moved curtailed by such people and then having my patriotism attacked for daring to want to travel outside of the EU. As for my traitorous move to the EU itself I've got people not even talking to me any more because of that.


And all you are getting fed up with is people not beleiveing your strawman about when economic catastrophy would bite? Everyone I every heard talking about it made it clear that the real problems would be after Brexit so where they h*ll you get after the vote from I don't know.


Then theres the purile "remoaners" comment. I thought you were better than that. I actually used to care about your arguments but this?


You've no argument. You've nothing. You've no comeback at all and are resorting to the tactics of the usual bottom feeding forum scud that comes on here. I thought you were better than that. Hell I even defended you against people who accused you of that sort of thing.


No more. You've nothing left to say it seems of any value.

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