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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Sorry? I was off doing something else.

These is exactly where we were a couple of days ago. I highlighted energy policy and agricultural subsidies. We exchanged links and comments for a while with me trying to justify my dislike of EU energy policy. Do we need to go through it all again?


So you'd like to go back to being a really big polluter then?

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There was a very long term decline in fish stocks due to overfishing.

At the time when action was urgently needed to reverse this trend, the fishing waters around Europe were collectivised and handled by the EEC (later the EU). A 40 year policy of tradable quotas, created a very complicated sharing scheme for European fisherman, and crucially led directly to the pointless dumping of absolutely masses of dead fish back into the sea. This meant that not only were fish stocks being depleted just as they were without controls, but also that the fisherman found it increasingly hard to make a living as this ridiculous non-solution meant that fish were killed but not sold.

Basically the EU exacerbated a problem that they were brought in to solve and then sat on it exacerbating it further and further and further literally for decades, refusing to change policy so as to actually start sorting it out.

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So you'd like to go back to being a really big polluter then?



No. we've been though this. There are clean alternative and there are low co2 alternatives. Renewables are a dead end and to mandate them at the European level is lunacy.

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